A simple Browser Extension that help you work & develop in Frappe/ERPNext Framework
Install the extention from the Chrome Web Store or download this repo and load it to your browser in developer mode Then open any doctype and click the options icon near the field label to open the options dialog.
- Support Frappe v13, v14
- Show & change hidden fields in any DocType
- Force Save Non changed forms, Submittable forms & Submitted forms (re submit)
- Highlight the hidden and custom fields in any DocType
- Show forms fields & tables fields details
- Fast Access to Customize Form/DocType for field Options of type Link, Table & Table MultiSelect
- Copy/Insert any child table all/specific rows from/to any ERPNext site
- Copy/Insert any Customize Form custom fields from/to any ERPNext site
- Copy/Insert Doctypes data between ERPNext Sites
- Simple CSV Files bulk import (usefull also for triggering python db apis, webhooks, server scripts etc)
The MIT License (MIT)