This is an example docker container environemnt for intdash ROS2Bridge.
This demonstration provide following upstreams and downstreams for intdash.
- Upstream
- String topic (name: /hello)
- Poingcloud2 topic (name: /cube_points)
- Image topic (name: /compressed_image)
- Downstream
- Any topic
- You can manipulate the center coordinates of /cube_points using the axes[0] and axes[1] of the /joy topic.
- Any topic
ROS2 is supported.
A data settings file for Data Visualizer (assets/intdash-ROS-Example.dat
) is provided for your verification.
Docker and Docker compose are required.
Open and edit .env file.
Set each variables to meet your condition.
Run following command.
docker compose build
Run following command.
docker compose up
If you want to add custom message which are not included in ROS base Docker image, there are 2 methods.
Rebuild Docker images with your custom message definition based on
Dockerfile example : assets/custom_msg_with_bridge.Dockerfile
Install intdash ROS2Bridge into your custom Docker image by apt tool. Please refer Aptpod official documents how to install intdash ROS2Bridge.
Dockerfile example : assets/your_ros_nodes_with_bridge.Dockerfile
If you want to change agent config, please edit service/agent/agent2_config.yml
Please refer Aptpod official documents how to configure intdash Edge Agent2.
After editing edge1.env and edge2.env, as well as the src_edge_uuid in service/agent2/agent2_config_edge1.yml and service/agent2/agent2_config_edge2.yml, execute the following commands.
By executing the command, you can test the ROS2 commands on the intdash ROS2Bridge container.
$ docker compose -f docker-compose-edge1.yml --env-file edge1.env -p edge1 up -d
$ docker exec -it edge1-intdash_ros2bridge-1 bash
# source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
$ docker compose -f docker-compose-edge2.yml --env-file edge2.env -p edge2 up -d
$ docker exec -it edge2-intdash_ros2bridge-1 bash
# source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash