Official JavaScript/Node SDK for Attendease.
Install with bower or npm (recommended).
$ npm install attendease
If in Node or using a CommonJS style loader, simply require the module and initialize a client.
var attendease = require('attendease')
var client = attendease('your-event-subdomain')
If in the browser, attendease-js occupies an Attendease
global that you can use to initialize a client.
var client = Attendease('your-event-subdomain')
All methods on the client object return a promise. A then
callback must be chained
onto the call in order to then do something with the result.
// authenticate as an attendee
email: '',
password: 'password'
}).then(function(response) {
// get user details
client.user().then(function(userDetails) {
// logout
client.logout().then(function() {
// fetch event details
client.event().then(function(eventDetails) {
// fetch presenters
client.presenters().then(function(presenters) {
// fetch sessions
client.sessions().then(function(sessions) {
// fetch sessions mapped out as instances
client.instances().then(function(instances) {
// fetch rooms
client.rooms().then(function(rooms) {
// fetch venues
client.venues().then(function(venues) {
// fetch filters
client.filters().then(function(filters) {
// fetch schedule statuses
client.scheduleStatuses().then(function(statuses) {
// get status for a particular instance
client.scheduleStatus(instanceId).then(function(status) {
// like an item, 'presenter').then(function() {
// unlike an item
client.unlike(likeId).then(function() {
// rate an item
client.rate(sessionId, 'session', 4).then(function() {
// schedule an instance
client.schedule(instanceId).then(function() {
// unschedule an instance
client.unschedule(instanceId).then(function() {
// check-in to the event
client.checkin('event').then(function() {
// check-in to a session instance
client.checkin('instance', instanceId).then(function() {
// undo a check-in to the event
client.undoCheckin('event').then(function() {
// undo a check-in to a session instance
client.undoCheckin('instance', instanceId).then(function() {
If you wish to perform caching on all resources, specify the performCaching
when initializing a client.
var client = attendease('your-event-subdomain', {
performCaching: true
With caching enabled, all subsequent calls to any read API methods will resolve right away with a cached version of the previous request for that resource. Example:
// first call will perform a request and cache the data
client.presenters().then(function(presenters) {
// subsequent calls after will not make a request, will return cached result
client.presenters().then(function(presenters) {
// pass true to the call to make a request and update the cache (sync)
client.presenters(true).then(function(presenters) {
Make sure you install any development dependencies.
npm install
Build the library into ./dist
npm run build
Or to have webpack watch files for changes and do builds automatically.
npm run watch
And to run the test suite.
npm test