A CLI and Go library for GitHub's CODEOWNERS file.
The codeowners
CLI identifies the owners for files in a local repository or directory.
If you're on macOS, you can install the CLI from the homebrew tap.
$ brew tap hmarr/tap
$ brew install codeowners
Otherwise, grab a binary from the releases page or install from source with go install
$ go install github.com/hmarr/codeowners/cmd/codeowners@latest
By default, the command line tool will walk the directory tree, printing the code owners of any files that are found.
$ codeowners --help
usage: codeowners <path>...
-f, --file string CODEOWNERS file path
-h, --help show this help message
-o, --owner strings filter results by owner
-u, --unowned only show unowned files (can be combined with -o)
-c, --check exit with a non-zero status code if unowned files exist
$ ls
CODEOWNERS DOCUMENTATION.md README.md example.go example_test.go
*.go @example/go-engineers
*.md @example/docs-writers
README.md product-manager@example.com
$ codeowners
CODEOWNERS (unowned)
README.md product-manager@example.com
example_test.go @example/go-engineers
example.go @example/go-engineers
DOCUMENTATION.md @example/docs-writers
To limit the files the tool looks at, provide one or more paths as arguments.
$ codeowners *.md
README.md product-manager@example.com
DOCUMENTATION.md @example/docs-writers
Pass the --owner
flag to filter results by a specific owner.
$ codeowners -o @example/go-engineers
example_test.go @example/go-engineers
example.go @example/go-engineers
Pass the --unowned
flag to only show unowned files.
$ codeowners -u
CODEOWNERS (unowned)
A package for parsing CODEOWNERS files and matching files to owners.
$ go get github.com/areionsec/codeowners
Full documentation is available at pkg.go.dev.
Here's a quick example to get you started:
package main
import (
func main() {
file, err := os.Open("CODEOWNERS")
if err != nil {
ruleset, err := codeowners.ParseFile(file)
if err != nil {
rule, err := ruleset.Match("path/to/file")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Owners: %v\n", rule.Owners)