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arXiv Submission

This repository houses development related to the arXiv-NG submission system. See for the latest documentation.



Update the API doc source refs with:

sphinx-apidoc -o docs/source/arxiv.submission -e -f -M --implicit-namespaces core/arxiv *test*/*

Build HTML docs with:

cd docs
make html SPHINXBUILD=$(pipenv --venv)/bin/sphinx-build


What's in the repo

  • The events core package provides integrations with the submission database and notification streams, and exposes a Python API for event-based operations on submission (meta)data. Any web services that modify submission data must do so via this package.
  • The submission agent is a Kinesis consumer that orchestrates backend processes based on rules triggered by submission events.

In progress/stale

These components are considerably behind, or only partially complete. Future development milestones will focus on these services, possibly in separate repositories.

  • The API service provides the client-facing interface for submission-related requests. Status: In progress
  • The Webhooks service provides an API for creating and managing submission-related webhooks. Status: Schema only
  • A toy Gateway service provides a minimal NGINX server configured to utilize the authentication service (below). It provides (proxy) access to client-facing services, including the API service. This is close (but not identical) to what is run in production.

Related components/dependencies

  • The authentication service handles sub-requests from the gateway to authorize client requests, and mints encrypted JWTs for use by other services.
  • The client registry provides OAuth2 workflows. Currently supports the client_credentials and authorization_code grant types.
  • The file management service is responsible for handling client/user uploads, and perform sanitization and other QA checks.
  • The submission UI provides a form-driven UI for submission. The UI is built on top of the submission core package (this repo).
  • The compiler service is responsible for compiling LaTeX sources to PDF, DVI, and other formats.

Python dependencies

This project uses pipenv to manage Python dependencies. To install dependencies do:

$ pipenv install

To install dev/testing dependencies, use:

$ pipenv install --dev

Local deployment with Docker Compose (for testing only)

A Compose file (docker-compose.yml) is included in the root of this repository, and can be used to run the services in this project for local testing and development purposes.

See the Docker documentation for information about using Docker Compose.

Starting the service cluster

The Compose file included here deploys all services on a custom network, and exposes the gateway service at port 8000 on your local machine.

To start up (from the root of the repo, containing docker-compose.yml):

$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up

This will generate a lot of output, and bind your terminal. Some things to watch for:

MariaDB starting up successfully:

submission-maria            | 2018-04-11 13:49:16 0 [Note] Reading of all Master_info entries succeded
submission-maria            | 2018-04-11 13:49:16 0 [Note] Added new Master_info '' to hash table
submission-maria            | 2018-04-11 13:49:16 0 [Note] mysqld: ready for connections.
submission-maria            | Version: '10.3.5-MariaDB-10.3.5+maria~jessie'  socket: '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock'  port: 3306 binary distribution

The metadata API service waiting for the database to be ready:

submission-metadata         | application 11/Apr/2018:09:49:13 +0000 - __main__ - None - [arxiv:null] - INFO: "...waiting 4 seconds..."

After the DB is available, you should see something like this as the metadata service initializes the database and adds some data.

submission-metadata         | application 11/Apr/2018:09:49:17 +0000 - __main__ - None - [arxiv:null] - INFO: "Checking for database"
submission-metadata         | application 11/Apr/2018:09:49:17 +0000 - __main__ - None - [arxiv:null] - INFO: "Database not yet initialized; creating tables"
submission-metadata         | application 11/Apr/2018:09:49:18 +0000 - __main__ - None - [arxiv:null] - INFO: "Populate with base data..."
submission-metadata         | application 11/Apr/2018:09:49:18 +0000 - __main__ - None - [arxiv:null] - INFO: "Added 10 licenses"
submission-metadata         | application 11/Apr/2018:09:49:18 +0000 - __main__ - None - [arxiv:null] - INFO: "Added 3 policy classes"
submission-metadata         | application 11/Apr/2018:09:49:18 +0000 - __main__ - None - [arxiv:null] - INFO: "Added 150 categories"
submission-metadata         | application 11/Apr/2018:09:49:18 +0000 - __main__ - None - [arxiv:null] - INFO: "Added 500 users"

Note that the users generated here are fake. Licenses, categories, etc are all "realistic".

After generating data, the web service starts:

submission-metadata         | spawned uWSGI master process (pid: 13)
submission-metadata         | spawned uWSGI worker 1 (pid: 21, cores: 100)
submission-metadata         | spawned uWSGI worker 2 (pid: 22, cores: 100)
submission-metadata         | spawned uWSGI worker 3 (pid: 23, cores: 100)
submission-metadata         | spawned uWSGI worker 4 (pid: 24, cores: 100)
submission-metadata         | spawned uWSGI worker 5 (pid: 25, cores: 100)
submission-metadata         | spawned uWSGI worker 6 (pid: 26, cores: 100)
submission-metadata         | spawned uWSGI worker 7 (pid: 27, cores: 100)
submission-metadata         | spawned uWSGI worker 8 (pid: 28, cores: 100)

Creating a client

The arxiv/registry image provides a helper script to create a new API client.

Be sure to change [NETWORK_NAME] to the actual name of the Docker network that the service cluster is using. It should be [something]arxiv-submission-local. E.g, it might be arxivsubmissioncore_arxiv-submission-local. To be sure, run docker network ls | grep arxiv-submission-local.

docker run -it -e REGISTRY_DATABASE_URI=mysql+mysqldb://foouser:foopass@registry-maria:3306/registry?charset=utf8 --network=[NETWORK NAME] arxiv/registry:0.1 -- python

Follow the prompts to create your client. For best results, use the default scopes (just press enter):

Brief client name: client
Info URL for the client: http://client
What is it: a client
Space-delimited authorized scopes [public:read submission:create submission:update submission:read upload:create upload:update upload:read upload:read_logs]:
Redirect URI: http://localhost:1234/callback
Created client client with ID 2 and secret o86ScxuqcOffbWKxvyGke6e4wFTIukkjiJEc4ofBj7cDmNLz

Note the client ID and secret at the end -- you'll need those.

Client credentials authorization

In production, the submission API will require an authorization code (three-legged authorization) grant. For local testing, however, it may be more convenient to use client credentials.

Use your client ID and secret (above) to get an access token.

Include the header: Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Include the following parameters:

  • grant_type -- This should be client_credentials
  • client_id -- This should be your client ID
  • client_secret -- This should be your client secret
$ curl -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=2&client_secret=o86ScxuqcOffbWKxvyGke6e4wFTIukkjiJEc4ofBj7cDmNLz"
{"access_token": "4tkstLJauH65EwpewmpJ0IugdqFLMctHiIjl5IvWxK", "expires_in": 864000, "token_type": "Bearer"}

You should get back a JSON document with the following properties:

  • access_token -- That's your access token.
  • expires_in -- Number of seconds until the token expires.
  • token_type -- This should be "Bearer".

Create a submission

At this point, you should be able to interact with the submission API.

Be sure to include the headers:

  • Content-Type: application/json -- That's because the submission metadata API speaks JSON.
  • Authorization: Bearer [your access token] -- If you don't include a valid token, you'll get a 401 Unauthorized response. Or a 403, if you've really been unruly.

You can use the pre-baked submission in metadata/examples/complete_submission.json to get up and running.

$ curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer 4tkstLJauH65EwpewmpJ0IugdqFLMctHiIjl5IvWxK" \
    --data-binary "@metadata/examples/complete_submission.json" http://localhost:8000/submission/

But note that you can create a submission with far less than that!

$ curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer 4tkstLJauH65EwpewmpJ0IugdqFLMctHiIjl5IvWxK" \
    --data "{}" http://localhost:8000/submission/

Server: nginx/1.13.12
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2018 19:47:33 GMT
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 1027
Location: http://localhost:8000/submission/7/
Connection: keep-alive

{"active":true,"arxiv_id":null,"client":{"client_id":"2"},"compilations":[],"created":"2018-09-24T19:47:33.251494","creator":{"affiliation":"","agent_type":"User","email":"","endorsements":["*.*"],"forename":"","identifier":null,"name":"  ","native_id":null,"suffix":"","surname":"","user_id":null},"delegations":{},"finalized":false,"license":null,"metadata":{"abstract":null,"acm_class":null,"authors":[],"authors_display":"","comments":"","doi":null,"journal_ref":null,"msc_class":null,"report_num":null,"title":null},"owner":{"affiliation":"","agent_type":"User","email":"","endorsements":["*.*"],"forename":"","identifier":null,"name":"  ","native_id":null,"suffix":"","surname":"","user_id":null},"primary_classification":null,"proxy":null,"announced":false,"secondary_classification":[],"source_content":null,"status":"working","submission_id":7,"submitter_accepts_policy":null,"submitter_confirmed_preview":false,"submitter_contact_verified":false,"submitter_is_author":null,"updated":"2018-09-24T19:47:33.251494"}

You can update a submission by POSTing fields that you want to update.

$ curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer 4tkstLJauH65EwpewmpJ0IugdqFLMctHiIjl5IvWxK"  \
    --data '{"metadata":{"title":"The theory of life and everything","doi":"10.00123/foo45678"}}' \

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.13.12
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2018 20:23:57 GMT
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 1060
Location: http://localhost:8000/submission/7/
Connection: keep-alive

{"active":true,"arxiv_id":null,"client":null,"compilations":[],"created":"2018-09-24T20:22:33.498688","creator":{"affiliation":"","agent_type":"User","email":"","endorsements":["*.*"],"forename":"","identifier":null,"name":"  ","native_id":null,"suffix":"","surname":"","user_id":null},"delegations":{},"finalized":false,"license":null,"metadata":{"abstract":null,"acm_class":null,"authors":[],"authors_display":"","comments":"","doi":"10.00123/foo45678","journal_ref":null,"msc_class":null,"report_num":null,"title":"The theory of life and everything"},"owner":{"affiliation":"","agent_type":"User","email":"","endorsements":["*.*"],"forename":"","identifier":null,"name":"  ","native_id":null,"suffix":"","surname":"","user_id":null},"primary_classification":null,"proxy":null,"announced":false,"secondary_classification":[],"source_content":null,"status":"working","submission_id":7,"submitter_accepts_policy":null,"submitter_confirmed_preview":false,"submitter_contact_verified":false,"submitter_is_author":null,"updated":"2018-09-24T20:23:57.754003"}

You can finalize the submission by updating the finalize field to true. But if fields are missing, you'll get an error.

$ curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer 4tkstLJauH65EwpewmpJ0IugdqFLMctHiIjl5IvWxK" \
    --data '{"finalized": true}' \

Server: nginx/1.13.12
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2018 20:25:32 GMT
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 62
Connection: keep-alive

{"reason":"Invalid Stack:\n\tMissing primary_classification"}