Storm is a distributed realtime computation system. Similar to how Hadoop provides a set of general primitives for doing batch processing, Storm provides a set of general primitives for doing realtime computation. Storm is simple, can be used with any programming language, is used by many companies, and is a lot of fun to use!
The Rationale page explains what Storm is and why it was built. This presentation is also a good introduction to the project.
Storm has a website at Follow @stormprocessor on Twitter for updates on the project.
Documentation and tutorials can be found on the Storm website.
Developers and contributors should also take a look at our Developer documentation.
NOTE: The google groups account is now officially deprecated in favor of the Apache-hosted user/dev mailing lists.
Storm users should send messages and subscribe to
You can subscribe to this list by sending an email to Likewise, you can cancel a subscription by sending an email to
You can also browse the archives of the storm-user mailing list.
Storm developers should send messages and subscribe to
You can subscribe to this list by sending an email to Likewise, you can cancel a subscription by sending an email to
You can also browse the archives of the storm-dev mailing list.
Storm developers who would want to track the JIRA issues should subscribe to
You can subscribe to this list by sending an email to Likewise, you can cancel a subscription by sending an email to
You can view the archives of the mailing list here.
In case you want to raise a bug/feature or propose an idea, please use Apache Jira
If you are using a pre-built binary distribution of Storm, then chances are you should send questions, comments, storm-related announcements, etc. to
If you are building storm from source, developing new features, or otherwise hacking storm source code, then is more appropriate.
If you are committers and/or PMCs, or contributors looking for following up and participating development of Storm, then you would want to also subscribe in addition to
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New messages sent to will either be rejected/bounced or replied to with a message to direct the email to the appropriate Apache-hosted group.
You can also come to the #storm-user room on freenode. You can usually find a Storm developer there to help you out.
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
- Nathan Marz (@nathanmarz)
- James Xu (@xumingming)
- Jason Jackson (@jason_j)
- Andy Feng (@anfeng)
- Flip Kromer (@mrflip)
- David Lao (@davidlao2k)
- P. Taylor Goetz (@ptgoetz)
- Derek Dagit (@d2r)
- Robert Evans (@revans2)
- Michael G. Noll (@miguno)
- Kishor Patil (@kishorvpatil)
- Sriharsha Chintalapani(@harshach)
- Sean Zhong ([@clockfly] (
- Kyle Nusbaum (@knusbaum)
- Parth Brahmbhatt (@Parth-Brahmbhatt)
- Jungtaek Lim (@HeartSaVioR)
- Aaron Dossett (@dossett)
- Matthias J. Sax (@mjsax)
- Arun Mahadevan (@arunmahadevan)
- Boyang Jerry Peng (@jerrypeng)
- Zhuo Liu (@zhuoliu)
- Haohui Mai (@haohui)
- Sanket Chintapalli (@redsanket)
- Longda Feng (@longda)
- John Fang (@hustfxj)
- Abhishek Agarwal (@abhishekagarwal87)
- Satish Duggana (@satishd)
- Xin Wang (@vesense)
- Hugo da Cruz Louro (@hmcl)
- Stig Rohde Døssing (@srdo)
- Christopher Bertels (@bakkdoor)
- Michael Montano (@michaelmontano)
- Dennis Zhuang (@killme2008)
- Trevor Smith (@trevorsummerssmith)
- Ben Hughes (@schleyfox)
- Alexey Kachayev (@kachayev)
- Haitao Yao (@haitaoyao)
- Dan Dillinger (@ddillinger)
- Kang Xiao (@xiaokang)
- Gabriel Grant (@gabrielgrant)
- Travis Wellman (@travisfw)
- Kasper Madsen (@KasperMadsen)
- Michael Cetrulo (@git2samus)
- Thomas Jack (@tomo)
- Nicolas Yzet (@nicoo)
- Fabian Neumann (@hellp)
- Soren Macbeth (@sorenmacbeth)
- Ashley Brown (@ashleywbrown)
- Guanpeng Xu (@herberteuler)
- Vinod Chandru (@vinodc)
- Martin Kleppmann (@ept)
- Evan Chan (@velvia)
- Sjoerd Mulder (@sjoerdmulder)
- Yuta Okamoto (@okapies)
- Barry Hart (@barrywhart)
- Sergey Lukjanov (@Frostman)
- Ross Feinstein (@rnfein)
- Junichiro Takagi (@tjun)
- Bryan Peterson (@Lazyshot)
- Sam Ritchie (@sritchie)
- Stuart Anderson (@emblem)
- Lorcan Coyle (@lorcan)
- Andrew Olson (@noslowerdna)
- Gavin Li (@lyogavin)
- Tudor Scurtu (@tscurtu)
- Homer Strong (@strongh)
- Sean Melody (@srmelody)
- Jake Donham (@jaked)
- Ankit Toshniwal (@ankitoshniwal)
- Adam Lewis (@supercargo)
- Alexander Yerenkow (@yerenkow)
- Brenden Matthews (@brndnmtthws)
- Bryan Baugher (@bbaugher)
- Danijel Schiavuzzi (@dschiavu)
- David James (@xpe)
- David Losada (@tuxpiper)
- Francois Dang Ngoc (@darthbear)
- Gangrui Li (@davidlgr)
- John Gilmore (@jsgilmore)
- Julien Nioche (@jnioche)
- Muneyuki Noguchi (@mnogu)
- Niels Basjes (@nielsbasjes)
- Padma Priya Chitturi (PadmaCh)
- Prabeesh K (@prabeesh)
- Sean Zhong (@clockfly)
- Sriharsha Chintalapani (@harshach)
- Srinivas Prasad Gumdelli (@srinivasgumdelli)
- Steven Phung (@stphung)
- Suresh Srinivas (@sureshms)
- thinker0 (@thinker0)
- Troy Ding (@troyding)
- Aaron Zimmerman (@aaronzimmerman)
- Albert Chu (@chu11)
- Krystian Nowak (@krystiannowak)
- Parth-Brahmbhatt (@Parth-Brahmbhatt)
- Adrian Petrescu (@apetresc)
- DashengJu (@dashengju)
- Li Jiahong (@Gvain)
- Aaron Levin (@aaronlevin)
- Masatake Iwasaki (@iwasakims)
- Milad Fatenejad (@icksa)
- Ryan Liu (@shell0dh)
- Dave Parfitt (@metadave)
- Jo Liss (@joliss)
- averykhoo (@averykhoo)
- Curtis Allen (@curtisallen)
- Raghavendra Nandagopal (@RaghavendraNandagopal)
- Boris Aksenov (@miofthena)
- Itai Frenkel (@itaifrenkel)
- Naresh Kosgi (@NareshKosgi)
- Sean T Allen (@SeanTAllen)
- Gabriel Ciuloaica (@devsprint)
- wurstmeister (@wurstmeister)
- Marc Beitchman (@mbeitchman)
- Dan Blanchard (@dan-blanchard)
- Mykhailo "Michael" Pershyn (@pershyn)
- Dave Golombek (@dgolombek)
- Edison Xu (@EdisonXu)
- Ariel Valentin (@arielvalentin)
- Dane Hammer (@danehammer)
- Christophe Carre' (@chrisz)
- Anya Tchernishov (@anyatch)
- Ahmet DAL (@javrasya)
- Kai Sasaki (@Lewuathe)
- Matthew Siegel (@msiegel07)
- Jun Xia (@tedxia)
- caofangkun (@caofangkun)
- Mansheng Yang (@lightyang)
- Rick Kilgore (@rick-kilgore)
- 周向涛 (@taojoe)
- Gianmarco De Francisci Morales (@gdfm)
- zhangjinlong (@BuDongDong)
- Paul DelRe (@pdelre)
- Zhihui Jiao (@onlychoice)
- Hari Sekhon (@harisekhon)
- iBuddha (@iBuddha)
- Dave Katten (@dkatten)
- Mark Davis (@markdav)
- jangie (@jangie)
- Hailei Zhang (@Hailei)
- Nikhil Singh (@snikhil5)
- Paul Poulosky (@ppoulosk)
- Brendan W. Lyon (@lyonbrw)
- Shyam Rajendran (@bourneagain)
- Reza Farivar (@rfarivar)
- Hugo Louro (@hmcl)
- Charles Chan (@charleswhchan)
- Chuanlei Ni (@chuanlei)
- Xingyu Su (@errordaiwa)
- Adrian Seungjin Lee (@sweetest)
- Randy Gelhausen (@randerzander)
- Gabor Liptak (@gliptak)
- Yvonne Ironberg (@YvonneIronberg)
- Li Wang (@wangli1426)
- Rohan Agarwal (@rohanag12)
- Alex Panov (@alexpanov)
- Sanket Reddy (@redsanket)
- Drew Robb (@drewrobb)
- Frantz Mazoyer (@fmazoyer)
- Dean de Bree (@ddebree)
- Renkai Ge (@Renkai)
- Aaron Coburn (@acoburn)
- Rick Kellogg (@rmkellogg)
- chenyuzhao (@danny0405)
- Michael Schonfeld (@schonfeld)
- Erik Weathers (@erikdw)
- Bryan Shell (@shellbj)
- Dmytro Dragan (@3Dragan)
- Ningyu An (@jetan9)
- Pete Prokopowicz (@prokopowicz)
- Priyank Shah (@priyank5485)
- Joshua Martell (@jmartell7)
- Matthew Tieman (@mjtieman)
- Chuck Burgess (@ashnazg)
- Tom Graves (@tgravescs)
- Dror Weiss (@drorweiss)
- Victor Wong (@victor-wong)
- David Wimsey (@dwimsey)
- Florian Hussonnois (@fhussonnois)
- Ilya Ostrovskiy (@iostat)
- Satish Duggana (@satishd)
- Seth Ammons (@sethgrid)
- Aaron Dixon (@atdixon)
- Roshan Naik (@roshannaik)
- Dan Bahir (#dbahir)
- Alessandro Bellina (#abellina)
- Basti Liu (@basti)
- Jark Wu (@jark)
- Cody Wang (@unsleepy22)
- Karthick Duraisamy Soundararaj (@dsKarthick)
- Olivier Mallassi (@omallassi)
- Balázs Kossovics (@kosii)
- csivaguru (@csivaguru)
- sakanaou (@sakanaou)
- wangperry (@wangperry)
- Slava Andreyev (@slava92)
- Pavel Grochal (@Darkless012)
- Manikumar Reddy O (@omkreddy)
- Dohyun Lee (@leedohyun)
- Arthur Maciejewicz (@Zintinio)
- Juan Paulo Gutierrez (@juanpaulo)
- Ambud Sharma (@ambud)
- Abhishek (@aandis)
- Zhaokun Liu (@liu-zhaokun)
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