Business Objective: Analysing customer sentiments about Amazon products and services can help identify areas where customers are dissatisfied, enabling the company to address these issues and improve overall customer satisfaction.
Approach: Performed web scraping techniques to gather data from websites. Pre-processed the text data by removing stop words, punctuation, and special characters and performed lemmatization to normalize the words in the text. Classified the text data into positive, negative, or neutral sentiments. After that using TF-IDF vectorizer we done feature extraction. Modelled the data with Support Vector Machines (SVM), KNN, XGB, GB with K-fold technique to find best tuning .Finally by comparing the Accuracy we deployed model for XGBOOST.
Tools Used: Python, Natural Language Tool Kit, Text Blob
This file has EDA, Visualization, Model Building,Selection & Accuracy
This file has model based on Gradient Boosting Classifier Algorithm where the sentiments have a class imbalance where it has been solved using label encoder where sentiment of nearby polarity scores have been concatenated.
This file has model based on XGBoost Classifier where the problem of class imbalance is solved without concatination using sklearn.utils.class_weight where weights have been defined based on class sentiment.
Both of the above files are coded in a way which can predict sentiments as well as can be deployed using Streamlit