Head to dbt Cloud to run the project. Its name is "finance"
dbt code should always abide to dbt best practices described in following guide: https://docs.getdbt.com/guides/best-practices
- Pre-commit is configured to run various checks automatically when you attempt to commit your code.
- Pre-commit will only run against changed files to keep its execution as quick as possible.
- On its first execution, pre-commit will install any dependencies it needs into a virtual environment (located outside of this repo); this may take a few minutes on its first run, but every following run will reuse that env and as a result will be much quicker.
- SQLFluff lint is configured as a pre-commit hook that runs on commit, so in most cases no explicit commands are needed. This will only list errors and will not fix any errors if found.
- If you would like to run SQLFluff lint manually, or would like to run it in fix mode, you can do so with the following commands which will run them through pre-commit.
pre-commit run --hook-stage commit sqlfluff-lint --all-files
pre-commit run --hook-stage manual sqlfluff-fix --all-files
- YAMLLint is configured as a pre-commit, so in most cases no explicit commands are needed. This will only list errors and will not fix any errors if found.
- If you would like to run YAMLLint manually, you can do so with the following command which will run it through pre-commit.
pre-commit run --hook-stage commit yamllint
- dbt-checkpoint is configured as a set of pre-commit hooks, so in most cases no explicit commands are needed. These hooks will ensure the dbt project is following standard convention. This will only list errors and will not fix any errors if found.
- If you would like to run dbt-checkpoint manually, you can do so with the following command which will run it through pre-commit. Replace
{{dbt-checkpoint hook_id}}
with the name of the hook you want to run (e.g.check-model-has-tests
pre-commit run {{dbt-checkpoint hook_id}} --hook-stage commit --all-files