The unsupported AMD rDNA 2 desktop dedicated GPU Lilu plug-in. Conflicts with WhateverGreen
and NootedRed
The only official source for this kext is the releases of the ChefKissInc/NootRX
GitHub repository, provided entirely free of charge.
Old builds are at the same ChefKissInc/NootRX
repository, as artefacts of workflow runs (these expire).
If you purchased this, demand a refund.
If you got the kext from an unofficial source and you suspect it is violating the license, please help take it down in order to retain our rights to the project.
The NootRX project is licensed under the Thou Shalt Not Profit License version 1.5
This project is under active research and development; There will be some minor issues here and there, but is almost perfectly functional.
See repository issues and our site for more information.
Thanks Acidanthera for the UnfairGVA patches in WhateverGreen.