A Digital Lab for the co-Design, co-Development and co-Evaluation of Digital Learning Games
Install fresh postgresql in docker
docker run -d -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_DB=colab -e POSTGRES_USER=colab -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<YOUR_SECRET_PASSWORD> --name colab_postgres -d postgres:13-alpine
You may want to add --restart always
to the docker run
Setup a 2nd database for tests
echo "CREATE USER \"colab_test\" WITH PASSWORD '1234';
CREATE DATABASE \"colab_test\" OWNER \"colab_test\";" | docker exec colab_postgres psql -U colab
create en email testing tool
docker run -d --restart always -p 8025:8025 -p 1025:1025 mailhog/mailhog
run a MongoDB for file persistence. If file persistence is not needed, edit
and set the config value colab.jcr.mongodb.uri=
to an empty string.
docker run -d --restart always -p 27017:27017 --name colab_mongo mongo:4.4
- java11 & maven
- node
- yarn
Rebuild everything with :
mvn clean install
Rebuild everything but skip tests with :
mvn -DskipTests clean install
PMD and other tools may fails the build. You may want to consult human-readable reports.
Regenerate maven site:
mvn -Dreporting clean -DskipTests install
mvn -Dreporting site site:stage
And open ./target/staging/index.html
Copy ./colab-webapp/default_colab.properties
to ./colab-webapp/colab.properties
and edit the colab.
Edit ./colab-webapp/colab.properties
to match
# coLAB properties
## Database
The ./colab-webapp/colab.properties
is your own configuration file and will never be committed.
So you can safely put secrets in it.
One would not mvn clean install
each time a small change is made.
Here is some hints to rebuild relevant modules only.
Simplest way to deploy the web app is to use the provided run script:
cd colab-webapp
You way have a look on run options:
./run -h
Some commands listed below require to re-deploy the app. You can do a full, complete reload by killing the ./run script and running it again.
Or you can do it the quick way: `touch colab-webapp/target/coLAB/.reload'
When changes are made to the data model, the database must be updated to reflect these changes.
As explained above, two databases are used:
- the first to run tests: the "colab_test" database);
- the second for live usage (local dev, prod, ...): the "colab" database.
The way in which these changes are reflected is different in each case.
The test database is automatically reset before running the tests (JPA drop-and-create strategy). Thus, all data are loss... But the database structure is up-to-date regarding the datamodel.
Data loss is not an option for the live database. Thus, database must be thoroughly migrated to reflect the JPA model.
Such refactors are defined with the help of LiquiBase. They are applied during the deploymenet of the webapp. They're stored in the colab-api/src/main/resources/META-INF/dbchangelogs/
Writing those changeLogs may be painfull. Luckily, LiquiBase ships with handy tools (dowload here) to ease writing changeLogs. We are especially interested in the diffChangeLog
This tool compute a changeLog between a database and a reference. In our case, the database is the live database, the reference is the test database. Here is an script which stores the diff changeLog in a XML file named after the current timestamp.
## The 'production' database
## The 'test' database
FILENAME=`date +"%s"`.xml
${LIQUIBASE_FOLDER}/liquibase \
--changeLogFile=${FILENAME} \
--url="jdbc:postgresql://${FROM_PG_HOST}:${FROM_PG_PORT}/${FROM_DB_NAME}" \
--username=${FROM_USER} \
--password=${FROM_PASSWORD} \
diffChangeLog \
--referenceUrl="jdbc:postgresql://${TO_PG_HOST}:${TO_PG_PORT}/${TO_DB_NAME}" \
--referencePassword=${TO_PASSWORD} \
if [[ "$?" -ne 0 ]] ; then
echo 'could not generate diff';
exit $DIFF_RC;
echo 'Sucessfull!'
echo "Please review the changeLog (${FILENAME}) then";
echo ' 1. move it to the changelogs directory: '
echo " mv ${FILENAME} colab-api/src/main/resources/META-INF/dbchangelogs/"
echo ' 2. rebuild the war'
echo ' mvn -pl colab-api,colab-webapp -DskipTests=true -DskipWebappYarn=true install'
echo ' 3. hot-deploy the app'
echo ' touch colab-webapp/target/coLAB/.reload'
exit $DIFF_RC;
- Do changes in the datamodel and re-build colab-api
- Run any test (eg.
) - Execute the diff script
- Review the changeLog
- Move it to the changelogs directory and rebuild the app
- Re-deploy
- Download liquibase CLI https://github.com/liquibase/liquibase/releases
- Liquibase Changes documentation https://docs.liquibase.com/change-types/home.html
Changing the data model is quite a big change, server, clients and webapp must be compiled:
mvn -DskipTests -pl colab-api,colab-client,colab-webapp install
re-deploy is required
REST API changes requires to compile server, clients and webapp:
mvn -DskipTests -pl colab-api,colab-client,colab-webapp install
re-deploy is required
Since the API will not change,no need to recompile clients. Moreover, there is no need to rebuild the webapp. This can be skipped by setting the skipWebappYarn property.
mvn -DskipTests -DskipWebappYarn -pl colab-api,colab-webapp install
re-deploy is required
The mvn -pl colab-webapp install
command will compile a production version of the webapp.
This is not required for local developemnt.
In this case, one would run the webpack dev-server with
cd colab-webapp/src/main/node/app
yarn start
The webapp will be available on http://localhost:3004
When using webpack-dev-server, one could add -DskipWebappYarn
to each maven command