- Components/ - Should contain all reusable components for site, grouped by purpose. Layout, product, cart, etc.
- Pages/ - In this theoretical project, each page would be here. For this project, there will only be a cart page, and it is already in place.
- types/ Because we are using typescript, we need types for our data structures. They should go here.
- Cart Items should be a cart product, but contain quantity as well. Cart items should show title, price, quantity, and "x" (delete from cart) button.
- Clicking "add to cart" button should add product to cart, with default quantity = 1.
- Clicking add to cart more than once should increment quantity.
- Cart total should default to 0.00
- Cart total should update according to total price of all items in cart (taking into account price * quantity, etc)
When an item is in cart, "add to cart" button should:
- become green
- have checkmark before text
When an item is in cart, we could add:
- up arrow (clicking it increases quantity)
- down arrow (decrease quantity. Hitting 0 removes item from cart)