Depricate Notice:
This project works. But there's a much better project with a similar API.
It even does not need a binary addon (So, it's easy to use).
See pidusage:
- Simple interface to lookup cpu and memory usage of any accessible process on the system.
- Works on OSX, Linux, SmartOS and Solaris
- Tested on Heroku, Nodejitsu and Modulus
var usage = require('usage');
var pid = // you can use any valid PID instead
usage.lookup(pid, function(err, result) {
memory: 100065280, // in no of bytes
memoryInfo: {
rss: 15966208, // resident size memory in bytes
vsize: 3127906304 // virtual memory size in bytes
cpu: 10.6 // in percentage
This is only applicable for Linux
By default CPU Percentage provided is an average from the starting time of the process. It does not correctly reflect the current CPU usage. (this is also a problem with linux ps
But If you call usage.lookup()
continuously for a given pid, you can turn on keepHistory flag and you'll get the CPU usage since last time you track the usage. This reflects the current CPU usage.
see following example to enable keepHistory flag
var pid =;
var options = { keepHistory: true }
usage.lookup(pid, options, function(err, result) {
you can clear history cache too
usage.clearHistory(pid); //clear history for the given pid
usage.clearHistory(); //clean history for all pids