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Code for "Stiefel Flow Matching for Moment-Constrained Structure Elucidation"


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Stiefel Flow Matching for Moment-Constrained Structure Elucidation


Code for training and sampling from models that predict all-atom 3D structure from just molecular formula and moments of inertia.

This repository contains a C++ implementation of the Stiefel exponential and logarithm, following Zimmermann & Hüper1.

Model checkpoints, data splits, and generated samples are located here, and can be accessed using wget:

wget --content-disposition<fileID>

where fileID can be found in the URL after clicking on each file in the dataverse.

Environment setup

git clone
cd stiefelFM
mamba env create -f env.yml
mamba activate moment

For reference, this environment was prepared by

mamba create -n moment python=3.9
mamba install "pydantic<2" pydantic-cli wandb rdkit py3dmol einops numpy scipy=1.11.2 matplotlib lightning pytorch pytorch==2.0.1 pytorch-cuda=11.7 pyg pybind11 eigen xtb mkl=2024.0.0 -c pyg -c pytorch -c nvidia

Compile stiefel_log: (you may need to module load gcc, alternatively you can try mamba install c-compiler cxx-compiler)

c++ -O3 -march=native -Wall -shared -std=c++11 -fPIC $(python3 -m pybind11 --includes) src/stiefel_log.cpp -o src/stiefel_log$(python3-config --extension-suffix) -I"${CONDA_PREFIX}"/include/eigen3 -finline-functions

Download preprocessed data splits for QM9 and GEOM, using the same splits as KREED2:

cd data
wget --content-disposition
tar -xf processed.tar.gz

You can process the data again by uncommenting the download() and process() methods in src/ You will need to pip install gdown.

Training and sampling

Assuming you are on a SLURM cluster, cd to the appropriate directory in scripts/ and then sbatch

e.g. to train stiefelFM on QM9:

cd scripts/train_qm9

Modify as needed, for changing SLURM parameters or hyperparameters.

Similarly, for large-scale generation:

cd scripts/gen_qm9
python # you can open the file and comment out any checkpoints that you don't want to generate samples for

This will divide the test set into several partitions (12 for QM9, 32 for GEOM) and create an array of SLURM jobs to handle each partition.

Download pretrained model checkpoints:

Checkpoint Name Checkpoint Tag Dataverse ID
(QM9) KREED-XL qm9_kreedXL 868748
(QM9) Stiefel FM qm9_stiefelFM 868749
(QM9) Stiefel FM-OT qm9_stiefelFM_OT 868759
(QM9) Stiefel FM-ln qm9_stiefelFM_logitnormal 868758
(QM9) Stiefel FM-ln-OT qm9_stiefelFM_logitnormal_OT 868753
(QM9) Stiefel FM-stoch qm9_stiefelFM_stoch10 868747
(GEOM) KREED-XL geom_kreedXL 868756
(GEOM) Stiefel FM geom_stiefelFM 868751
(GEOM) Stiefel FM-OT geom_stiefelFM_OT 868755

Place checkpoints where they are expected to be located after training:

wget --content-disposition
mkdir -p scripts/train_geom/ckpt/stiefelFM_OT
mv geom_stiefelFM_OT.ckpt scripts/train_geom/ckpt/stiefelFM_OT/last.ckpt

Now you can continue training, or perform large-scale generation.

Continue training by modifying the appropriate sbatch script to increase max_epochs. QM9 models were trained for 1000 epochs and GEOM models were trained for 60 epochs. Therefore, to continue training stiefelFM_OT on GEOM until 80 epochs, append --max_epochs=80 to the command in scripts/train_geom/ Appending it makes it take priority over the previous specification of --max_epochs=60. Continuing training will create last-v1.ckpt, instead of overwriting last.ckpt.

Reproducing figures

First download generated samples from dataverse:

# in the root directory of the repo
wget --content-disposition
tar -xf samples.tar.gz

Inside samples/, a .pt file stores all the samples for a given checkpoint. It is a dict that maps test set index to a length-10 list of samples. Each element of a length-10 list is a dict that stores the following keys: ['moments_rmse', 'validity', 'correctness', 'heavy_correctness', 'coord_rmse', 'heavy_coord_rmse', 'grad_norm', 'energy', 'coords', 'diversity']

Within a group of 10 generated samples, the value of diversity is copied 10 times. Note that this means that geom/ has different values of diversity as compared to performing the aggregation on geom/stiefelFM_filter, geom/, geom/, because diversity has to be recomputed for the new group.

Samples for QM9: random, kreed, kreedXL, kreedXL_dps, kreedXL_proj, stiefelFM, stiefelFM_OT, stiefelFM_logitnormal, stiefelFM_logitnormal_OT, stiefelFM_stoch10

Samples for GEOM: random, kreed, kreedXL, kreedXL_proj, stiefelFM, stiefelFM_more1, stiefelFM_more2, stiefelFM_filter, stiefelFM_OT, stiefelFM_OT_more1, stiefelFM_OT_more2, stiefelFM_OT_filter

Then run any notebook in figures, which should all be reproducible, except for slight differences for 01_draw_fig1_fig9 and 06_log_error_fig10_fig11.

(Optional) If you want to rerank samples, then you can delete stiefelFM_filter and stiefelFM_OT_filter and then run cd figures/04_geom_results_table2_fig4_fig7right_fig8; python, which will rerank the independent 30 samples of stiefelFM and stiefelFM_OT by validity and take the top-10, and then recompute diversity.

Summary metrics are also available in csv format in the dataverse:

wget --content-disposition
wget --content-disposition


  title={Stiefel Flow Matching for Moment-Constrained Structure Elucidation},
  author={Cheng, Austin and Lo, Alston and Lee, Kin Long Kelvin and Miret, Santiago and Aspuru-Guzik, Al{\'a}n},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2412.12540},


  1. Zimmermann, R., & Hüper, K. (2022). Computing the Riemannian logarithm on the Stiefel manifold: Metrics, methods, and performance. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 43(2), 953-980.



Code for "Stiefel Flow Matching for Moment-Constrained Structure Elucidation"







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