There are many starter kits that will help you get started with React and Redux. This is the one created by, maintained by and used by Atomic Jolt. Atomic Jolt uses this as application as a starting place for Ruby on Rails applications that utilize React.
Build a new application using the LTI Starter App Rails application template:
rails new my_app -m
- Ruby
- Rails (Info / Installation)
- PostGreSQL (Info / Installation)
- NodeJS (Info / Installation)
- yarn (Info / Installation)
You will need to obtain a Developer ID and Key from an Account Admin for the instance of Canvas the tool will be installed in.
You will also need to setup a default LTLI application and LTI application instance. See the sections below for information on setting up the default account.
After setting up the LTI Starter App, start Rails and the webpack server:
$ rails server
$ yarn hot
Build the docker image:
docker build . -t lti-starter-app
Create a directory called 'secrets' and add a valid 'secrets.yml' and 'database.yml'
Run the image:
docker run -it --mount "type=bind,source=./secrets,target=/app/config/k8s" lti-starter-app
Rename .env.example
to .env
and configure it to your liking.
The setup process and the application pulls environment variables from your current shell session, so you need to export your .env into your current shell using something like autoenv or direnv
Note: the App and Assets subdomains must be different.
Modify application name (Note: if you started a new rails project with this as a template, this step should already be done)
- Open application.rb and change
to the name you choose. - Do a global search and replace for
and change it to the name you choose. - Do a global search and replace for
(use only letters or numbers for this name. Special characters like '_' will result in errors).
- Open
- Update
dev_server: { public: }
to match the assets domain provided in the .env file
In bin/bootstrap
change the following line to point to a dropbox folder containing the correct config files for the project. For example:
Run the setup script to configure your local nginx and to setup symlinks to your configuration files (database.yml, secrets.yml, etc).
$ ./bin/setup
Or, if you're on Linux:
$ ./bin/setup-linux
$ ./bin/bootstrap
Depending on the system, this script may require superuser privileges.
Rename config/secrets.yml.example
to config/secrets.yml
and rename config/database.yml.example
to config/database.yml
Note: If you ran ./bin/setup it calls to the ./bin/bootstrap script which symlinks the files located in the path that was specified as the DROPBOX_FOLDER. If the database.yml and secrets.yml are located in that location then you won't need to rename them from .yml.example.
Open the files and change each entry to values that are relevant for your application.
These files should not be committed to your repository
Setup an admin user and the default LTI application with:
$ rake db:setup
If you have setup .env and the secrets.yml file then the seeds file shouldn't need to be changed. However, if you need to customize the values in the database or add additional records to the database, open db/seeds.rb
and configure a default account for development and production. Here's a summary of the values and their purpose:
- code: Uniquely identifies the account. This is used for the subdomain when running applications on a single domain. By default this will be set to APP_SUBDOMAIN from the .env file.
- domain: Custom domain name. By default this is set to application_main_domain from the secrets.yml file.
- name: Name the account anything you'd like. By default this is set to application_name from the secrets.yml file.
- lti_key: A unique key for the LTI application you are building. This will be provided to Canvas. By default this will be set to APP_SUBDOMAIN from the .env file.
- lti_secret: The shared secret for your LTI application. This will be provided to Canvas and will be used to sign the LTI request. Generate this value using
rake secret
. Alternatively if you leave this field empty an LTI secret will be automatically generated for the account. - canvas_uri: The URI of the Canvas institution to be associated with a specific account.
If you run into an error while installing the pg gem try including the path to pg_config. For an example see the command below. Be sure to use the correct version for the pg gem and the correct path to pg_config.
gem install pg -v '1.2.2' --source '' -- --with-pg-config=/path/to/pg_config
Now setup should be complete, startup the dev servers with these commands:
$ rails server
$ yarn hot
Now you should be able to navigate to
in the browser and see a basic LTI app.
Currently the lists will be empty as it is not installed into an LMS, there are not LTI Advantage Services for it to read from
Only a Canvas Account Admin can create a developer key for your LTI Application. To create a key, go to Accounts -> Developer Keys and create a new LTI key and enter the info described below below.
with your domain. ( will only work for AtomicJolt employees). Also, note that ltistarterapp
specified in the .env file.
You will need an ID and secret for development and for production. The development URI will use while the production URI will use your domain (e.g.
Key Name: Can be anything you choose (e.g. LTI Starter App)
Owner Email: Address that will receive email about technical issues related to the tool.
Redirect URIs:[provider]/callback
here refers to the LTI tool provider that the app is to be installed in (i.e Canvas or Blackboard). So if the app was being installed in canvas the url would be
Title: Can be anything you choose (e.g. LTI Starter App)
Description: Short description of what the key will be used for
Target Link URI:
This will be the url used by the LMS when launching the LTI application
OpenID Connect Initiation Url:
JWK Method (Only for LTI Advantage Installs): Public JWK
Navigate to
to get a list of JWK keys that are usable for development. Normally for production you would use a Public JWK Url to generate the keys as needed
There are many more settings and options available to play around with when creating a key, but these are the nessecary ones when getting a basic app setup.
Some of these other options are:
- LTI Advantage Services - Various services that LTI Advantage compliant apps can utillize
- Icon settings - Image to display in relation to your app
- (Canvas) Custom Fields - Canvas can provide various extra data in an LTI launch
- Account navigation - Where navigation to your app shows up
Once you press Save Key, a Developer ID and Key will be generated and displayed in the Details column of the Developer Keys table when you mouse over the row.
Add these credentials under CANVAS_DEVELOPER_ID
(in .env) or canvas_developer_id
and canvas_developer_key
(in secrets.yml). These will be used to preform the OAuth Dance with Canvas and obtain the user's auth token.
Now that we've got the dev servers up and running and we've got a developer key we can go and get our app installed! This starter app supports both LTI 1.3 and LTI Advantage
To install an LTI 1.3 application to to Account / Course -> Settings -> Apps
and add a new app. There are serveral different ways that an app can be installed, we will be installing via XML, so select that in the Configuration Type dropdown.
Now run this command:
$ rake lti:configs
This will output the Consumer Key, Shared Secret, and XML Configuration of each LTI app in the project. Copy and paste those into the relevant fields and click the submit button. Now your app should be ready to go!
Currenlty the only way to install an LTI advantage app (at least on Canvas) is by using the "By Client ID" Configuration type. Create a LTI Key with your required services. Copy the Client Id it provides and paste it as the value of client_id
in db/seeds.rb
for both the Canvas and Test Canvas instance. Seed the DB with this value.
Got to Account / Course -> Settings -> Apps
and add a new app. Select by Client Id in the Configuration Type dropdown. Paste in the key and hit submit. Canvas should ask you if you want to install an app with the app name you provided while creating the key. If this looks write, click submit. Your LTI Advantage app should now be installed.
Run a cloudflare tunnel to connect your dev machine to a remote LMS for testing.
cloudflared tunnel --hostname --url localhost:3030 --name helloworld ----overwrite-dns, -f
For Admin
cloudflared tunnel --hostname --url localhost:3030 --name admin ----overwrite-dns, -f
List tunnels
cloudflared tunnel list
Dyanmic registration URL:
We follow some conservative rules:
- Use what’s packaged by Debian/Ubuntu, whenever possible, except for Gems and NPM packages.
- For software not packaged by Debian/Ubuntu, use the oldest version that still receives security updates.
- Gems and NPM packages may use the newest version, as long as doing so does not conflict with other software adhering to the previous two rules.
The LTI Starter app makes working with the Canvas API simple. See Canvas for more information. Note that working with the Canvas API will require a server side proxy that is not part of this project.
There is an admin page where one can setup the tools located at /admin
. The Admin email and password can be found in config/secrets.yml
. In the settings for an Application Instance, Visibility can be configured to affect who can see the tool when it gets installed.
Webpack is used to build the client side application. Configure the client application in config/webpacker.yml
The React Rails Starter App uses React. All client side code can be found in the "client" directory. This project contains the code required to launch a React application. app/views/lti_launches/index.html.erb
contains roughly the following code which will launch a React application whose entry point is 'app.jsx'
<% content_for :head do -%>
<%= stylesheet_link_tag 'styles' %>
<% end -%>
<%= render 'shared/default_client_settings' %>
<div id="main-app"></div>
<%= javascript_include_tag "app", defer: true %>
Each application instance maintains it's own database schema. The LTI starter app uses the Apartment gem and these are called "tenants". In some instances multiple application instances need to share the same tenant. It is possible to do this in the seeds when creating application instances. To use this include a value on the application instance being created in the seeds.rb file called "share_instance" and set it to the application key related to the application instance it should share tenants with.
The following scripts are available for testing, building and deploying applications
Run all tests:
yarn test
Update Jest snapshots:
yarn test_update
Run Jest in debug mode:
yarn test_debug
Run webpack hot reload server:
yarn hot
Run a linter over the project:
yarn lint
Allow the linter to attempt to fix problems
yarn lint_fix
Wipe out all node modules:
yarn nuke
Note: each of these tasks are ran with rake
List all LTI tools
Remove all LTI tool installs
Get basic LTI configuration for install LTI 1.3 applications:
Remove old nonces from the DB:
Make sure you have signed up for a heroku account Heroku. Then follow the instructions provided by Heroku to create your application.
Push secrets to production:
$ rake heroku:secrets RAILS_ENV=production
Deploy to Heroku:
$ git push heroku master
By default config/unicorn.rb
is setup to deploy to Heroku. Open that file, comment out the Heroku section and uncomment the other configuration to setup unicorn for deployment to another service like AWS.
Atomic Jolt has built a number of applications based on this source.
This project was created for the Sales team at Instructure. It makes it simple to populate a sample Canvas course using values from Google Drive Spreadsheets.
You may need to install chromedriver if you haven't already.
$ brew install chromedriver
To run Ruby tests:
$ rake spec
To run Jest tests:
$ yarn test