This project creates REST API for the Around React project connected to the MongoDB database. When the service is started it connects to the mongo server locally using the url mongodb://localhost:27017/mestodb
. The application sets up the user and card scheme. Some fields of the scheme are validated using regular expressions.
- GET /cards - returns all cards from the database;
- POST /cards - creates a card with title and image link given in the body of the query;
- DELETE /cards/:cardId - deletes a card with specified _id;
- PUT /cards/:cardId - sets a like on the card with a given _id;
- GET /users - returns all users from the database;
- GET /users/me - returns the current active user;
- GET /users/:userId - returns a user with a specified _id;
- POST /users - creates a user with name, about and avatar specified in the body of the query;
- PATCH users/me - updates user information;
- PATCH user/me/avatar - updates user pic link;
- createUser controller adds fields of email and password used for user registration. The password is hashed before it's added to the database
- creates controller for user login
- The queries that reach the server are getting validated with via celebrate middleware and joi validation library.
- Validation and server errors are handled and returned
API is protected with authorization middleware.
- Express.js
- MongoDB
- Celebrate & Joi validation
git clone
npm install
npm run dev / npm run start
Current and updated version of this project (link to the repository) and the frontend was written for it (frontend repository).