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Prometheus exporter for the TOR daemon.


(the JSON descriptor file for this dashboard can be found here)


Get the latest release and install using dpkg.

wget ''
dpkg -i prometheus-tor-exporter_0.3_all.deb
apt install -f

You can also build from source.

apt install git debhelper devscripts
git clone
cd prometheus-tor_exporter
debuild --no-tgz-check -uc -us
dpkg -i ../prometheus-tor-exporter_0.3_all.deb

Afterwards, you need to enable the installed systemd service.

systemctl enable --now prometheus-tor-exporter


prometheus-tor_exporter is configured using the /etc/default/prometheus-tor-exporter

# Additional parameters for prometheus-tor-exporter
ARGS="-p 8800"

The parameters can be listed py running -h

usage: [-h] [-a ADDRESS] [-c CONTROL_PORT]
                                  [-p LISTEN_PORT] [-b BIND_ADDR]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a ADDRESS, --address ADDRESS
                        Tor control IP address
  -c CONTROL_PORT, --control-port CONTROL_PORT
                        Tor control port
  -p LISTEN_PORT, --listen-port LISTEN_PORT
                        Listen on this port
  -b BIND_ADDR, --bind-addr BIND_ADDR
                        Bind this address

Exported metrics

Name Description
tor_written_bytes Running total of written bytes.
tor_read_bytes Running total of read bytes.
tor_version{version="..."} Tor daemon version as a tag
tor_version_status={version_status="..."} Tor daemon version status as a tag
tor_network_liveness Network liveness (1.0 or 0.0)
tor_reachable{port="OR|DIR"} Reachability of the OR/DIR ports (1.0 or 0.0)
tor_circuit_established Indicates whether the daemon is capable of establishing circuits (1.0 or 0.0)
tor_dormant Indicates whether tor is currently active (1.0 or 0.0) (note that 1.0 means "dormant", see the specs for details)
tor_effective_rate Shows the effective rate of the relay
tor_effective_burst_rate Shows the effective burst rate of the relay
tor_fingerprint{fingerprint="..."} Node fingerprint as a tag
tor_nickname{nickname="..."} Node nickname as a tag
Indicates whether the node has a certain flag (1.0 or 0.0)
tor_accounting_read_bytes Amount of bytes read in the current accounting period
tor_accounting_left_read_bytes Amount of read bytes left in the current accounting period
tor_accounting_read_limit_bytes Read byte limit in the current accounting period
tor_accounting_write_bytes Amount of bytes written in the current accounting period
tor_accounting_left_write_bytes Amount of write bytes left in the current accounting period
tor_accounting_write_limit_bytes Write byte limit in the current accounting period
tor_uptime Uptime of the tor process (in seconds)

A more in-depth explanation of the various variables can be found in the control port manual