Need a custom Tmux? We have an amazing version to help you
- Tmux >= 3.0
Tmux Pro uses Tmux Plugin Manager to install plugins and offers modifications. This makes it easier to use and decreases incompatibilities that may arise.
Tmux comes with the following plugins:
- Tmux better mouse mode
- Tmux sidebar
- Tmux weather
- and others...
Didn't like a plugin or a color used by default? No problem, Tmux Pro was written so that any modification can be done quickly and easily. To see more how to modify your Tmux Pro, go here customization
#Clone repository
git clone
cd tmux-pro
#Allow execute instalation script
chmod +x ./
sudo ./
Click your right mouse button
to show quick actions on your tmux. Some of these actions are:
- Create Vertical Split
- Create Horizontal Slit
- Zoom Panel
- Kill Panel
To open the directory tree on your tmux just use prefix + Tab
We know that customizing Tmux your way is important, so let's show you how easy it is with Tmux Pro
It is from this configuration file that we will customize Tmux Pro. We'll use Vim as a text editor, but you can use another one like Nano or even Visual Code
#Open tmux config in yout System
vim ~/.tmux.config
In the configuration file, you will have a section called color theme like this one here
We use color variables to change the text color and customize the background. To choose a new color, you can use this website to get the hexadecimal color that represents it.
to change the left status, go to the status-left section
# status left
set -g status-left "#[bg=$foreground_color]#[fg=$background_color]#{?client_prefix,#[bg=$alert_color],} ☺ "
to change the left status, go to the status-right section
# status right
set-option -g status-right "#[fg=$colour_secondary_text,bg=$weather_bg_color] #{weather} "
In the configuration file, you will have a section called plugins like this one here
### PLUGINS ###
# enable Tmux Pligin Manager plugins
set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tpm'
set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tmux-sensible'
#Allow execute uninstall script
chmod +x ./
sudo ./
Pull request are also welcome , please read contributing for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
- Check issue templates for the suggested issue formats
Check your tmux version. In order for Tmux Pro to work properly we recommend Tmux >= 3.0 version. To see your Tmux version use tmux -Version
- Thanks to @Benardi for introducing the fantastic world of customizations on Tmux