Here is one way to get everything up and running. Other options exists, one area that you may want to consider changing is the python envionrment manager. It doesn't matter what evionrment manager you use, as long as you can install all the required packages
Install anaconda:
conda create -n dae_import python=3.8
activate dae_import
Install packages, by typing the following in your anaconda prompt browse to directory where your dae scripts exists= and run
pip install -r requirements.txt
You can use any IDE, if you want to use Spyder, install the windows standalone applications from: you will also need to install,
pip install spyder-kernels
note, depending on the version of spyder, you may need a specific version of spyder-kernals. For example Spyder 5.2 needs
pip install spyder-kernels==2.2.0
once this is installed, open up spyder and go to the menu Tool> Preferences > Python Interpreter set the python interpreter to the one used in your anaconda environment, something like...
within spyder you can run
you can access a library of DAE files from