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Terraform AWS Network


The purpose of this module is to provide a consistent way to provision a VPC and associated resources in AWS.


Add example usage here

module "vpc" {
  source  = "appvia/network/aws"
  version = "0.0.8"

  availability_zones                    = var.availability_zones
  enable_ipam                           = var.enable_ipam
  enable_ssm                            = var.enable_ssm
  enable_transit_gateway_appliance_mode = true
  ipam_pool_id                          =
  name                                  =
  private_subnet_netmask                = var.private_subnet_netmask
  public_subnet_netmask                 = var.public_subnet_netmask
  tags                                  = var.tags
  transit_gateway_id                    =
  vpc_cidr                              = var.vpc_cidr

  transit_gateway_rotues = {
    private =

Enabling NAT Gateways

To enable NAT gateways in your VPC, you can use the enable_nat_gateway and nat_gateway_mode variables. Here are some examples:

# Single NAT Gateway for all AZs
module "vpc" {
  source  = "appvia/network/aws"
  version = "0.0.8"

  nat_gateway_mode   = "single"
  # ... other configuration ...

# One NAT Gateway per AZ for high availability
module "vpc" {
  source  = "appvia/network/aws"
  version = "0.0.8"

  nat_gateway_mode   = "one_per_az"
  # ... other configuration ...

Remember that NAT gateways incur costs, so choose the configuration that best balances your availability requirements and budget.

Using Transit Gateway

The module supports connecting your VPC to an AWS Transit Gateway. Here are some common configurations:

# Basic Transit Gateway connection
module "vpc" {
  source  = "appvia/network/aws"
  version = "0.0.8"

  transit_gateway_id     = "tgw-1234567890abcdef0" # Your Transit Gateway ID

  # Default route to Transit Gateway for private subnets
  transit_gateway_routes = {
    private = ""  # Route all traffic to Transit Gateway
  # ... other configuration ...

# Transit Gateway with appliance mode (for network appliances)
module "vpc" {
  source  = "appvia/network/aws"
  version = "0.0.8"

  enable_transit_gateway_appliance_mode = true
  transit_gateway_id                    = "tgw-1234567890abcdef0"

  # Using a prefix list for routes
  transit_gateway_routes = {
    private = "pl-1234567890abcdef0"  # AWS prefix list ID
  # ... other configuration ...

The Transit Gateway configuration supports:

  • Connecting to an existing Transit Gateway
  • Appliance mode for network appliance deployments
  • Custom routing using CIDR blocks or prefix lists
  • Optional NAT Gateway access for Transit Gateway subnets

Using Private Endpoints

The module supports creating VPC endpoints for AWS services. Here are some common configurations:

# Enable SSM endpoints (Session Manager)
module "vpc" {
  source  = "appvia/network/aws"
  version = "0.0.8"

  enable_ssm = true
  # ... other configuration ...

# Enable specific private endpoints
module "vpc" {
  source  = "appvia/network/aws"
  version = "0.0.8"

  enable_private_endpoints = [
  # ... other configuration ...

You can use enable_ssm as a shortcut to enable the SSM endpoints.

module "vpc" {
  source  = "appvia/network/aws"
  version = "0.0.8"

  enable_ssm = true

Enable DNS Request Logging

To enable DNS request logging in your VPC, you can use the enable_dns_request_logging variable. This feature allows you to log DNS queries made within your VPC, which can be useful for monitoring and troubleshooting.

Here is an example configuration:

module "vpc" {
  source  = "appvia/network/aws"
  version = "0.0.8"

  enable_dns_request_logging = true
  # ... other configuration ...

Using Route53 Resolver Rules

The module supports automatically associating shared Route53 Resolver Rules with your VPC. By default, any resolver rules shared with your account will be automatically associated. Here are some configuration examples:

# Disable automatic resolver rule association
module "vpc" {
  source  = "appvia/network/aws"
  version = "0.0.8"

  enable_route53_resolver_rules = false
  # ... other configuration ...

# Exclude specific resolver rules from association
module "vpc" {
  source  = "appvia/network/aws"
  version = "0.0.8"

  enable_route53_resolver_rules    = true
  exclude_route53_resolver_rules   = ["rslvr-rr-1234567890abcdef0"]  # Resolver Rule IDs to exclude
  # ... other configuration ...

By default (enable_route53_resolver_rules = true), the module will:

  • Automatically discover all resolver rules shared with your account
  • Associate them with the VPC being created
  • Allow you to exclude specific rules using the exclude_route53_resolver_rules variable

Adding Additional Subnets

To add more subnets to your VPC, you can extend the subnet configurations in your Terraform code. Here are some examples:

Adding Public Subnets

module "vpc" {
  subnets = {
    public = {
      cidr_blocks = ["", "", ""]
      tags = {
        Name = "public-subnets"

Sharing Subnets via RAM

VPC sharing allows multiple AWS accounts to create their application resources, such as Amazon EC2 instances, Amazon RDS databases, and Amazon Redshift clusters, into a shared, centrally managed VPC. The benefits of VPC sharing include:

  • Cost Savings: By sharing a single VPC across multiple accounts, you can reduce the number of VPCs needed, which can lead to cost savings.
  • Simplified Network Management: Centralized management of network resources simplifies the administration and monitoring of network configurations.
  • Improved Security: VPC sharing allows for consistent security policies and monitoring across multiple accounts, enhancing the overall security posture.

Remember to:

  1. Ensure CIDR blocks don't overlap
  2. Consider your IP address space requirements
  3. Follow your organization's IP addressing scheme
  4. Update route tables and network ACLs accordingly

The module include a convenient way to share subnets using AWS Resource Access Manager (RAM). Here is an example configuration:

## Alternatively you specify the subnets directly
module "vpc" {
  source = "../.."

  availability_zones = 3
  name               = "development"
  tags               = local.tags
  vpc_cidr           = ""

  subnets = {
    prod = {
      netmask = 24
    "dev" = {
      netmask = 24

## Note, due to the arns being dynamic this will be need to perform with a target,
## i.e vpc must exist before the share can be applied.
module "share_dev" {
  source = "../../modules/shared"

  name        = "dev"
  share       = { accounts = ["123456789012"] }
  subnet_arns = module.vpc.all_subnets_by_name["dev"].arns
  tags        = local.tags

  depends_on = [module.vpc]

Update Documentation

The terraform-docs utility is used to generate this README. Follow the below steps to update:

  1. Make changes to the .terraform-docs.yml file
  2. Fetch the terraform-docs binary (
  3. Run terraform-docs markdown table --output-file ${PWD}/ --output-mode inject .


Name Version
aws ~> 5.0


Name Description Type Default Required
name Is the name of the network to provision string n/a yes
tags Tags to apply to all resources map(string) n/a yes
availability_zones The number of availability zone the network should be deployed into number 2 no
dns_query_log_retention The number of days to retain DNS query logs number 7 no
enable_default_route_table_association Indicates the transit gateway default route table should be associated with the subnets bool true no
enable_default_route_table_propagation Indicates the transit gateway default route table should be propagated to the subnets bool true no
enable_dns_request_logging Enable logging of DNS requests bool false no
enable_private_endpoints Indicates the network should provision private endpoints list(string) [] no
enable_route53_resolver_rules Automatically associates any shared route53 resolver rules with the VPC bool true no
enable_ssm Indicates we should provision SSM private endpoints bool false no
enable_transit_gateway_appliance_mode Indicates the network should be connected to a transit gateway in appliance mode bool false no
enable_transit_gateway_subnet_natgw Indicates if the transit gateway subnets should be connected to a nat gateway bool false no
exclude_route53_resolver_rules List of resolver rules to exclude from association list(string) [] no
ipam_pool_id An optional pool id to use for IPAM pool to use string null no
nat_gateway_mode The configuration mode of the NAT gateways string "none" no
private_subnet_netmask The netmask for the private subnets number 0 no
private_subnet_tags Additional tags for the private subnets map(string) {} no
public_subnet_netmask The netmask for the public subnets number 0 no
public_subnet_tags Additional tags for the public subnets map(string) {} no
subnets Additional subnets to create in the network, keyed by the subnet name any {} no
transit_gateway_id If enabled, and not lookup is disabled, the transit gateway id to connect to string null no
transit_gateway_routes If enabled, this is the cidr block to route down the transit gateway map(string)
"private": ""
transit_subnet_tags Additional tags for the transit subnets map(string) {} no
vpc_cidr An optional cidr block to assign to the VPC (if not using IPAM) string null no
vpc_instance_tenancy The name of the VPC to create string "default" no
vpc_netmask An optional range assigned to the VPC number null no


Name Description
all_subnets_by_name A map of the subnet name to the subnet ID i.e. private/us-east-1a => subnet_id
nat_public_ips The public IPs of the NAT Gateways i.e [public_ip, public_ip]
natgw_id_per_az The IDs of the NAT Gateways (see aws-ia/vpc/aws for details)
private_route_table_ids The IDs of the private route tables ie. [route_table_id, route_table_id]
private_subnet_attributes_by_az The attributes of the private subnets (see aws-ia/vpc/aws for details)
private_subnet_cidr_by_id A map of the private subnet ID to CIDR block i.e. us-west-2a => subnet_cidr
private_subnet_cidrs A list of the CIDRs for the private subnets
private_subnet_id_by_az A map of availability zone to subnet id of the private subnets i.e. eu-west-2a => subnet_id
private_subnet_ids The IDs of the private subnets i.e. [subnet_id, subnet_id]
public_route_table_ids The IDs of the public route tables ie. [route_table_id, route_table_id]
public_subnet_attributes_by_az The attributes of the public subnets (see aws-ia/vpc/aws for details)
public_subnet_cidr_by_id A map of the public subnet ID to CIDR block i.e. us-west-2a => subnet_cidr
public_subnet_cidrs A list of the CIDRs for the public subnets i.e. [subnet_cidr, subnet_cidr]
public_subnet_id_by_az A map of availability zone to subnet id of the public subnets i.e. eu-west-2a => subnet_id
public_subnet_ids The IDs of the public subnets i.e. [subnet_id, subnet_id]
rt_attributes_by_type_by_az The attributes of the route tables (see aws-ia/vpc/aws for details)
subnets The subnets created by the module
transit_gateway_attachment_id The ID of the transit gateway attachment if enabled
transit_route_table_by_az A map of availability zone to transit gateway route table ID i.e eu-west-2a => route_table_id
transit_route_table_ids The IDs of the transit gateway route tables ie. [route_table_id, route_table_id]
transit_subnet_attributes_by_az The attributes of the transit gateway subnets (see aws-ia/vpc/aws for details)
transit_subnet_ids The IDs of the transit gateway subnets ie. [subnet_id, subnet_id]
vpc_attributes The attributes of the VPC (see aws-ia/vpc/aws for details)
vpc_cidr The CIDR block of the VPC
vpc_id The ID of the VPC