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Capacity Dashboard 2.0

See for background information and detailed guide for setting up pre-requisites for development.

Capdash2 server is based on Ruby on Rails 5 API


  • Run yardoc or rake yard to generate model documentation in the doc folder
  • yard server --reload for a live documentation server
  • UML Diagram Currently viewable in RubyMine. Website link coming soon.

Major Technologies used

  • Ruby on Rails 5 API Optimizes rails for back-end APIs serving JSON. Included in RoR as of Rails 5.
  • PosgreSQL Open-source object-relational database
  • knock Gem for jwt-based authentication
  • Rubocop static code analyzer based on the Ruby style guide
  • Brakeman open source static analysis tool which checks Ruby on Rails applications for security vulnerabilities
  • cucumber-rails Cucumber implementation for ruby on rails
  • rspec Testing framework for unit tests
  • statsd-instrument StatsD client for Ruby apps
  • jbuilder generates JSON views
  • carrierwave Handles file uploads for user avatars
  • mini-magick image processor for use with carrierwave
  • yard documentation generator


  • PostgreSQL: See main README for instructions on setting up postgres (using Docker)
  • If you have completed pre-reqs, then you should only need to do: docker start postgres


  • Run bundle install to install gem dependencies
  • Run rails db:setup and rails db:migrate to create and set up database

Development server

  • Run rails server, navigate to localhost:3000
  • Run rails routes to view endpoints

Running tests

  • Before running tests, the database must be running
  • Run rake test to run rubocop and rspec unit tests
  • After running tests, unit test results report can be found at reports/unit/index.html
  • In addition, the code coverage report can be found at reports/coverage/index.html

Unit tests

  • Before running tests, the database must be running
  • Run rake test_unit to run unit tests alone (no rubocop).
  • After running tests, unit test results report can be found at reports/unit/index.html
  • In addition, the code coverage report can be found at reports/coverage/index.html

Feature tests

  • Before running tests, the database and server must be running
  • Run rake test_feature to run cucumber tests
  • After running tests, the feature test report is saved to reports/feature/index.html
  • In addition, the code coverage report can be found at reports/coverage/index.html

Code Coverage

  • Please note: code coverage accumulates results for both unit tests and
  • feature tests, so you will only get partial results until you run both sets of tests.
  • After running tests, code coverage report can be found at reports/coverage/index.html

Security testing

  • Run rake brakeman or brakeman for brakeman security testing, including some OWASP top 10 issues including XSS and SQL injection.
    • brakeman -o reports/security/brakeman.html to save a report
  • For details about Ruby on Rails security, see OWASP Rails Security. Brakeman covers much of this, and more automated security testing will be added according to the guidance found there.


When running into a gem version conflict, try:

gem uninstall {gemname}
bundle install

Or, for rvm gemset conflicts:

rvm gemset use global
gem uninstall {gemname}
rvm gemset use default

Logging and Monitoring

Logs for each environment can be found in log/ Example of production log:

D, [2017-03-15T16:02:33.413314 #57302] DEBUG -- :   [1m[36mUser Load (1.8ms)[0m  [1m[34mSELECT  "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."email" = $1 LIMIT $2[0m  [["email", ""], ["LIMIT", 1]]
I, [2017-03-15T16:02:33.560639 #57302]  INFO -- : method=POST path=/user_token format=*/* controller=UserTokenController action=create status=201 duration=183.07 view=0.90 db=15.02 params={"auth"=>{"email"=>"", "password"=>"[FILTERED]"}, "user_token"=>{"auth"=>{"email"=>"", "password"=>"[FILTERED]"}}} ip=::1

StatsD is used for Application Performance Monitoring (APM). In production, statsd-instrument will send UDP packets to our StatsD daemon. In development, StatD measurements are simply logged. Example of development log with statsd:

[StatsD] increment User.login.success:1
method=POST path=/user_token format=*/* controller=UserTokenController action=create status=201 duration=169.37 view=0.50 db=11.83 params={"auth"=>{"email"=>"", "password"=>"[FILTERED]"}, "user_token"=>{"auth"=>{"email"=>"", "password"=>"[FILTERED]"}}} ip=::1

Log level is set to debug in all environments by default, but can be configured in config/environments/ files to the desired level (debug, info, warn, error, fatal, unknown)