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Raymond Meester edited this page Dec 1, 2022 · 4 revisions



Java (Version 11)


  1. Get the latest release.
  2. Open a terminal.
  3. CD to the directory which contains "gateway-[version].jar" (for example: cd C:\users\user\Download).
  4. Start the application:

java -jar gateway-[version].jar

Assimbly can also be started by double-clicking the jar file. To use double-clicking the JAVA_HOME environment variable must be set. If you cannot double-click the jar file, you may try jarfix. When starting Assimbly by double-click the logs can only be viewed from the file system (i.e. tail -f) or the GUI.

Windows Powershell

Install Assimbly including Java using a Powershell script:

  1. Download the script.
  2. Open a Powershell and cd to download directory (for example cd "C:\users\myusername\Downloads").
  3. Run the script:


Windows Service

Assimbly can also be installed as a Windows Service.

  1. Download winsw
  2. Rename "gateway-version.jar" to "gateway.jar"
  3. Rename winsw file WinSW.NET4 to "gateway.exe"
  4. Create a configuration XML file:
	<!-- Mandatory fields -->
	<name>Assimbly Gateway</name>
	<description>Message gateway</description>
	<!-- Set alternative path to Java executable -->
	<!-- Optional fields. For all options check: -->
    <arguments>-Dserver.port=8090 -jar "gateway.jar"</arguments>	
	<log mode="roll-by-time">
  1. Open CMD as administrator and cd to the gateway directory then use following command:

gateway.exe install

Note: Alternatively you can use nssm to install Assimbly as a Windows service.


Assimbly can also be started from Docker:

docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 --name assimbly assimbly/gateway-full

When started, the gateway can be reached at the following URL:


More info on using Docker

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