The code used for training this agent is available in a seperate repo
The best AI Controller for the puzzle game 2048 (as of March 2017). Its score depends on the search settings:
Search limit | Average score | 32768 [%] | 16384 [%] | 8192 [%] | Games | Moves/s |
1-ply | 324710 ± 11043 | 19 | 68 | 90 | 1000 | 258371 |
2-ply | 457079 ± 11112 | 34 | 91 | 99 | 1000 | 20524 |
3-ply | 511759 ± 12021 | 50 | 92 | 99 | 1000 | 1484 |
5-ply | 545833 ± 21500 | 54 | 97 | 100 | 300 | 16 |
1 ms | 527099 ± 11486 | 54 | 95 | 100 | 1000 | 916 |
50 ms | 576655 ± 20839 | 62 | 97 | 99 | 300 | 20 |
100 ms | 589355 ± 20432 | 65 | 96 | 100 | 300 | 10 |
200 ms | 591380 ± 21870 | 67 | 97 | 99 | 300 | 5 |
1000 ms | 609104 ± 38433 | 69 | 97 | 98 | 100 | 1 |
The program uses expectimax with an n-tuple network for state evaluation function, which has been learned from scratch using a new variant of temporal difference learning. The learning method is described in:
Wojciech Jaśkowski, Mastering 2048 with Delayed Temporal Coherence Learning, Multi-State Weight Promotion, Redundant Encoding and Carousel Shaping, IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games (accepted) (
which extends our previous work:
Marcin Szubert and Wojciech Jaśkowski, Temporal Difference Learning of N-Tuple Networks for the Game 2048, Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games, pp. 1-8, August 2014, Dortmund, Germany, (preprint)
- Wojciech Jaśkowski (the learning algorithm)
- Adam Szczepański (this code)
- C++11 compiler
- CMake 3.0+
- Boost 1.49.0+ (program_options, accumulators)
If you want to use the web application you will also need:
- Python 2
- Chrome or Firefox
Tested on:
- Mac OS X 10.11.1, Apple LLVM version 7.0.2
- Ubuntu 15.04 64-bit, g++ 4.9.2
- Windows 7 64-bit, Visual Studio 14 2015
The program requires a file with an evaluation function. Some basic (very poor, but small) evaluation functions are already in data/2048_strategies/
directory. However, for the state-of-the-art results download and unzip our best evaluation function.
- Go to the project root directory
- Run
cmake .
- Run
. Thelib/
directories will be created.
- Go to the project root directory
- Create and go to
directory - Run
cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64"
. You may have to set boost directories:set BOOST_ROOT=your_boost_root_directory
andset BOOST_LIBRARYDIR=your_boost_library_directory
first - Open the solution and build the release version of it
For running multiple games and testing the AI's capabilities
- 1 game, max depth 1, single thread:
./bin/main --strategy data/2048_strategies/eval-function.bin.special --uncompress false
- 10 games, max depth 3, uncompressed model (faster, but requires more RAM):
./bin/main --strategy data/2048_strategies/eval-function.bin.special --games 10 --depth 3
- 10 games, max 100ms per move, uncompressed model, multithreating in expectimax (best reasonable settings):
./bin/main --strategy data/2048_strategies/eval-function.bin.special --games 10 --depth 100 --time 100 --eval_multithreading
- 100 games, max depth 5, uncompressed model, playing 4 games in pararell:
./bin/main --strategy data/2048_strategies/eval-function.bin.special --games 100 --depth 5 --threads 4
- 10 games, min depth 1, max depth 8, 1 game thread, multithreading in expectimax evaluation, max time 50 ms per round, uncompressed model, prints boards' states to the console:
./bin/main --strategy data/2048_strategies/eval-function.bin.special --games 10 --depth 8 --time 50 --eval_multithreading -v
For observing how the AI works on the 2048 game site
You may need to install the websocket-client first:
pip install websocket-client
- Close all instances of Chrome (including hangouts, etc...)
- Run the browser with remote-debugging enabled:
chrome --remote-debugging-port=9222
- Go to 2048 game site
- Run python script (see examples)
- First you need to install Remote Control plugin
- Go to 2048 game site
- Start remote debugging (click on the plugin's icon)
- Run python script (see examples below)
The Web application was strongly based on the code from
- chrome, max depth 4, multithreading, no time limit, uncompressed model:
python -b chrome --strategy data/2048_strategies/eval-function.bin.special --depth 4 --multithreading true
- On Windows you will need to specify WebApi library file:
python -b chrome --lib _build/lib/Release/WebApi.dll
- --strategy arg - strategy input file (by default data/2048_strategies/2048_a_weak_player.bin.txt)
- --uncompress arg - uncompress strategy (true/false, by default true). Faster but requires more RAM.
- --seed arg - random seed (by default based on time elapsed since epoch)
- --games arg - number of games (by default 1)
- --time arg - maximum time for one round [ms], 0 means no time limit (by default 0)
- --depth arg - maximum depth for expectimax (by default 1)
- --threads arg - number of threads (each thread plays different game, by default 1)
- --eval_multithreading - enable multithreading in expectimax algorithm
- -h [ --help ] - produce help message
- -v [ --verbose ] - show board and score after each round
- -b [ --browser ] - choose browser (Chrome or Firefox, by default Firefox)
- -p [ --port PORT ] - port number to control on (default: 32000 for Firefox, 9222 for Chrome)
- --strategy arg - strategy input file (by default data/2048_strategies/2048_a_weak_player.bin.txt)
- --uncompress arg - uncompress strategy (true/false, by default true). Faster but requires more RAM.
- --time arg - maximum time for one round [ms], 0 means no time limit (by default 0)
- --depth arg - maximum depth for expectimax (by default 1)
- --multithreading arg - enable multithreading in expectimax algorithm (true/false, by default true)