wrapper around canvas 2d context adding methods to access current transform matrix and drawing path. Handful mostly in generative graphic, creative coding etc.
License: MIT.
- applyTo(context) - applies memory context on top of canvas context
- getCurrentCoords() - returns current drawing position with applied tranforms
- getCurrentOrigin() - returns position of 0, 0 with applied transforms
- getPointInCurrentMatrix(x, y) - returns position of x, y with applied transforms
- getTransform() - returns transform as array [m11, m12, m21, m22, x, y] (opposite of native setTransform())
// init
var canvas = document.querySelector('#test_canvas');
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
var memctx = new CanvasMemory().applyTo(ctx);
// some standard canvas drawing methods
memctx.moveTo(10, 10);
memctx.lineTo(20, 20);
memctx.getPointInCurrentMatrix(5, 5);
See also example.html
- support createLinearGradient & createRadianGradient
- check if some methods/props are missing
- test, test, test. jsperf benchmarks.
Note: As it basically delegates each operation while duplicating some of the matrix calculations in the background, it's probably quite expensive. You should use it only if you really need to.