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build: don't minimize CRD for WorkflowEventBinding and WorkflowArtifactGCTask. Fixes #12166 #13754

merged 2 commits into from
Oct 15, 2024


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@MasonM MasonM commented Oct 14, 2024

Fixes #12166. Partial fix for #8190


The CRDs under manifests/base/crds/minimal/ are minimized as a workaround for kubernetes/kubernetes#82292. However, WorkflowEventBinding and WorkflowArtifactGCTask are small enough that minimization isn't necessary. Including the full CRD enables users to use kubectl explain to explore the CRD definitions.


  • Rename removeCRDValidation() to minimizeCRD() so it more accurately describes what it's doing and add comments
  • Update minimizeCRD() to only minimize,,,,, since the others are small enough they don't need to be minimized
  • Add more details to manifests/base/crds/full/ and manifests/base/crds/minimal/


Ran make start and verified kubectl explain returns spec details for the CRDs:

Click here for kubectl explain --recursive WorkflowEventBinding output
$ kubectl explain --recursive WorkflowEventBinding
KIND:       WorkflowEventBinding
VERSION:    v1alpha1

  apiVersion    <string>
  kind  <string>
  metadata      <ObjectMeta> -required-
    annotations <map[string]string>
    creationTimestamp   <string>
    deletionGracePeriodSeconds  <integer>
    deletionTimestamp   <string>
    finalizers  <[]string>
    generateName        <string>
    generation  <integer>
    labels      <map[string]string>
    managedFields       <[]ManagedFieldsEntry>
      apiVersion        <string>
      fieldsType        <string>
      fieldsV1  <FieldsV1>
      manager   <string>
      operation <string>
      subresource       <string>
      time      <string>
    name        <string>
    namespace   <string>
    ownerReferences     <[]OwnerReference>
      apiVersion        <string> -required-
      blockOwnerDeletion        <boolean>
      controller        <boolean>
      kind      <string> -required-
      name      <string> -required-
      uid       <string> -required-
    resourceVersion     <string>
    selfLink    <string>
    uid <string>
  spec  <Object> -required-
    event       <Object> -required-
      selector  <string> -required-
    submit      <Object>
      arguments <Object>
        artifacts       <[]Object>
          archive       <Object>
            none        <Object>
            tar <Object>
              compressionLevel  <integer>
            zip <Object>
          archiveLogs   <boolean>
          artifactGC    <Object>
            podMetadata <Object>
              annotations       <map[string]string>
              labels    <map[string]string>
            serviceAccountName  <string>
            strategy    <string>
          artifactory   <Object>
            passwordSecret      <Object>
              key       <string> -required-
              name      <string>
              optional  <boolean>
            url <string> -required-
            usernameSecret      <Object>
              key       <string> -required-
              name      <string>
              optional  <boolean>
          azure <Object>
            accountKeySecret    <Object>
              key       <string> -required-
              name      <string>
              optional  <boolean>
            blob        <string> -required-
            container   <string> -required-
            endpoint    <string> -required-
            useSDKCreds <boolean>
          deleted       <boolean>
          from  <string>
          fromExpression        <string>
          gcs   <Object>
            bucket      <string>
            key <string> -required-
            serviceAccountKeySecret     <Object>
              key       <string> -required-
              name      <string>
              optional  <boolean>
          git   <Object>
            branch      <string>
            depth       <integer>
            disableSubmodules   <boolean>
            fetch       <[]string>
            insecureIgnoreHostKey       <boolean>
            passwordSecret      <Object>
              key       <string> -required-
              name      <string>
              optional  <boolean>
            repo        <string> -required-
            revision    <string>
            singleBranch        <boolean>
            sshPrivateKeySecret <Object>
              key       <string> -required-
              name      <string>
              optional  <boolean>
            usernameSecret      <Object>
              key       <string> -required-
              name      <string>
              optional  <boolean>
          globalName    <string>
          hdfs  <Object>
            addresses   <[]string>
            dataTransferProtection      <string>
            force       <boolean>
            hdfsUser    <string>
            krbCCacheSecret     <Object>
              key       <string> -required-
              name      <string>
              optional  <boolean>
            krbConfigConfigMap  <Object>
              key       <string> -required-
              name      <string>
              optional  <boolean>
            krbKeytabSecret     <Object>
              key       <string> -required-
              name      <string>
              optional  <boolean>
            krbRealm    <string>
            krbServicePrincipalName     <string>
            krbUsername <string>
            path        <string> -required-
          http  <Object>
            auth        <Object>
              basicAuth <Object>
                passwordSecret  <Object>
                  key   <string> -required-
                  name  <string>
                  optional      <boolean>
                usernameSecret  <Object>
                  key   <string> -required-
                  name  <string>
                  optional      <boolean>
              clientCert        <Object>
                clientCertSecret        <Object>
                  key   <string> -required-
                  name  <string>
                  optional      <boolean>
                clientKeySecret <Object>
                  key   <string> -required-
                  name  <string>
                  optional      <boolean>
              oauth2    <Object>
                clientIDSecret  <Object>
                  key   <string> -required-
                  name  <string>
                  optional      <boolean>
                clientSecretSecret      <Object>
                  key   <string> -required-
                  name  <string>
                  optional      <boolean>
                endpointParams  <[]Object>
                  key   <string> -required-
                  value <string>
                scopes  <[]string>
                tokenURLSecret  <Object>
                  key   <string> -required-
                  name  <string>
                  optional      <boolean>
            headers     <[]Object>
              name      <string> -required-
              value     <string> -required-
            url <string> -required-
          mode  <integer>
          name  <string> -required-
          optional      <boolean>
          oss   <Object>
            accessKeySecret     <Object>
              key       <string> -required-
              name      <string>
              optional  <boolean>
            bucket      <string>
            createBucketIfNotPresent    <boolean>
            endpoint    <string>
            key <string> -required-
            lifecycleRule       <Object>
              markDeletionAfterDays     <integer>
              markInfrequentAccessAfterDays     <integer>
            secretKeySecret     <Object>
              key       <string> -required-
              name      <string>
              optional  <boolean>
            securityToken       <string>
            useSDKCreds <boolean>
          path  <string>
          raw   <Object>
            data        <string> -required-
          recurseMode   <boolean>
          s3    <Object>
            accessKeySecret     <Object>
              key       <string> -required-
              name      <string>
              optional  <boolean>
            bucket      <string>
            caSecret    <Object>
              key       <string> -required-
              name      <string>
              optional  <boolean>
            createBucketIfNotPresent    <Object>
              objectLocking     <boolean>
            encryptionOptions   <Object>
              enableEncryption  <boolean>
              kmsEncryptionContext      <string>
              kmsKeyId  <string>
              serverSideCustomerKeySecret       <Object>
                key     <string> -required-
                name    <string>
                optional        <boolean>
            endpoint    <string>
            insecure    <boolean>
            key <string>
            region      <string>
            roleARN     <string>
            secretKeySecret     <Object>
              key       <string> -required-
              name      <string>
              optional  <boolean>
            sessionTokenSecret  <Object>
              key       <string> -required-
              name      <string>
              optional  <boolean>
            useSDKCreds <boolean>
          subPath       <string>
        parameters      <[]Object>
          default       <string>
          description   <string>
          enum  <[]string>
          globalName    <string>
          name  <string> -required-
          value <string>
          valueFrom     <Object>
            configMapKeyRef     <Object>
              key       <string> -required-
              name      <string>
              optional  <boolean>
            default     <string>
            event       <string>
            expression  <string>
            jqFilter    <string>
            jsonPath    <string>
            parameter   <string>
            path        <string>
            supplied    <Object>
      metadata  <Object>
      workflowTemplateRef       <Object> -required-
        clusterScope    <boolean>
        name    <string>
Click here for kubectl explain --recursive WorkflowArtifactGCTask output
$ kubectl explain --recursive WorkflowArtifactGCTask
KIND:       WorkflowArtifactGCTask
VERSION:    v1alpha1

  apiVersion    <string>
  kind  <string>
  metadata      <ObjectMeta> -required-
    annotations <map[string]string>
    creationTimestamp   <string>
    deletionGracePeriodSeconds  <integer>
    deletionTimestamp   <string>
    finalizers  <[]string>
    generateName        <string>
    generation  <integer>
    labels      <map[string]string>
    managedFields       <[]ManagedFieldsEntry>
      apiVersion        <string>
      fieldsType        <string>
      fieldsV1  <FieldsV1>
      manager   <string>
      operation <string>
      subresource       <string>
      time      <string>
    name        <string>
    namespace   <string>
    ownerReferences     <[]OwnerReference>
      apiVersion        <string> -required-
      blockOwnerDeletion        <boolean>
      controller        <boolean>
      kind      <string> -required-
      name      <string> -required-
      uid       <string> -required-
    resourceVersion     <string>
    selfLink    <string>
    uid <string>
  spec  <Object> -required-
    artifactsByNode     <map[string]Object>
      archiveLocation   <Object>
        archiveLogs     <boolean>
        artifactory     <Object>
          passwordSecret        <Object>
            key <string> -required-
            name        <string>
            optional    <boolean>
          url   <string> -required-
          usernameSecret        <Object>
            key <string> -required-
            name        <string>
            optional    <boolean>
        azure   <Object>
          accountKeySecret      <Object>
            key <string> -required-
            name        <string>
            optional    <boolean>
          blob  <string> -required-
          container     <string> -required-
          endpoint      <string> -required-
          useSDKCreds   <boolean>
        gcs     <Object>
          bucket        <string>
          key   <string> -required-
          serviceAccountKeySecret       <Object>
            key <string> -required-
            name        <string>
            optional    <boolean>
        git     <Object>
          branch        <string>
          depth <integer>
          disableSubmodules     <boolean>
          fetch <[]string>
          insecureIgnoreHostKey <boolean>
          passwordSecret        <Object>
            key <string> -required-
            name        <string>
            optional    <boolean>
          repo  <string> -required-
          revision      <string>
          singleBranch  <boolean>
          sshPrivateKeySecret   <Object>
            key <string> -required-
            name        <string>
            optional    <boolean>
          usernameSecret        <Object>
            key <string> -required-
            name        <string>
            optional    <boolean>
        hdfs    <Object>
          addresses     <[]string>
          dataTransferProtection        <string>
          force <boolean>
          hdfsUser      <string>
          krbCCacheSecret       <Object>
            key <string> -required-
            name        <string>
            optional    <boolean>
          krbConfigConfigMap    <Object>
            key <string> -required-
            name        <string>
            optional    <boolean>
          krbKeytabSecret       <Object>
            key <string> -required-
            name        <string>
            optional    <boolean>
          krbRealm      <string>
          krbServicePrincipalName       <string>
          krbUsername   <string>
          path  <string> -required-
        http    <Object>
          auth  <Object>
            basicAuth   <Object>
              passwordSecret    <Object>
                key     <string> -required-
                name    <string>
                optional        <boolean>
              usernameSecret    <Object>
                key     <string> -required-
                name    <string>
                optional        <boolean>
            clientCert  <Object>
              clientCertSecret  <Object>
                key     <string> -required-
                name    <string>
                optional        <boolean>
              clientKeySecret   <Object>
                key     <string> -required-
                name    <string>
                optional        <boolean>
            oauth2      <Object>
              clientIDSecret    <Object>
                key     <string> -required-
                name    <string>
                optional        <boolean>
              clientSecretSecret        <Object>
                key     <string> -required-
                name    <string>
                optional        <boolean>
              endpointParams    <[]Object>
                key     <string> -required-
                value   <string>
              scopes    <[]string>
              tokenURLSecret    <Object>
                key     <string> -required-
                name    <string>
                optional        <boolean>
          headers       <[]Object>
            name        <string> -required-
            value       <string> -required-
          url   <string> -required-
        oss     <Object>
          accessKeySecret       <Object>
            key <string> -required-
            name        <string>
            optional    <boolean>
          bucket        <string>
          createBucketIfNotPresent      <boolean>
          endpoint      <string>
          key   <string> -required-
          lifecycleRule <Object>
            markDeletionAfterDays       <integer>
            markInfrequentAccessAfterDays       <integer>
          secretKeySecret       <Object>
            key <string> -required-
            name        <string>
            optional    <boolean>
          securityToken <string>
          useSDKCreds   <boolean>
        raw     <Object>
          data  <string> -required-
        s3      <Object>
          accessKeySecret       <Object>
            key <string> -required-
            name        <string>
            optional    <boolean>
          bucket        <string>
          caSecret      <Object>
            key <string> -required-
            name        <string>
            optional    <boolean>
          createBucketIfNotPresent      <Object>
            objectLocking       <boolean>
          encryptionOptions     <Object>
            enableEncryption    <boolean>
            kmsEncryptionContext        <string>
            kmsKeyId    <string>
            serverSideCustomerKeySecret <Object>
              key       <string> -required-
              name      <string>
              optional  <boolean>
          endpoint      <string>
          insecure      <boolean>
          key   <string>
          region        <string>
          roleARN       <string>
          secretKeySecret       <Object>
            key <string> -required-
            name        <string>
            optional    <boolean>
          sessionTokenSecret    <Object>
            key <string> -required-
            name        <string>
            optional    <boolean>
          useSDKCreds   <boolean>
      artifacts <map[string]Object>
        archive <Object>
          none  <Object>
          tar   <Object>
            compressionLevel    <integer>
          zip   <Object>
        archiveLogs     <boolean>
        artifactGC      <Object>
          podMetadata   <Object>
            annotations <map[string]string>
            labels      <map[string]string>
          serviceAccountName    <string>
          strategy      <string>
        artifactory     <Object>
          passwordSecret        <Object>
            key <string> -required-
            name        <string>
            optional    <boolean>
          url   <string> -required-
          usernameSecret        <Object>
            key <string> -required-
            name        <string>
            optional    <boolean>
        azure   <Object>
          accountKeySecret      <Object>
            key <string> -required-
            name        <string>
            optional    <boolean>
          blob  <string> -required-
          container     <string> -required-
          endpoint      <string> -required-
          useSDKCreds   <boolean>
        deleted <boolean>
        from    <string>
        fromExpression  <string>
        gcs     <Object>
          bucket        <string>
          key   <string> -required-
          serviceAccountKeySecret       <Object>
            key <string> -required-
            name        <string>
            optional    <boolean>
        git     <Object>
          branch        <string>
          depth <integer>
          disableSubmodules     <boolean>
          fetch <[]string>
          insecureIgnoreHostKey <boolean>
          passwordSecret        <Object>
            key <string> -required-
            name        <string>
            optional    <boolean>
          repo  <string> -required-
          revision      <string>
          singleBranch  <boolean>
          sshPrivateKeySecret   <Object>
            key <string> -required-
            name        <string>
            optional    <boolean>
          usernameSecret        <Object>
            key <string> -required-
            name        <string>
            optional    <boolean>
        globalName      <string>
        hdfs    <Object>
          addresses     <[]string>
          dataTransferProtection        <string>
          force <boolean>
          hdfsUser      <string>
          krbCCacheSecret       <Object>
            key <string> -required-
            name        <string>
            optional    <boolean>
          krbConfigConfigMap    <Object>
            key <string> -required-
            name        <string>
            optional    <boolean>
          krbKeytabSecret       <Object>
            key <string> -required-
            name        <string>
            optional    <boolean>
          krbRealm      <string>
          krbServicePrincipalName       <string>
          krbUsername   <string>
          path  <string> -required-
        http    <Object>
          auth  <Object>
            basicAuth   <Object>
              passwordSecret    <Object>
                key     <string> -required-
                name    <string>
                optional        <boolean>
              usernameSecret    <Object>
                key     <string> -required-
                name    <string>
                optional        <boolean>
            clientCert  <Object>
              clientCertSecret  <Object>
                key     <string> -required-
                name    <string>
                optional        <boolean>
              clientKeySecret   <Object>
                key     <string> -required-
                name    <string>
                optional        <boolean>
            oauth2      <Object>
              clientIDSecret    <Object>
                key     <string> -required-
                name    <string>
                optional        <boolean>
              clientSecretSecret        <Object>
                key     <string> -required-
                name    <string>
                optional        <boolean>
              endpointParams    <[]Object>
                key     <string> -required-
                value   <string>
              scopes    <[]string>
              tokenURLSecret    <Object>
                key     <string> -required-
                name    <string>
                optional        <boolean>
          headers       <[]Object>
            name        <string> -required-
            value       <string> -required-
          url   <string> -required-
        mode    <integer>
        name    <string> -required-
        optional        <boolean>
        oss     <Object>
          accessKeySecret       <Object>
            key <string> -required-
            name        <string>
            optional    <boolean>
          bucket        <string>
          createBucketIfNotPresent      <boolean>
          endpoint      <string>
          key   <string> -required-
          lifecycleRule <Object>
            markDeletionAfterDays       <integer>
            markInfrequentAccessAfterDays       <integer>
          secretKeySecret       <Object>
            key <string> -required-
            name        <string>
            optional    <boolean>
          securityToken <string>
          useSDKCreds   <boolean>
        path    <string>
        raw     <Object>
          data  <string> -required-
        recurseMode     <boolean>
        s3      <Object>
          accessKeySecret       <Object>
            key <string> -required-
            name        <string>
            optional    <boolean>
          bucket        <string>
          caSecret      <Object>
            key <string> -required-
            name        <string>
            optional    <boolean>
          createBucketIfNotPresent      <Object>
            objectLocking       <boolean>
          encryptionOptions     <Object>
            enableEncryption    <boolean>
            kmsEncryptionContext        <string>
            kmsKeyId    <string>
            serverSideCustomerKeySecret <Object>
              key       <string> -required-
              name      <string>
              optional  <boolean>
          endpoint      <string>
          insecure      <boolean>
          key   <string>
          region        <string>
          roleARN       <string>
          secretKeySecret       <Object>
            key <string> -required-
            name        <string>
            optional    <boolean>
          sessionTokenSecret    <Object>
            key <string> -required-
            name        <string>
            optional    <boolean>
          useSDKCreds   <boolean>
        subPath <string>
  status        <Object>
    artifactResultsByNode       <map[string]Object>
      artifactResults   <map[string]Object>
        error   <string>
        name    <string> -required-
        success <boolean>

…tifactGCTask. Fixes argoproj#12166

The CRDs under `manifests/base/crds/minimal/` are minimized as a workaround for
kubernetes/kubernetes#82292. However,
`WorkflowEventBinding` and `WorkflowArtifactGCTask` are small enough
that minimization isn't necessary, and allows using `kubectl explain` to
view the spec.

<summary>Click for <code>kubectl explain --recursive WorkflowEventBinding</code></summary>

$ kubectl explain --recursive WorkflowEventBinding
KIND:       WorkflowEventBinding
VERSION:    v1alpha1

  apiVersion    <string>
  kind  <string>
  metadata      <ObjectMeta> -required-
    annotations <map[string]string>
    creationTimestamp   <string>
    deletionGracePeriodSeconds  <integer>
    deletionTimestamp   <string>
    finalizers  <[]string>
    generateName        <string>
    generation  <integer>
    labels      <map[string]string>
    managedFields       <[]ManagedFieldsEntry>
      apiVersion        <string>
      fieldsType        <string>
      fieldsV1  <FieldsV1>
      manager   <string>
      operation <string>
      subresource       <string>
      time      <string>
    name        <string>
    namespace   <string>
    ownerReferences     <[]OwnerReference>
      apiVersion        <string> -required-
      blockOwnerDeletion        <boolean>
      controller        <boolean>
      kind      <string> -required-
      name      <string> -required-
      uid       <string> -required-
    resourceVersion     <string>
    selfLink    <string>
    uid <string>
  spec  <Object> -required-
    event       <Object> -required-
      selector  <string> -required-
    submit      <Object>
      arguments <Object>
        artifacts       <[]Object>
          archive       <Object>
            none        <Object>
            tar <Object>
              compressionLevel  <integer>
            zip <Object>
          archiveLogs   <boolean>
          artifactGC    <Object>
            podMetadata <Object>
              annotations       <map[string]string>
              labels    <map[string]string>
            serviceAccountName  <string>
            strategy    <string>
          artifactory   <Object>
            passwordSecret      <Object>
              key       <string> -required-
              name      <string>
              optional  <boolean>
            url <string> -required-
            usernameSecret      <Object>
              key       <string> -required-
              name      <string>
              optional  <boolean>
          azure <Object>
            accountKeySecret    <Object>
              key       <string> -required-
              name      <string>
              optional  <boolean>
            blob        <string> -required-
            container   <string> -required-
            endpoint    <string> -required-
            useSDKCreds <boolean>
          deleted       <boolean>
          from  <string>
          fromExpression        <string>
          gcs   <Object>
            bucket      <string>
            key <string> -required-
            serviceAccountKeySecret     <Object>
              key       <string> -required-
              name      <string>
              optional  <boolean>
          git   <Object>
            branch      <string>
            depth       <integer>
            disableSubmodules   <boolean>
            fetch       <[]string>
            insecureIgnoreHostKey       <boolean>
            passwordSecret      <Object>
              key       <string> -required-
              name      <string>
              optional  <boolean>
            repo        <string> -required-
            revision    <string>
            singleBranch        <boolean>
            sshPrivateKeySecret <Object>
              key       <string> -required-
              name      <string>
              optional  <boolean>
            usernameSecret      <Object>
              key       <string> -required-
              name      <string>
              optional  <boolean>
          globalName    <string>
          hdfs  <Object>
            addresses   <[]string>
            dataTransferProtection      <string>
            force       <boolean>
            hdfsUser    <string>
            krbCCacheSecret     <Object>
              key       <string> -required-
              name      <string>
              optional  <boolean>
            krbConfigConfigMap  <Object>
              key       <string> -required-
              name      <string>
              optional  <boolean>
            krbKeytabSecret     <Object>
              key       <string> -required-
              name      <string>
              optional  <boolean>
            krbRealm    <string>
            krbServicePrincipalName     <string>
            krbUsername <string>
            path        <string> -required-
          http  <Object>
            auth        <Object>
              basicAuth <Object>
                passwordSecret  <Object>
                  key   <string> -required-
                  name  <string>
                  optional      <boolean>
                usernameSecret  <Object>
                  key   <string> -required-
                  name  <string>
                  optional      <boolean>
              clientCert        <Object>
                clientCertSecret        <Object>
                  key   <string> -required-
                  name  <string>
                  optional      <boolean>
                clientKeySecret <Object>
                  key   <string> -required-
                  name  <string>
                  optional      <boolean>
              oauth2    <Object>
                clientIDSecret  <Object>
                  key   <string> -required-
                  name  <string>
                  optional      <boolean>
                clientSecretSecret      <Object>
                  key   <string> -required-
                  name  <string>
                  optional      <boolean>
                endpointParams  <[]Object>
                  key   <string> -required-
                  value <string>
                scopes  <[]string>
                tokenURLSecret  <Object>
                  key   <string> -required-
                  name  <string>
                  optional      <boolean>
            headers     <[]Object>
              name      <string> -required-
              value     <string> -required-
            url <string> -required-
          mode  <integer>
          name  <string> -required-
          optional      <boolean>
          oss   <Object>
            accessKeySecret     <Object>
              key       <string> -required-
              name      <string>
              optional  <boolean>
            bucket      <string>
            createBucketIfNotPresent    <boolean>
            endpoint    <string>
            key <string> -required-
            lifecycleRule       <Object>
              markDeletionAfterDays     <integer>
              markInfrequentAccessAfterDays     <integer>
            secretKeySecret     <Object>
              key       <string> -required-
              name      <string>
              optional  <boolean>
            securityToken       <string>
            useSDKCreds <boolean>
          path  <string>
          raw   <Object>
            data        <string> -required-
          recurseMode   <boolean>
          s3    <Object>
            accessKeySecret     <Object>
              key       <string> -required-
              name      <string>
              optional  <boolean>
            bucket      <string>
            caSecret    <Object>
              key       <string> -required-
              name      <string>
              optional  <boolean>
            createBucketIfNotPresent    <Object>
              objectLocking     <boolean>
            encryptionOptions   <Object>
              enableEncryption  <boolean>
              kmsEncryptionContext      <string>
              kmsKeyId  <string>
              serverSideCustomerKeySecret       <Object>
                key     <string> -required-
                name    <string>
                optional        <boolean>
            endpoint    <string>
            insecure    <boolean>
            key <string>
            region      <string>
            roleARN     <string>
            secretKeySecret     <Object>
              key       <string> -required-
              name      <string>
              optional  <boolean>
            sessionTokenSecret  <Object>
              key       <string> -required-
              name      <string>
              optional  <boolean>
            useSDKCreds <boolean>
          subPath       <string>
        parameters      <[]Object>
          default       <string>
          description   <string>
          enum  <[]string>
          globalName    <string>
          name  <string> -required-
          value <string>
          valueFrom     <Object>
            configMapKeyRef     <Object>
              key       <string> -required-
              name      <string>
              optional  <boolean>
            default     <string>
            event       <string>
            expression  <string>
            jqFilter    <string>
            jsonPath    <string>
            parameter   <string>
            path        <string>
            supplied    <Object>
      metadata  <Object>
      workflowTemplateRef       <Object> -required-
        clusterScope    <boolean>
        name    <string>

Signed-off-by: Mason Malone <>
@agilgur5 agilgur5 changed the title feat(cli): don't minimize CRD for WorkflowEventBinding and WorkflowArtifactGCTask. Fixes #12166 build: don't minimize CRD for WorkflowEventBinding and WorkflowArtifactGCTask. Fixes #12166 Oct 14, 2024
@agilgur5 agilgur5 added area/build Build or GithubAction/CI issues area/manifests labels Oct 14, 2024
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@agilgur5 agilgur5 left a comment

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However, WorkflowEventBinding and WorkflowArtifactGCTask are small enough that minimization isn't necessary.

For now. I think it would be good to add a size check in the script so there are no surprises in the future

manifests/base/crds/minimal/ Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved
manifests/base/crds/full/ Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved
Signed-off-by: Mason Malone <>
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Member Author

MasonM commented Oct 14, 2024

@agilgur5 Thanks for the review! I added additional safeguards in a2ca080. I also discovered there's a secondary issue preventing us from generating the full CRDs for and a few others: k8s rejects it with errors like this:

The CustomResourceDefinition "" is invalid: 
*[spec].properties[tasks][dag].properties[tasks][inline].type: Required value: must not be empty for specified object fields
*[spec].properties[tasks][steps].items.items: Required value: must be specifiedk

I think this is related to the kubebuilder issues mentioned at #3809 (comment)

@MasonM MasonM marked this pull request as ready for review October 15, 2024 00:16
@MasonM MasonM requested a review from agilgur5 October 15, 2024 00:16
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@agilgur5 agilgur5 left a comment

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LGTM. I like the two safeguards too

@agilgur5 agilgur5 merged commit 9000c94 into argoproj:main Oct 15, 2024
28 checks passed
MasonM added a commit to MasonM/argo-workflows that referenced this pull request Jan 2, 2025
The full CRDs at `manifests/base/crds/full` are only intended for usage
in editors
(argoproj#11266 (comment))
and are unusable otherwise. Trying to install them will cause spurious
validation errors with nearly every workflow.

Having the full CRDs would enable many useful features, such as `kubectl
explain` output (argoproj#8190),
[validating admission
(argoproj#13503), and
integration with tools like cdk8s

As explained at
argoproj#13754 (comment),
there's two issues that prevent us from using the full CRDs everywhere:
1. [Kubernetes size
   limits](kubernetes/kubernetes#82292) when
   using client-side apply. This is not a problem when using
2. Wrong validation information due to kubebuilder limitations.

For the first issue, I verified that this is no longer an issue when
using [server-side
so I updated the `make install` target to use it. Since `kubectl apply --server-side`
isn't compatible with `kubectl apply --prune`, I had to switch to use
which is intended to replace `--prune`, and seems to work well.

For the second issue, I went through and added workarounds to
`hack/manifests/crds.go` for all the kubebuilder issues I could find.
Since the E2E test suite now uses the full CRDs, it should tell us if
there's anything I missed.

I didn't update the release manifests to use the full CRDs, since that's
a big change and we probably should wait awhile to make sure there
aren't any unexpected issues. Users can easily opt into the full
CRDs if they want.

Signed-off-by: Mason Malone <>
MasonM added a commit to MasonM/argo-workflows that referenced this pull request Jan 2, 2025
The full CRDs at `manifests/base/crds/full` are only intended for usage
in editors
(argoproj#11266 (comment))
and are unusable otherwise. Trying to install them will cause spurious
validation errors with nearly every workflow.

Having the full CRDs would enable many useful features, such as `kubectl
explain` output (argoproj#8190),
[validating admission
(argoproj#13503), and
integration with tools like cdk8s

As explained at
argoproj#13754 (comment),
there's two issues that prevent us from using the full CRDs everywhere:
1. [Kubernetes size
   limits](kubernetes/kubernetes#82292) when
   using client-side apply. This is not a problem when using
2. Wrong validation information due to kubebuilder limitations.

For the first issue, I verified that this is no longer an issue when
using [server-side
so I updated the `make install` target to use it. Since `kubectl apply --server-side`
isn't compatible with `kubectl apply --prune`, I had to switch to use
which is intended to replace `--prune`, and seems to work well.

For the second issue, I went through and added workarounds to
`hack/manifests/crds.go` for all the kubebuilder issues I could find.
Since the E2E test suite now uses the full CRDs, it should tell us if
there's anything I missed.

I didn't update the release manifests to use the full CRDs, since that's
a big change and we probably should wait awhile to make sure there
aren't any unexpected issues. Users can easily opt into the full
CRDs if they want.

Signed-off-by: Mason Malone <>
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WorkflowEventBinding CRD has no documentation
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