ElectroSmart is an academic research project started in 2015 by Arnaud Legout at Inria, Sophia Antipolis, France.
The academic Web page of the project is here.
Late 2022, I did not have the resources to maintain ElectroSmart anymore. This is why I decided to open source the code in October 2022 under a BSD 3-Clause License.
ElectroSmart latest developments and tests were performed against Android 12. It is, however, still
compatible with Android 13. You can access the latest compiled APK 1.28R118. You can check the integrity of the file using sha256sum. The sha256sum must be 379cd889d78839e5d468c104f62d96003f75b211914a64688f6f1c5793e8edd6
This repository is here for anyone willing to fork, use, contribute, learn, etc.
Cloning the repository and compiling it with Android studio should work out of the box.
If you are willing to contribute code in order to update the official ElectroSmart app available here, contact me.
You can contact me at arnaud.legout@inria.fr