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Releases: arades79/hyperdome

Hyperdome 0.3.0

22 Jun 15:00
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Hyperdome 0.3.0 Pre-release

This update is mostly under-the-covers changes to help maintain secure practices and simplify future development.

0.3.0 clients and servers are inter-compatible.

macOS Support and Binaries

Updated build files and dependencies to support macOS clients.
Hyperdome server currently runs on macOS, but binaries will not be provided at this time.

Supplied macOS binaries are not currently codesigned by x-code, and may require additional verification to run.

Code Refactoring

Many core classes and functions that existed in the Onionshare codebase were removed,
and the code was simplified. These changes should make the project easier to contribute to.

Threading and UI code changes were also made in support of better testing, and better decoupling from qt.
This should help make future API changes more easily, as well as make new UI developments more quickly.
Having a decoupled client implementation will also make third party clients easier to make, or future mobile apps.

(optional) Comprehensive Logging

This release adds pervasive logging support to allow significantly easier debugging.
Importantly, all logging can be disabled, and/or redirected to ensure no logs are kept.
All server logging contain no user information, and messages are never logged.
A malicious server opperator adhering to license will not be capable of tracking users.

Unit Tests, Code Coverage, and CI

In an effort to make debugging even easier, and development faster, unit tests and automated tested is now in hyperdome!
All pull requests will now require passing all unit tests, as well as a pass from bandit, a python security linter.

Unit tests are not well-covering yet, as some older code pending removal is not tested,
and very large classes will need to be refactored before being unit testable.

Bundled Tor Support (Linux & BSD)

Previous issues preventing use of bundled Tor on hosts that get their Tor from a package manager have been resolved.

Hyperdome 0.2.1

19 Apr 02:11
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Hyperdome 0.2.1 Pre-release

Changed some build files so Hyperdome is not flagged by antivirus on windows.

Also tweaked Linux build instructions and included binary Linux builds.

The Linux builds included were built on WSL and could not be properly tested due to WSL limitations

(Update 04/24/20: windows binary was still being flagged so a new build was done with a manually compiled pyinstaller and signatures were made for both archives)

Hyperdome 0.2.0

18 Apr 17:42
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Hyperdome 0.2.0 Pre-release

A considerably more viable demo release!

Binary builds

This release includes binary builds for Windows, ( asset)
and the ability to build binaries for Windows and Linux.

Poetry script commands

The debug builds are also still available to run through new poetry script commands:

poetry run hyperdome_server --debug
poetry run hyperdome_client --debug


This release includes a more robust CLI with rudimentary ability to administrate the hyperdome server.
The CLI can be initiated from either the binary build, or the poetry run target, use --help to see all options and commands.

Currently not all commands do what is advertised. add and remove commands on the server only give dummy output.

Authenticated Counselors

This release adds the ability to add counselors to a server through its CLI using the generate command.

This command will generate a sign-up token for a counselor to use. Send this code to a counselor and have them put the code in the password field when adding a new server. The counselor's client will generate a public key to use with that server to use for authentication from that point on.


All chats now use end-to-end encryption for all sessions between counselor and guest. This means that the server is no longer able to read any messages during transmission! All sessions use ephemeral X448 key-pairs to create send and receive key ratchets used to create unique AES-128 and SHA2-128 HMAC keys for every message sent.

And much more!

All the PRs and issues unique to this release can be viewed at:

Hyperdome 0.1 -- proof of concept for the platonic 'safe space'

15 Feb 04:03
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Our first release!

This release doesn't aim to be a fully viable product. For starters, counselors are totally unauthenticated, meaning there's no reason to believe anyone on the other end has any ability to help you, nor any training. The bundled server is also not very robust, and likely won't scale beyond ~100 active users. All messages are also totally readable by the server, a server administrator could easily read all messages moving through the system. However no messages or any data whatsoever is stored by the server, so if your messages aren't viewed immediately they'll vanish quickly.

This release is intended to be used as a starting point for regression testing, and as a demonstration to attract more development support or potential sponsors. This build will be shown to school officials as a demonstration of what a release-grade version will do once a few more features are worked out and the codebase is more polished.

If you like the idea behind hyperdome please share! Even if you can't help, if you show it to someone who can, or even spread the word about Hyperdome's cause of providing totally anonymous support it will help us get a reliable hyperdome into the hands of a worthy counselor near you!