Releases: audit4j/audit4j-core
Releases · audit4j/audit4j-core
2.5.0 Release
Audit4j Core 2.5.0 Release
Change Log:
Issues Fixed:
- Fixing Travis build break for Oracle JDK 7.
- Fixing date format issue in Simple Layout
- Fixing output file path in ZeroCopyFileWriter
Features Added:
- Object to JSON Serializer
- Pluggable serializer support
2.4.1 Release
Audit4j Core 2.4.1 Release
Change Log:
Issues Fixed:
- Resolve servlet spec file path.
- Object serializer null pointer exception.
Features Added:
- Ignore Audit Annotation for parameters and object fields.
- De Identify annotation for object fields
- Pluggable serializers including ObjectToStringSerializer and ObjectsToFieldsSerializer,
- Core performance improvement.
Along with this release following extensions are released.
- Audit4j DB extention
- Audit4j Spring integration
2.4.1-RC1 Pre Release
To test this RC please add following dependency to your pom.
2.4.0 Release
Audit4j Core 2.4.0 Release
Change Log:
Issues Fixed:
- Conflict between servlet3 and spring config.
- Metadata lookup is not working in async mode for spring security.
Features Added:
- JMX monitoring and management support.
- Separated audit trails eg: multiple db tables based on the events.
- XML Configuration support.
- Externalized configurations.
- Customized Layout
- Origin metadata interface
2.3.1 release
Audit4j Core 2.3.1 Release
Change Log:
Issues Fixed:
- Config file path invalid validation.
Features Added:
- External configuration file path support
- HTTP WEB-INF config filepath support.
- Servlet Context listener for configurations and init/stop context.
- Servlet 3 Context listener configuration support.
2.3.0 release
Audit4j Core 2.3.0 Release
Change Log:
Issues Fixed:
- Fixed Issue: Remove mandetory meta data validation.
- Fixed issue: filters are not loaded to configuration context.
- Fixed issue: @IgnoreAudit annotation processor getting an exception.
Features Added:
- Additional option (performance/security) api.
- Classpath scanning processor for annotations and avoid unwanted annotation process.
- ScanAnnotated command and option.
- Date time formatter api.
- Use reflections to get parameters of an Object - Implement toString.
- Prompt initialization time in mills.
- Added error guide urls for missing error prone codes.
- Refactor singletons.
- Registry for preLoaded components/ Initial Configurations.
- Unit tests for missing core components.
- Added running time for unit tests/Integration tests.
- Integration tests for filters.
- Integration tests for commands.
2.2.0 Release
Added package info classes
2.0.1 Release
changed pom version
2.0.0 Release
Release 2.0.0
1.0.2 Release
Release for 1.0.2