This project is to expose APIs and integrate using Rest Template to get transaction details and filter it based on transaction type from downstream system.
Sr. No. API Name Method Type Description Authentication Required 1 /getTransactions GET Returns all transactions. YES 2 /getDetailsForTransactionType POST Returns transactions matching requested transaction type. YES 3 /getAmountForTransactionType POST Returns total transaction amount for requested transaction type. YES
Eclipse : To setup code for development Maven : To Build and package the code with Junit coverage report Tomcat 8.0 : To deploy application
Importing in Eclipse : Import as existing project Build using eclipse maven plugin or from command line
Build : Build code using below maven command
mvn clean package
Deploy :
Start tomcat server
Select WAR file to upload (Choose WAR file from target folder in project working directory)
Confirm application deployment from server console
Access the RESTAPIs with below path a. http://localhost://getTransactions b. http://localhost: //getDetailsForTransactionType c. http://localhost://getAmountForTransactionType e.g. http://localhost:8080/contextRoot/getAmountForTransactionType
Accessing RESTAPIs : SOAP-UI or POSTman a. Choose basic authentication b. Select username : c. Select password : d. For post methods use below request and type “application/json”- { "payload": { "transactionType" : "" } }
Code Coverage
After mvn clean package command, open index.html file at below path /BackBaseOpenBank/BackBaseOpenBankIntegration/target/site/jacoco/index.html