Simulating high-resolution cross-correlation spectroscopy for exoplanet atmospheres. Currently supports simulating IGRINS (on GEMINI-S) observations of transmission and emission spectra.
You can install scope
using pip:
pip install scope-astr
To install from source, run
python3 -m pip install -U pip
python3 -m pip install -U setuptools setuptools_scm pep517
git clone
cd scope
python3 -m pip install -e .
You'll also need to download some data files. Currently, these data files are about 141 MB large. You can download them (to the correct directory, even!) with the following:
cd src/scope
chmod +x download_data.bash
This will create a data
directory and plop the relevant files into it. You're also welcome to run the tests to
make sure everything's been installed correctly:
pytest .
For more details, see the documentation.
Ideally, most user interaction with scope
will simply occur through the input file (scope/input.txt
Any data field in a row marked with the [DB] flag can be pulled from a local database by inputting DATABASE
. In our case, a database simply refers
to a CSV containing contents from the Exoplanet Archive,
with planet parameters resolved with the planet name.
Simply edit the input file to the desired parameters, then run:
Running the script requires exoplanet, stellar, and telluric spectra. Default spectra and parameters currently correspond to the exoplanet WASP-77Ab.
Once completed, the code will create a directory for the data in output/
(based on the input modelname
with the following types of files:
: the simulated flux cube with PCA performed. That is, the principal components with the largest variance have been removed.nopca_simdata_
: the simulated flux cube, including all spectral components (exoplanet, star, blaze function, tellurics).A_noplanet_
: the simulated flux cube with the lowest-variance principal component(s) removed.lls_
: the log-likelihood surface for the simulated flux cube, as a Kp--Vsys map.ccfs_
: the cross-correlation function for the simulated flux cube, as a Kp--Vsys map.
If you use scope
in your work, please cite our paper: