It is a social media platform designed exclusively for students. It offers a space for students to connect, share information, and engage in discussions related to their colleges and academic interests. This Node.js backend-focused project powers the core functionality of this app.
Before setting up this app, ensure you have the following installed:
- Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager)
- MongoDB Database
- Git (optional, but recommended)
# Clone the repository to your local machine
git clone
# Change directory to the project folder
cd Wave-Social-Media-App-Backend
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Create a .env file in the root directory and configure your environment variables, including database connection details, API secrets, and any other required settings.
# Start the app
npm start
- User registration and authentication.
- Creating and sharing posts.
- Uploading images.
- Adding colleges to profiles.
- Following colleges.
- Navigating the news feeds and timeline.
- Customizing user profiles.
# Create a new user account
1. Go to the registration page.
2. Fill out the required information.
3. Click the "Sign Up" button.
# Post a new message
1. Log in to your account.
2. Click the "New Post" button.
3. Enter your message and click "Post."
# Connect with other users
1. Search for colleges name and follow.
Explain the organization of your project's source code. Describe the purpose of each major directory and file.
- /src
- /controllers
- authControl.js
- collegeControl.js
- imageUpload.js
- postControl.js
- cloudControl.js
- userControl.js
- /middlewares
- authMiddleware.js
- errorHandler.js
- /config
- /model
- collegeModels.js
- postModels.js
- userModels.js
- /schema
- college.js
- post.js
- user.js
- /routes
- authRoutes.js
- collegeRoutes.js
- index.js
- postRoutes.js
- userRoutes.js
- /service
- authServices.js
- cloudServices.js
- collegeServices.js
- postServices.js
- userServices.js
- /util
- /dataValidation
- validation.js
- hashingHelper.js
- timeConvertHelper.js
- tryCatch.js
- /public
- /views
- .env
- .dockerignore
- compose.yaml
- Dockerfile
- .gitignore
- app.js
- package.json
"type": "",
"project_id": "",
"private_key_id": "",
"private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
"client_email": "",
"client_id": "",
"auth_uri": "",
"token_uri": "",
"auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
"client_x509_cert_url": "",
"universe_domain": " "
MONGO_URI = <mongo-uri>
PORT = 3000
SESSION_SECRET = <Random String>
This app offers a range of features to enhance the student experience:
- Basic Authentication: Users can sign up, log in, and maintain their profiles securely.
- Create Posts: Students can create and share posts, including text and images.
- Upload Images: Users can upload images to include in their posts.
- Add Colleges: Colleges can be added to profiles to specify academic affiliations.
- Follow Colleges: Students can follow colleges to receive updates and news.
- News Feeds and Timeline: Users have access to personalized news feeds and timelines.
- User Profiles: Detailed user profiles with customizable information.