Simple cell description of the ARC RICH detector.
The directory structure is the following
- this file
- CMakeLists.txt: minimal cmake macro to configure the detector construction
- compact: has material and elements with their description (including optical properties). The compact file of the detector is also here.
- src: detector consctructor, writen in c++
- myscripts: useful bash scripts and GEANT4 macro files
There are two software stacks that can be used from CVMFS, LCG or Key4hep:
- The preferred software stack for FCCee studies is key4hep. Please use the stable release for long-term studies. Nightlies is experimental
source /cvmfs/
#source /cvmfs/
- LCG can be used as well, in case of alma9 OS:
source /cvmfs/
The LCG stack is built for many other operative systems, like ubuntu or mac:
$ ls /cvmfs/ -lh
total 8.5K
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 cvmfs cvmfs 32 May 10 13:33 aarch64-centos7-gcc11-opt -> ../Fri/aarch64-centos7-gcc11-opt
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 cvmfs cvmfs 28 May 13 10:26 aarch64-el9-gcc11-opt -> ../Mon/aarch64-el9-gcc11-opt
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 cvmfs cvmfs 28 May 13 10:09 aarch64-el9-gcc13-opt -> ../Mon/aarch64-el9-gcc13-opt
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 cvmfs cvmfs 31 May 10 02:54 arm64-mac12-clang140-opt -> ../Fri/arm64-mac12-clang140-opt
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 cvmfs cvmfs 31 Mar 9 13:28 arm64-mac13-clang150-opt -> ../Sat/arm64-mac13-clang150-opt
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 cvmfs cvmfs 31 May 13 04:41 x86_64-centos7-gcc11-dbg -> ../Mon/x86_64-centos7-gcc11-dbg
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 cvmfs cvmfs 31 May 13 08:04 x86_64-centos7-gcc11-opt -> ../Mon/x86_64-centos7-gcc11-opt
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 cvmfs cvmfs 27 May 13 05:17 x86_64-el8-gcc11-opt -> ../Mon/x86_64-el8-gcc11-opt
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 cvmfs cvmfs 29 May 13 02:10 x86_64-el9-clang16-dbg -> ../Mon/x86_64-el9-clang16-dbg
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 cvmfs cvmfs 29 May 13 00:28 x86_64-el9-clang16-opt -> ../Mon/x86_64-el9-clang16-opt
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 cvmfs cvmfs 27 May 13 01:51 x86_64-el9-gcc11-opt -> ../Mon/x86_64-el9-gcc11-opt
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 cvmfs cvmfs 27 May 13 03:14 x86_64-el9-gcc12-dbg -> ../Mon/x86_64-el9-gcc12-dbg
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 cvmfs cvmfs 27 May 13 02:51 x86_64-el9-gcc12-opt -> ../Mon/x86_64-el9-gcc12-opt
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 cvmfs cvmfs 27 May 13 01:33 x86_64-el9-gcc13-dbg -> ../Mon/x86_64-el9-gcc13-dbg
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 cvmfs cvmfs 27 May 13 01:11 x86_64-el9-gcc13-opt -> ../Mon/x86_64-el9-gcc13-opt
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 cvmfs cvmfs 33 May 13 05:52 x86_64-ubuntu2004-gcc9-opt -> ../Mon/x86_64-ubuntu2004-gcc9-opt
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 cvmfs cvmfs 34 May 13 06:28 x86_64-ubuntu2204-gcc11-opt -> ../Mon/x86_64-ubuntu2204-gcc11-opt
Build with cmake
cmake -B build -S . -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=install
cmake --build build -- install
To display the geometry
geoDisplay compact/arc_v0.xml
To convert the geometry into ROOT
./myscripts/dd4hep2root -c compact/arc_v0.xml -o arc_v0.root
Using Geant4+Qt, particularly useful when using boolean operations and ROOT display do not work properly.
ddsim --compactFile compact/arc_barrel_v0.xml --runType qt --macroFile vis.mac --part.userParticleHandler=''
Compile and install after every modification of the c++ detector constructor code.
cmake --build build -- install
To show materials in along a given line (in this case from origin to (0,0,-100)cm), check if the modified volume has the proper material
materialScan compact/arc_v0.xml 0 0 0 0 0 -100
Check overlaps, using Geant4 check
ddsim --compactFile ./compact/arc_v0.xml --runType run --part.userParticleHandler='' --macroFile myscripts/overlap.mac >> overlapDump.txt
The preferred way to run the simulation is via command line, using ddsim as follows:
ddsim --steeringFile -N 10 --outputFile myout.root
ddsim is an interface to the Geant4. Some features are particular for the ARC, and they are defined in a steering file
. Some options can be defined using the command line, which overwrites any configuration from the steering file. This can be useful to change the particle gun options, the number of evens, etc.
Alternatively, we can use DDG4 components directly. The script
is a ddsim steering file, which enable Qt visualization, setup the cerenkov physic lists and the default input and output files. The configuration inside the steering file can be overriden if options are added after the name of the steering file (see -N 1 example below).
Use this command to open the Geant4 Qt application,
python -N 1
then press play button on top to launch one event. The geometry and tracks of one charged pion (pink) crossing the detector, and the cerenkov photons (grey) are displayed below.
More events can be simulated, but in this case only 1 will be saved into the output file arcsim.root
. To visualize the hit pattern in the detector, we can open the root file and write the following in the command line
In case of EDM4hep output format, execute the following line instead
A new canvas will open showing something similar to the following graph:
Hit pattern of photons (and pion) in the detector
There is an equivalent python steering file for the whole detector, which includes the barrel and endcaps. The following command will simulate 10k protons with default energy (50 GeV), and the output format will be EDM4hep (because of the extension of the output file name).
python3 --runType batch -N 10000 --gun.particle "proton" --outputFile "arcsim_proton_50GeV_edm4hep.root"
The readout id is a 64 bit field that is specified in the xml file,
Each name define a field, which has the corresponding number of bits. System field name identifies if it is ARC barrrel or endcap (or any main sub-detector). Barrel field name identifies if it is barrel (0) or endcap (1,2) of the ARC sub-detector. The cellnumber is just a counter for each cell. Note that for the endcap the numbering repeats, but the barrel field is different. The XY field names corresponds to the sensor segmentation, which is the only sensitive component of this subdetector.
To plot the detector ID bit field
Similarly, the barrel bitfield can be shown by using the expression ((ARC_HITS.cellID>>5)&0x7)
. It can be read as jumping the first 5 bits (corresponding to the detector ID) and crop the following 3 bits, corresponding to the barrel bitfield. This value can be 0 (barrel) or (1,2) for the endcap.
To plot the cell number (it is just a consecutive number that is assigned to each cell). The expression to be plotted can read as jumping the first 8 bits (corresponding to detector ID + barrel bitfield), and crop the following 24 bits, corresponding to the cell number. The second expression is a condition, to select the events happeing in one endcap, the one at Z>0.
One can inspect the hit pattern in the sensor from the cellID parameters,
EVENT->Scan("((ARC_HITS.cellID>>32)&0xFFFF):(ARC_HITS.cellID>>48)" )
or draw the sensor hit pattern just the fifth event
Note 1: this primitive way of chopping the bitfield can be done using the corresponding DD4hep object.
Note 2: if EDM4hep data format is used, please replace the name of the tree EVENT
by events
. The cellID
tricks will work, but other variable names may change a bit.
A simple test can be running a simulation with 1k of pi+ at 50 GeV, as the following
python3 --runType batch
Endcaps or barrel can be tested separately as well,
python3 --runType batch
python3 --runType batch
Visualization of the detector can be also a test by itself,
geoDisplay compact/arc_barrel_v0.xml
geoDisplay compact/arc_endcap_v0.xml
geoDisplay compact/arc_full_v0.xml
This code was transferred to the FCCee central detector repository k4geo. In order to run a DD4hep stand-alone simulation of ARC detector with the code from k4geo, please follow the following steps:
- Download, compile and make the k4geo repository visible to the environment
source /cvmfs/
git clone -b master
cd k4geo/
cmake -B build -S . -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=./install
cmake --build build -j 20 -- install
- Move to k4geo/example directory, and you can launch a simulation of ARC with the following command
cd example
python3 --runType batch --compactFile ../FCCee/CLD/compact/CLD_o3_v01/CLD_o3_v01.xml --gun.particle "proton" "10*GeV" -N 1234 --outputFile arcsim_edm4hep.root
Particle type must be provided as a string, the full list of possible particles can be found here:
- You can further customize the particle gun with the following flags:
--gun.particle GUN.PARTICLE
--gun.multiplicity GUN.MULTIPLICITY
--gun.phiMin GUN.PHIMIN
--gun.phiMax GUN.PHIMAX
--gun.thetaMin GUN.THETAMIN
--gun.thetaMax GUN.THETAMAX
--gun.etaMin GUN.ETAMIN
--gun.etaMax GUN.ETAMAX
--gun.momentumMin GUN.MOMENTUMMIN
The kinetic energy for the particle gun.
--gun.direction GUN.DIRECTION
direction of the particle gun, 3 vector
--gun.distribution {uniform,cos(theta),eta,pseudorapidity,ffbar}
--gun.isotrop GUN.ISOTROP
isotropic distribution for the particle gun
--gun.position GUN.POSITION
position of the particle gun, 3 vector
If even these options are not enough, Geant4 provides the so-called GPS, which can produce primary particles in a more sophisticated way (for example, histogram sampling)
To compile the Gaudi algorithm, we have first to source the key4hep stack, then compiled, then we setup the environmental variables using k4_local_repo
command, and check if our local algorithm is visible to Gaudi using k4run --list | grep ARCalg
source /cvmfs/
cmake -B build -S . -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=install
cmake --build build -- -j3 install
k4run --list | grep ARCalg
If we see something like the following, it means the local installation worked
$ k4run --list | grep ARCalg
ARCalg (from ARCalg),
path: /home/alvarotd/work/ARC_detector/install/python/ARCalg/
We can create first a simulation file as:
ddsim --steeringFile -N 10
Now we can run the gaudi algorithm as follows:
k4run ARCalg/test/
Documentation of DD4hep,
- PDF:
- Code:
- Class reference:
- Beginners guide:
- FCC tutorial:
- NPdet:
Example of RICH detector implemented in DD4hep
- Proximity Focusing RICH:
Documentation of ARC,
- 1-July-2021 FCC week
- 23-June-2022 Workshop on detector for FCCee
- 6-October-2022 ECFA Workshop
- 15-Dec-2022 ARC meeting indico:
- 25-January-2023 FCC workshop
- 28-March-2023 Discussion about ARC implementation in DD4hep:
- 8-June-2023 FCC week
- 1-Feb-2024 FCC workshop,