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It is split in 4 maven submodules that are managed by Spring Boot parent module.


  • contains business entities, repositories, database scripts, services, game files reader.
  • uses Hibernate 4 and Liquibase with a HSQLDB database.
  • repositories are based on Spring-Data-Jpa


  • is based on spring-mvc-archetype and deployed on an embedded Tomcat server (provided by Spring Boot).
  • uses a REST architecture and thus, all client-server messages are in json format.
  • contains web project configuration and REST controllers.


  • contains hmtl, css, javascript, and images.
  • is based on ngBoilerPlate and yeoman. I prefer ngBoilerPlate but since updates are really slow, I'm using some grunt tasks found in yeoman.
  • uses NodeJS and Grunt to automate everything.
  • is entirely piloted by Angular and uses jQWidgets for UI components.

Script Batch

  • batch program to generate creature's scripts.


On Windows OS, Maven can't execute cmd files (npm and grunt). So they need to be duplicated and renamed with bat extension.



  1. Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers.
  2. Plugin EasyShell. Handfull for calling grunt tasks and running hsqldb server.
  3. Add Java 1.7 SDK (Preferences / Installed JREs)

Parent Project

  1. Open Git Repository Exploring
  2. Clone a Git Repository and add the clone to this view.
  3. Clone and check "import project"
  4. Right click on project and select Maven > Update Project..., check all sub-modules
  5. Project / Clean... / Clean all projects (if there are some java errors)

Core project

  1. Start database, can be done using start.cmd in launcher folder (in parent project, right click on start.cmd and select Easy Shell > Run...)
  2. Create and run a maven configuration to create/update database: liquibase:update (Base directory: ${workspace_loc:/creature-editor-core}). This will create database and update it on further executions.
  3. Create a java configuration to start web application (Project: creature-editor-front, Main class: com.pourbaix.creature.editor.web.spring.WebAppInitializer).

Web project

  1. Project Properties, JavaScript, Include Path, Source, included, Edit, Add src/app
  2. Open a shell command in project root directory
  3. npm install
  4. bower install

Run it

  1. Start Web application
  2. Open a shell command in web project root directory
  3. grunt serve
  4. Open url http://localhost:9000 in a browser


Creature's editor for Baldur's Gate







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