custom sails js model validation messages ( tested with sails v0.10 only )
module.exports = {
attributes: {
name: {
type: "string",
required: true,
maxLength: 50
email: {
type: "email",
required: true,
unique: true,
maxLength: 50
validationMessages: {
name: {
required: 'Name is required'
maxLength : 'Name can not be greater than 50 characters'
email: {
required : 'Email is required',
email : 'Enter valid email',
maxLength : 'Email can not be greater than 50 characters'
User.create(data).exec(function created (err, data) {
if(err) {
if(err.invalidAttributes) {
validator = require('sails-validation-messages');
err.invalidAttributes = validator(User, err.invalidAttributes);
return res.negotiate(err);
* Module dependencies
var util = require('util'),
actionUtil = require('../../node_modules/sails/lib/hooks/blueprints/actionUtil'),
validator = require('sails-validation-messages');
* Create Record
* post /:modelIdentity
* An API call to find and return a single model instance from the data adapter
* using the specified criteria. If an id was specified, just the instance with
* that unique id will be returned.
* Optional:
* @param {String} callback - default jsonp callback param (i.e. the name of the js function returned)
* @param {*} * - other params will be used as `values` in the create
module.exports = function createRecord (req, res) {
var Model = actionUtil.parseModel(req);
// Create data object (monolithic combination of all parameters)
// Omit the blacklisted params (like JSONP callback param, etc.)
var data = actionUtil.parseValues(req);
// Create new instance of model using data from params
Model.create(data).exec(function created (err, newInstance) {
// Differentiate between waterline-originated validation errors
// and serious underlying issues. Respond with badRequest if a
// validation error is encountered, w/ validation info.
if(err) {
if(err.invalidAttributes) {
err.invalidAttributes = validator(Model, err.invalidAttributes);
return res.negotiate(err);
// if (err) return res.negotiate(err);
// If we have the pubsub hook, use the model class's publish method
// to notify all subscribers about the created item
if (req._sails.hooks.pubsub) {
if (req.isSocket) {
Model.subscribe(req, newInstance);
Model.publishCreate(newInstance, !req.options.mirror && req);
// Send JSONP-friendly response if it's supported
// (HTTP 201: Created)