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apotonick edited this page Sep 24, 2010 · 1 revision

The coolest hook is useless without documentation. So, always remember, if you introduce hooks in your classes, do write about it. It is a part of your API, so document it.

  • Place documentation either in the README directly, or in the header part of your main class
  • Title it “Hooks” or “Filters” (filters seems to be more attractive to many people, although it’s the wrong word)

Always define the

  • hook name
  • rough place where the hook is run
  • parameters that are passed


Imagine we had the following setup.

class Tweet
  define_hook :after_initialize
  def initialize(text)
    # ... tweet the shit.
    run_hook :after_initialize, self

So Rdoc could look like this.

== Hooks
<b>after_initialize</b>:: Run at the very end of +initialize+. Receives +self+.

This is almost enough, but will greatly improve your API understandings.

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