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A document with examples of using the Arbor SP REST API, intended as a supplement to the online REST API documentation


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Using the Arbor Networks SP REST API: SP v8.4 API v4

This repository contains the source material for a document that is intended to be a gentle, user-facing introduction to the Arbor Networks SP REST API.


Rendered versions will be released periodically at this Github site; unless you are intending to contribute or want to render your own version, the rendered releases are probably the best option for you. The releases are at

In addition, there is a rendered HTML version available at


The file sp-rest-api-tutorial.txt is formatted according to Emacs Orgmode formatting rules. You don't need Emacs or Orgmode to edit this file; the examples in the file should be sufficient guidance for adding to it and the link to the Orgmode Guide may also help.


All contributions are greatly appreciated; pull requests, emailed patches, emailed edits, printed and written-on paper, whatever works easiest for you. If you are interested in using Git to contribute, see the section below titled Working with Github forks, branches, and pull requests


The tools described here to render the text file to a PDF file are probably pretty fragile, so please feel free to open issues in GitHub or make pull requests to make this more robust.

To render the .txt file into a PDF file, run:


in the same directory as this file.

In the same directory as this README file is a Bash shell script called that will create a Docker image for you, or use an existing Docker image that will then convert the Emacs org-mode file (hardcoded in this case to be the file sp-rest-api-tutorial.txt) to a LaTeX file than is then rendered to PDF.

What this is really doing is using the Docker file and two supporting files in the render directory to create a Docker image that contains everything you need to render sp-rest-api-cookbook.txt to a PDF file.

Alternatively, if you want to use Emacs to render this you can use Emacs+Orgmode's Export (C-e) command to produce HTML, PDF, etc.

Exporting from Emacs Orgmode as a LaTeX file is the easiest thing to do, then, assuming you have the LaTeX packages that are required, you can run the commands:

pdflatex -shell-escape sp-rest-api-tutorial
pdflatex -shell-escape sp-rest-api-tutorial
makeindex sp-rest-api-tutorial
pdflatex -shell-escape sp-rest-api-tutorial

to produce a PDF file.

Working with Github forks, branches, and pull requests

  1. Create an account on GitHub that you want to use for this work, or use an existing one.

  2. Log in to as that account, go to, and click the Fork button in the upper right corner of the page. Alernatively use the hub git wrapper and Github client and type:

    hub clone
    cd sp-rest-api-cookbook
    hub fork
  3. Copy your fork to your computer by cloning it:

    git clone<YOUR_GITHUB_ACCOUNT_NAME>/sp-rest-api-cookbook.git
    cd sp-rest-api-cookbook
  4. Add a remote called 'upstream' to keep up with the version of this at Arbor's github site:

    git remote add upstream
  5. Create a git branch and switch to it:

    git checkout -b <branchname>
  6. Make your edits to sp-rest-api-cookbook.txt, add files to code-examples and images, etc.

  7. To track your work you can make as many commits as you want, they will all be merged together in a later step

  8. When you are done and ready to start the process of making a pull request, first update your master branch relative to the Arbor master branch (upstream) by typing:

    git checkout master
    git pull upstream master
  9. Then merge any changes into your branch; this will make the pull request match the most recent version at Arbor, thus making it easier and more likely the be accepted

    git checkout <branchname>
    git merge master

    You may need to make changes to your branch to get the merge to complete cleanly

  10. (This and the next step are a convenience for the maintainers of the SP REST API Cookbook, however, they are somewhat complicated and can be risky; you may skip them if you aren't comfortable with them and the maintainers will do this step for you)

    Rebase your changes against the master branch by typing:

    git rebase -i master

    and change all of the lines after the first one to start with s instead of with pick; this will squash all of the changes into one commit; you'll have a chance to edit together all of the commit messages in the next step

  11. Edit together all of your commit messages, check out some other commit messages to see the style (These can be seen by running git log in the repository)

  12. Push your branch to Github into your own, forked, repository:

    git push -u origin <branchname>
  13. On the website, choose your branch of the repo and click "Issue Pull Request", edit the message and click submit. Or, if you're using hub:

    hub pull-request -b arbor/sp-rest-api-cookbook:master -h <your_git_id>:<your_branch_name>

    and fill out the message and title in the editor that starts up

  14. You will get some emails from github when your PR is merged or rejected or commented on.

  15. Once your PR is accepted and merged, you can update your master branch from the new upstream and delete your local feature branch:

    git pull upstream master
    git branch -d <branchname>

    then you can push the new master back to your github repository and delete the remote copy of your branch, making the master branch of your fork the same as the master branch of the copy in Arbor's github site:

    git push origin --delete <branchname>
  16. Now you can return to step 5 and make more contributions!


A document with examples of using the Arbor SP REST API, intended as a supplement to the online REST API documentation







No packages published

Contributors 4
