My personal mac os settings and tools
First of all install command line tools and rosetta.
Install brew
To generate the dump: brew bundle dump
To install from the bundle: brew bundle install
Execute the following:
echo "pinentry-program $(which pinentry-mac)" >> ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf
gpg-connect-agent reloadagent /bye
Install Fisher
Run fisher update
- Install codicon font
- Clone .tmux into ~ directory.
- Install NeoVim.
- Open NeoVim (lazy.nvim should auto install itself and the plugins)
- Run
:checkhealth mason
for the list of dependencies from mason to install lsp servers and tools
- Run
Install sdkman, rustup and run nvm install node
- bindgen-cli
- cargo-bundle
- cargo-deny
- cargo-edit
- cargo-expand
- cargo-generate
- cargo-license
- cargo-make
- cargo-nextest
- cargo-tree
- cargo-update
- cargo-watch
- diffr
- flamegraph
- git-cliff
- miri
- rust-code-analysis-cli
- rust-script
- rusty-man (--locked)
- silicon
- stylua
- wasm-pack
- websocat
- typescript
- typings
- vsce
- yarn
- eslint
- eslint_d
- tslint
- write-good
- fixjson
- 1Blocker
- Duplicate!
- Instapaper
- 1Password
- JSON Peep
- Polyglot
- Meeter
- GameTrack
- EurKey
- MarkText (cask) or Marxico
- Dash
- ngrok (cask)
- If ssh doesn't work with the yubikey connected, run
gpg --card-status
andssh-add -L
. Both must work otherwise something is wrong. Check environment vars for theSSH_AUTH_SOCK
. ykman oath accounts code -s "SEARCH_QUERY"
returns the 2FA from the service queried in the yubikey.- Create a file in the home with the name
and call in itset -xU VAR_NAME VAR_VAULE
to set secret values in fish env. - Copy the file