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Dependency Dashboard #3

4 tasks
renovate bot opened this issue Nov 4, 2021 · 0 comments
4 tasks

Dependency Dashboard #3

renovate bot opened this issue Nov 4, 2021 · 0 comments


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renovate bot commented Nov 4, 2021

This issue provides visibility into Renovate updates and their statuses. Learn more

Awaiting Schedule

These updates are awaiting their schedule. Click on a checkbox to get an update now.

  • chore(deps): update node.js to v16


These updates have all been created already. Click a checkbox below to force a retry/rebase of any.

  • Check this box to trigger a request for Renovate to run again on this repository
@renovate renovate bot closed this as completed Nov 4, 2021
@nateql nateql self-assigned this Nov 16, 2021
SimonSapin added a commit that referenced this issue Jan 26, 2023

Compilers are kept with hot Salsa memoization database
in the in-memory query plan cache,
and lazily-initialized for queries from the Redis cache.

We would expect some increase in memory use, but the impact
is smaller than noise level (variation between runs) in
`cargo bench -p apollo-router-benchmarks --bench memory_use`,
which measures physical (resident) memory of a Router process
after processing each of 100 queries.


Tab-separated results, in MiB:

Queries	dev, run #1	dev, run #2	dev, run #3	dev, run #4	PR, run #1	PR, run
#2	PR, run #3	PR, run #4
0	65.39	61.34	60.92	65.47	60.98	65.28	60.84	61.89
1	67.75	63.5	63.17	67.64	63.3	67.5	63.08	64.11
2	69.47	63.83	63.78	67.98	63.73	67.92	64.02	64.66
3	70.97	65.06	65.25	69.36	65.05	69.08	65.44	66.25
4	71	65.11	65.31	69.42	65.11	69.12	65.47	66.28
5	71.06	65.16	65.36	69.48	65.17	69.2	65.55	66.34
6	71.2	65.72	65.41	69.53	65.25	69.27	65.61	66.39
7	71.34	66.25	65.53	69.62	65.39	69.38	65.75	66.5
8	71.34	66.25	65.53	69.62	65.41	69.38	65.77	66.52
9	71.39	66.3	65.58	69.67	65.48	69.47	65.83	66.59
10	71.42	66.34	65.61	69.7	65.55	69.53	65.88	66.64
11	71.42	66.34	65.61	69.7	65.58	69.55	65.89	66.66
12	71.45	66.36	65.64	69.73	65.64	69.58	65.94	66.72
13	71.47	66.39	65.66	69.75	65.69	69.61	65.97	66.77
14	71.5	66.42	65.7	69.78	65.75	69.67	66.05	66.83
15	71.5	66.42	65.72	69.8	65.81	69.75	66.08	66.86
16	71.56	66.45	65.78	69.86	65.91	69.83	66.16	66.94
17	71.61	66.52	65.83	69.91	66	69.92	66.27	67.03
18	71.62	66.55	65.84	69.92	66.03	69.97	66.3	67.05
19	71.75	67.48	66.92	70.88	67.09	70.34	67.52	67.5
20	72.23	67.59	67.28	72.88	67.17	71.19	69.61	69.22
21	72.25	68.28	67.47	72.92	67.78	71.2	69.66	69.28
22	72.34	68.41	67.59	72.98	67.95	71.31	69.72	69.36
23	72.34	68.41	67.61	72.98	68	71.33	69.75	69.39
24	72.34	68.41	67.61	73	68.02	71.36	69.78	69.44
25	72.39	68.42	67.64	73.05	68.08	71.42	69.88	69.48
26	72.39	68.44	67.66	73.05	68.09	71.45	69.91	69.52
27	72.39	68.44	67.66	73.06	68.09	71.48	69.94	69.58
28	72.41	68.44	67.66	73.06	68.12	71.48	69.95	69.59
29	72.44	68.48	67.67	73.08	68.16	71.55	70	69.62
30	72.44	68.5	67.67	73.08	68.2	71.56	70.02	69.64
31	72.47	68.53	67.72	73.11	68.39	71.59	70.06	69.7
32	72.5	68.55	67.73	73.14	68.48	71.64	70.11	69.73
33	72.53	68.56	67.83	73.17	68.53	71.66	70.16	69.77
34	72.53	68.59	67.84	73.17	68.55	71.7	70.17	69.78
35	72.59	68.67	67.92	73.27	68.66	71.83	70.38	69.86
36	72.64	68.72	67.98	73.3	68.72	71.91	70.44	69.94
37	72.64	68.72	67.98	73.3	68.73	71.92	70.45	69.97
38	72.66	68.72	68	73.33	68.78	71.98	70.5	70
39	72.67	68.73	68.55	73.34	68.81	72.02	70.55	70.05
40	72.7	68.78	68.58	73.55	68.83	72.09	70.59	70.08
41	72.7	68.78	68.61	73.55	68.88	72.11	70.7	70.16
42	72.75	68.8	68.67	74.3	68.94	73.06	70.78	70.39
43	73.06	69.81	69.64	74.59	69.03	73.47	70.83	71.3
44	73.56	69.86	69.69	74.61	69.09	73.48	70.86	71.33
45	73.59	69.88	69.7	74.64	69.14	73.55	70.89	71.38
46	73.62	69.89	69.72	74.66	69.19	73.58	70.94	71.42
47	73.77	70.05	69.89	74.88	69.33	74.28	71.36	71.69
48	73.97	70.31	69.95	74.91	69.44	74.31	71.42	71.77
49	74.75	70.38	70	74.97	69.81	74.41	71.56	72.33
50	74.83	70.41	70.03	75.02	69.91	74.47	72.23	73.41
51	74.83	70.73	70.03	75.42	70.03	74.91	72.33	73.45
52	74.84	71.38	70.08	75.48	71.11	75.33	72.39	73.53
53	75.59	71.94	70.83	75.5	71.44	75.34	72.44	73.56
54	75.66	72.02	70.92	75.53	71.5	75.41	72.5	73.61
55	75.66	72.02	70.94	75.53	71.5	75.42	72.5	73.64
56	75.67	72.03	70.95	75.53	71.53	75.45	72.53	73.67
57	75.69	72.03	70.95	75.56	71.59	75.48	72.58	73.69
58	75.7	72.03	70.95	75.56	71.61	75.5	72.59	73.7
59	76.14	72.08	71.03	75.67	71.72	75.53	72.67	73.75
60	77.48	72.09	71.03	75.8	71.8	75.64	72.81	73.86
61	77.98	72.22	71.11	75.81	71.94	75.7	72.84	73.88
62	78.03	72.27	71.12	75.83	71.95	75.75	72.88	73.89
63	78.05	72.28	71.14	75.86	72	75.81	72.94	73.95
64	78.06	72.3	71.14	75.86	72.02	75.83	72.98	73.97
65	78.09	72.33	71.16	75.89	72.08	75.88	73.02	74.03
66	78.14	72.36	71.2	75.91	72.14	75.91	73.08	74.09
67	78.16	72.39	71.22	75.97	72.17	76.02	73.62	74.19
68	78.27	72.42	71.23	76.03	72.22	76.11	73.97	74.27
69	78.31	72.5	71.3	76.06	72.36	76.16	74.02	74.3
70	78.44	72.61	71.38	76.14	72.53	76.3	74.14	74.47
71	78.44	72.61	71.38	76.16	72.53	76.33	74.17	74.5
72	78.45	72.64	71.41	76.2	72.56	76.41	74.22	74.58
73	78.55	72.69	71.45	76.2	72.64	76.48	74.27	74.64
74	78.55	72.69	71.45	76.44	72.66	76.53	74.39	74.78
75	79.23	72.7	71.8	76.8	72.84	76.91	74.55	74.86
76	79.28	72.75	71.91	76.83	72.97	76.98	74.61	74.89
77	79.3	72.78	71.92	76.83	72.98	77.02	74.64	74.91
78	79.36	72.8	71.94	76.84	73.03	77.03	74.7	74.97
79	79.36	72.84	71.95	76.86	73.03	77.14	74.72	75.39
80	79.44	72.89	72.05	77.33	73.83	77.58	75.16	75.95
81	79.56	73	72.12	77.45	73.97	77.69	75.28	76.08
82	79.66	73.11	72.19	77.59	74.17	77.94	75.45	76.25
83	79.67	73.12	72.22	77.59	74.2	77.94	75.45	76.31
84	79.69	73.12	72.22	77.59	74.25	78	75.52	76.34
85	79.77	73.19	72.31	77.66	74.31	78.11	75.64	76.42
86	79.77	73.2	72.31	77.67	74.36	78.14	75.66	76.48
87	79.78	73.22	72.31	77.69	74.44	78.19	75.69	76.5
88	79.8	73.23	72.34	77.7	74.47	78.25	75.73	76.56
89	79.8	73.23	72.36	77.72	74.48	78.28	75.77	76.59
90	79.81	73.25	72.38	77.73	74.52	78.3	75.8	76.62
91	79.83	73.25	72.38	77.73	74.55	78.31	75.81	76.64
92	79.83	73.27	72.38	77.73	74.61	78.38	75.83	76.66
93	79.83	73.27	72.39	77.75	74.61	78.39	75.84	76.67
94	80	73.36	72.5	77.84	74.73	78.52	76.05	76.8
95	80.05	73.41	72.55	77.91	74.83	78.59	76.11	76.88
96	80.08	73.44	72.58	77.94	74.91	78.62	76.16	76.91
97	80.08	73.44	72.58	77.95	74.94	78.64	76.17	76.91
98	80.09	73.48	72.58	77.95	74.98	78.66	76.22	76.94
99	80.11	73.55	72.61	78	75.05	78.7	76.39	76.97
100	80.14	73.67	72.62	78.02	75.11	78.73	76.42	77.02

SimonSapin added a commit that referenced this issue Jan 26, 2023

Compilers are kept with hot Salsa memoization database
in the in-memory query plan cache,
and lazily-initialized for queries from the Redis cache.

We would expect some increase in memory use, but the impact
is smaller than noise level (variation between runs) in
`cargo bench -p apollo-router-benchmarks --bench memory_use`,
which measures physical (resident) memory of a Router process
after processing each of 100 queries.


Tab-separated results, in MiB:

Queries	dev, run #1	dev, run #2	dev, run #3	dev, run #4	PR, run #1	PR, run
#2	PR, run #3	PR, run #4
0	65.39	61.34	60.92	65.47	60.98	65.28	60.84	61.89
1	67.75	63.5	63.17	67.64	63.3	67.5	63.08	64.11
2	69.47	63.83	63.78	67.98	63.73	67.92	64.02	64.66
3	70.97	65.06	65.25	69.36	65.05	69.08	65.44	66.25
4	71	65.11	65.31	69.42	65.11	69.12	65.47	66.28
5	71.06	65.16	65.36	69.48	65.17	69.2	65.55	66.34
6	71.2	65.72	65.41	69.53	65.25	69.27	65.61	66.39
7	71.34	66.25	65.53	69.62	65.39	69.38	65.75	66.5
8	71.34	66.25	65.53	69.62	65.41	69.38	65.77	66.52
9	71.39	66.3	65.58	69.67	65.48	69.47	65.83	66.59
10	71.42	66.34	65.61	69.7	65.55	69.53	65.88	66.64
11	71.42	66.34	65.61	69.7	65.58	69.55	65.89	66.66
12	71.45	66.36	65.64	69.73	65.64	69.58	65.94	66.72
13	71.47	66.39	65.66	69.75	65.69	69.61	65.97	66.77
14	71.5	66.42	65.7	69.78	65.75	69.67	66.05	66.83
15	71.5	66.42	65.72	69.8	65.81	69.75	66.08	66.86
16	71.56	66.45	65.78	69.86	65.91	69.83	66.16	66.94
17	71.61	66.52	65.83	69.91	66	69.92	66.27	67.03
18	71.62	66.55	65.84	69.92	66.03	69.97	66.3	67.05
19	71.75	67.48	66.92	70.88	67.09	70.34	67.52	67.5
20	72.23	67.59	67.28	72.88	67.17	71.19	69.61	69.22
21	72.25	68.28	67.47	72.92	67.78	71.2	69.66	69.28
22	72.34	68.41	67.59	72.98	67.95	71.31	69.72	69.36
23	72.34	68.41	67.61	72.98	68	71.33	69.75	69.39
24	72.34	68.41	67.61	73	68.02	71.36	69.78	69.44
25	72.39	68.42	67.64	73.05	68.08	71.42	69.88	69.48
26	72.39	68.44	67.66	73.05	68.09	71.45	69.91	69.52
27	72.39	68.44	67.66	73.06	68.09	71.48	69.94	69.58
28	72.41	68.44	67.66	73.06	68.12	71.48	69.95	69.59
29	72.44	68.48	67.67	73.08	68.16	71.55	70	69.62
30	72.44	68.5	67.67	73.08	68.2	71.56	70.02	69.64
31	72.47	68.53	67.72	73.11	68.39	71.59	70.06	69.7
32	72.5	68.55	67.73	73.14	68.48	71.64	70.11	69.73
33	72.53	68.56	67.83	73.17	68.53	71.66	70.16	69.77
34	72.53	68.59	67.84	73.17	68.55	71.7	70.17	69.78
35	72.59	68.67	67.92	73.27	68.66	71.83	70.38	69.86
36	72.64	68.72	67.98	73.3	68.72	71.91	70.44	69.94
37	72.64	68.72	67.98	73.3	68.73	71.92	70.45	69.97
38	72.66	68.72	68	73.33	68.78	71.98	70.5	70
39	72.67	68.73	68.55	73.34	68.81	72.02	70.55	70.05
40	72.7	68.78	68.58	73.55	68.83	72.09	70.59	70.08
41	72.7	68.78	68.61	73.55	68.88	72.11	70.7	70.16
42	72.75	68.8	68.67	74.3	68.94	73.06	70.78	70.39
43	73.06	69.81	69.64	74.59	69.03	73.47	70.83	71.3
44	73.56	69.86	69.69	74.61	69.09	73.48	70.86	71.33
45	73.59	69.88	69.7	74.64	69.14	73.55	70.89	71.38
46	73.62	69.89	69.72	74.66	69.19	73.58	70.94	71.42
47	73.77	70.05	69.89	74.88	69.33	74.28	71.36	71.69
48	73.97	70.31	69.95	74.91	69.44	74.31	71.42	71.77
49	74.75	70.38	70	74.97	69.81	74.41	71.56	72.33
50	74.83	70.41	70.03	75.02	69.91	74.47	72.23	73.41
51	74.83	70.73	70.03	75.42	70.03	74.91	72.33	73.45
52	74.84	71.38	70.08	75.48	71.11	75.33	72.39	73.53
53	75.59	71.94	70.83	75.5	71.44	75.34	72.44	73.56
54	75.66	72.02	70.92	75.53	71.5	75.41	72.5	73.61
55	75.66	72.02	70.94	75.53	71.5	75.42	72.5	73.64
56	75.67	72.03	70.95	75.53	71.53	75.45	72.53	73.67
57	75.69	72.03	70.95	75.56	71.59	75.48	72.58	73.69
58	75.7	72.03	70.95	75.56	71.61	75.5	72.59	73.7
59	76.14	72.08	71.03	75.67	71.72	75.53	72.67	73.75
60	77.48	72.09	71.03	75.8	71.8	75.64	72.81	73.86
61	77.98	72.22	71.11	75.81	71.94	75.7	72.84	73.88
62	78.03	72.27	71.12	75.83	71.95	75.75	72.88	73.89
63	78.05	72.28	71.14	75.86	72	75.81	72.94	73.95
64	78.06	72.3	71.14	75.86	72.02	75.83	72.98	73.97
65	78.09	72.33	71.16	75.89	72.08	75.88	73.02	74.03
66	78.14	72.36	71.2	75.91	72.14	75.91	73.08	74.09
67	78.16	72.39	71.22	75.97	72.17	76.02	73.62	74.19
68	78.27	72.42	71.23	76.03	72.22	76.11	73.97	74.27
69	78.31	72.5	71.3	76.06	72.36	76.16	74.02	74.3
70	78.44	72.61	71.38	76.14	72.53	76.3	74.14	74.47
71	78.44	72.61	71.38	76.16	72.53	76.33	74.17	74.5
72	78.45	72.64	71.41	76.2	72.56	76.41	74.22	74.58
73	78.55	72.69	71.45	76.2	72.64	76.48	74.27	74.64
74	78.55	72.69	71.45	76.44	72.66	76.53	74.39	74.78
75	79.23	72.7	71.8	76.8	72.84	76.91	74.55	74.86
76	79.28	72.75	71.91	76.83	72.97	76.98	74.61	74.89
77	79.3	72.78	71.92	76.83	72.98	77.02	74.64	74.91
78	79.36	72.8	71.94	76.84	73.03	77.03	74.7	74.97
79	79.36	72.84	71.95	76.86	73.03	77.14	74.72	75.39
80	79.44	72.89	72.05	77.33	73.83	77.58	75.16	75.95
81	79.56	73	72.12	77.45	73.97	77.69	75.28	76.08
82	79.66	73.11	72.19	77.59	74.17	77.94	75.45	76.25
83	79.67	73.12	72.22	77.59	74.2	77.94	75.45	76.31
84	79.69	73.12	72.22	77.59	74.25	78	75.52	76.34
85	79.77	73.19	72.31	77.66	74.31	78.11	75.64	76.42
86	79.77	73.2	72.31	77.67	74.36	78.14	75.66	76.48
87	79.78	73.22	72.31	77.69	74.44	78.19	75.69	76.5
88	79.8	73.23	72.34	77.7	74.47	78.25	75.73	76.56
89	79.8	73.23	72.36	77.72	74.48	78.28	75.77	76.59
90	79.81	73.25	72.38	77.73	74.52	78.3	75.8	76.62
91	79.83	73.25	72.38	77.73	74.55	78.31	75.81	76.64
92	79.83	73.27	72.38	77.73	74.61	78.38	75.83	76.66
93	79.83	73.27	72.39	77.75	74.61	78.39	75.84	76.67
94	80	73.36	72.5	77.84	74.73	78.52	76.05	76.8
95	80.05	73.41	72.55	77.91	74.83	78.59	76.11	76.88
96	80.08	73.44	72.58	77.94	74.91	78.62	76.16	76.91
97	80.08	73.44	72.58	77.95	74.94	78.64	76.17	76.91
98	80.09	73.48	72.58	77.95	74.98	78.66	76.22	76.94
99	80.11	73.55	72.61	78	75.05	78.7	76.39	76.97
100	80.14	73.67	72.62	78.02	75.11	78.73	76.42	77.02

SimonSapin added a commit that referenced this issue Jan 26, 2023
…ivate) (#2482)

Compilers are kept with hot Salsa memoization database in the in-memory
query plan cache, and lazily-initialized for queries from the Redis

We would expect some increase in memory use, but the impact is smaller
than noise level (variation between runs) in `cargo bench -p
apollo-router-benchmarks --bench memory_use`, which measures physical
(resident) memory of a Router process after processing each of 100



Tab-separated results, in MiB:

Queries	dev, run #1	dev, run #2	dev, run #3	dev, run #4	PR, run #1	PR, run
#2	PR, run #3	PR, run #4
0	65.39	61.34	60.92	65.47	60.98	65.28	60.84	61.89
1	67.75	63.5	63.17	67.64	63.3	67.5	63.08	64.11
2	69.47	63.83	63.78	67.98	63.73	67.92	64.02	64.66
3	70.97	65.06	65.25	69.36	65.05	69.08	65.44	66.25
4	71	65.11	65.31	69.42	65.11	69.12	65.47	66.28
5	71.06	65.16	65.36	69.48	65.17	69.2	65.55	66.34
6	71.2	65.72	65.41	69.53	65.25	69.27	65.61	66.39
7	71.34	66.25	65.53	69.62	65.39	69.38	65.75	66.5
8	71.34	66.25	65.53	69.62	65.41	69.38	65.77	66.52
9	71.39	66.3	65.58	69.67	65.48	69.47	65.83	66.59
10	71.42	66.34	65.61	69.7	65.55	69.53	65.88	66.64
11	71.42	66.34	65.61	69.7	65.58	69.55	65.89	66.66
12	71.45	66.36	65.64	69.73	65.64	69.58	65.94	66.72
13	71.47	66.39	65.66	69.75	65.69	69.61	65.97	66.77
14	71.5	66.42	65.7	69.78	65.75	69.67	66.05	66.83
15	71.5	66.42	65.72	69.8	65.81	69.75	66.08	66.86
16	71.56	66.45	65.78	69.86	65.91	69.83	66.16	66.94
17	71.61	66.52	65.83	69.91	66	69.92	66.27	67.03
18	71.62	66.55	65.84	69.92	66.03	69.97	66.3	67.05
19	71.75	67.48	66.92	70.88	67.09	70.34	67.52	67.5
20	72.23	67.59	67.28	72.88	67.17	71.19	69.61	69.22
21	72.25	68.28	67.47	72.92	67.78	71.2	69.66	69.28
22	72.34	68.41	67.59	72.98	67.95	71.31	69.72	69.36
23	72.34	68.41	67.61	72.98	68	71.33	69.75	69.39
24	72.34	68.41	67.61	73	68.02	71.36	69.78	69.44
25	72.39	68.42	67.64	73.05	68.08	71.42	69.88	69.48
26	72.39	68.44	67.66	73.05	68.09	71.45	69.91	69.52
27	72.39	68.44	67.66	73.06	68.09	71.48	69.94	69.58
28	72.41	68.44	67.66	73.06	68.12	71.48	69.95	69.59
29	72.44	68.48	67.67	73.08	68.16	71.55	70	69.62
30	72.44	68.5	67.67	73.08	68.2	71.56	70.02	69.64
31	72.47	68.53	67.72	73.11	68.39	71.59	70.06	69.7
32	72.5	68.55	67.73	73.14	68.48	71.64	70.11	69.73
33	72.53	68.56	67.83	73.17	68.53	71.66	70.16	69.77
34	72.53	68.59	67.84	73.17	68.55	71.7	70.17	69.78
35	72.59	68.67	67.92	73.27	68.66	71.83	70.38	69.86
36	72.64	68.72	67.98	73.3	68.72	71.91	70.44	69.94
37	72.64	68.72	67.98	73.3	68.73	71.92	70.45	69.97
38	72.66	68.72	68	73.33	68.78	71.98	70.5	70
39	72.67	68.73	68.55	73.34	68.81	72.02	70.55	70.05
40	72.7	68.78	68.58	73.55	68.83	72.09	70.59	70.08
41	72.7	68.78	68.61	73.55	68.88	72.11	70.7	70.16
42	72.75	68.8	68.67	74.3	68.94	73.06	70.78	70.39
43	73.06	69.81	69.64	74.59	69.03	73.47	70.83	71.3
44	73.56	69.86	69.69	74.61	69.09	73.48	70.86	71.33
45	73.59	69.88	69.7	74.64	69.14	73.55	70.89	71.38
46	73.62	69.89	69.72	74.66	69.19	73.58	70.94	71.42
47	73.77	70.05	69.89	74.88	69.33	74.28	71.36	71.69
48	73.97	70.31	69.95	74.91	69.44	74.31	71.42	71.77
49	74.75	70.38	70	74.97	69.81	74.41	71.56	72.33
50	74.83	70.41	70.03	75.02	69.91	74.47	72.23	73.41
51	74.83	70.73	70.03	75.42	70.03	74.91	72.33	73.45
52	74.84	71.38	70.08	75.48	71.11	75.33	72.39	73.53
53	75.59	71.94	70.83	75.5	71.44	75.34	72.44	73.56
54	75.66	72.02	70.92	75.53	71.5	75.41	72.5	73.61
55	75.66	72.02	70.94	75.53	71.5	75.42	72.5	73.64
56	75.67	72.03	70.95	75.53	71.53	75.45	72.53	73.67
57	75.69	72.03	70.95	75.56	71.59	75.48	72.58	73.69
58	75.7	72.03	70.95	75.56	71.61	75.5	72.59	73.7
59	76.14	72.08	71.03	75.67	71.72	75.53	72.67	73.75
60	77.48	72.09	71.03	75.8	71.8	75.64	72.81	73.86
61	77.98	72.22	71.11	75.81	71.94	75.7	72.84	73.88
62	78.03	72.27	71.12	75.83	71.95	75.75	72.88	73.89
63	78.05	72.28	71.14	75.86	72	75.81	72.94	73.95
64	78.06	72.3	71.14	75.86	72.02	75.83	72.98	73.97
65	78.09	72.33	71.16	75.89	72.08	75.88	73.02	74.03
66	78.14	72.36	71.2	75.91	72.14	75.91	73.08	74.09
67	78.16	72.39	71.22	75.97	72.17	76.02	73.62	74.19
68	78.27	72.42	71.23	76.03	72.22	76.11	73.97	74.27
69	78.31	72.5	71.3	76.06	72.36	76.16	74.02	74.3
70	78.44	72.61	71.38	76.14	72.53	76.3	74.14	74.47
71	78.44	72.61	71.38	76.16	72.53	76.33	74.17	74.5
72	78.45	72.64	71.41	76.2	72.56	76.41	74.22	74.58
73	78.55	72.69	71.45	76.2	72.64	76.48	74.27	74.64
74	78.55	72.69	71.45	76.44	72.66	76.53	74.39	74.78
75	79.23	72.7	71.8	76.8	72.84	76.91	74.55	74.86
76	79.28	72.75	71.91	76.83	72.97	76.98	74.61	74.89
77	79.3	72.78	71.92	76.83	72.98	77.02	74.64	74.91
78	79.36	72.8	71.94	76.84	73.03	77.03	74.7	74.97
79	79.36	72.84	71.95	76.86	73.03	77.14	74.72	75.39
80	79.44	72.89	72.05	77.33	73.83	77.58	75.16	75.95
81	79.56	73	72.12	77.45	73.97	77.69	75.28	76.08
82	79.66	73.11	72.19	77.59	74.17	77.94	75.45	76.25
83	79.67	73.12	72.22	77.59	74.2	77.94	75.45	76.31
84	79.69	73.12	72.22	77.59	74.25	78	75.52	76.34
85	79.77	73.19	72.31	77.66	74.31	78.11	75.64	76.42
86	79.77	73.2	72.31	77.67	74.36	78.14	75.66	76.48
87	79.78	73.22	72.31	77.69	74.44	78.19	75.69	76.5
88	79.8	73.23	72.34	77.7	74.47	78.25	75.73	76.56
89	79.8	73.23	72.36	77.72	74.48	78.28	75.77	76.59
90	79.81	73.25	72.38	77.73	74.52	78.3	75.8	76.62
91	79.83	73.25	72.38	77.73	74.55	78.31	75.81	76.64
92	79.83	73.27	72.38	77.73	74.61	78.38	75.83	76.66
93	79.83	73.27	72.39	77.75	74.61	78.39	75.84	76.67
94	80	73.36	72.5	77.84	74.73	78.52	76.05	76.8
95	80.05	73.41	72.55	77.91	74.83	78.59	76.11	76.88
96	80.08	73.44	72.58	77.94	74.91	78.62	76.16	76.91
97	80.08	73.44	72.58	77.95	74.94	78.64	76.17	76.91
98	80.09	73.48	72.58	77.95	74.98	78.66	76.22	76.94
99	80.11	73.55	72.61	78	75.05	78.7	76.39	76.97
100	80.14	73.67	72.62	78.02	75.11	78.73	76.42	77.02



Complete the checklist (and note appropriate exceptions) before a final
PR is raised.

- [x] Changes are compatible[^1]
- [ ] Documentation[^2] completed
- [ ] Performance impact assessed and acceptable
- Tests added and passing[^3]
    - [ ] Unit Tests
    - [ ] Integration Tests
    - [ ] Manual Tests


No behavior change


[^1]. It may be appropriate to bring upcoming changes to the attention
of other (impacted) groups. Please endeavour to do this before seeking
PR approval. The mechanism for doing this will vary considerably, so use
your judgement as to how and when to do this.
[^2]. Configuration is an important part of many changes. Where
applicable please try to document configuration examples.
[^3]. Tick whichever testing boxes are applicable. If you are adding
Manual Tests:
- please document the manual testing (extensively) in the Exceptions.
- please raise a separate issue to automate the test and label it (or
ask for it to be labeled) as `manual test`
benjamn added a commit that referenced this issue Sep 27, 2024
As long as a `Path` is followed by a `SubSelection`, we can merge its
(statically known) output properties together with other named
selections within a larger `SubSelection`, allowing much more succinct
extraction of similarly nested properties:

    selection: """

    # New syntax:
    choices->first.message { role content }

This selection generates an output object with the properties `id`,
`created`, `model`, `role`, and `content`, where the `role` and
`content` properties are taken from the `choices->first.message` object.

This new syntax respects guiding principle #3 (safe subsetting), because
a selection consisting of only

    choices->first.message { role content }

is equivalent to the selection

    role: choices->first.message.role
    content: choices->first.message.content

and continues to contribute the `role` and `content` properties in the
same way even when you add/remove other named sibling properties to/from
the selection (such as `id`, `created`, and `model`).

Thanks to @dylan-apollo for brainstorming the best syntax for achieving
this ergonomic improvement.
benjamn added a commit that referenced this issue Sep 30, 2024
As long as a `Path` is followed by a `SubSelection`, we can merge its
(statically known) output properties together with other named
selections within a larger `SubSelection`, allowing much more succinct
extraction of similarly nested properties:

    selection: """

    # New syntax:
    choices->first.message { role content }

This selection generates an output object with the properties `id`,
`created`, `model`, `role`, and `content`, where the `role` and
`content` properties are taken from the `choices->first.message` object.

This new syntax respects guiding principle #3 (safe subsetting), because
a selection consisting of only

    choices->first.message { role content }

is equivalent to the selection

    role: choices->first.message.role
    content: choices->first.message.content

and continues to contribute the `role` and `content` properties in the
same way even when you add/remove other named sibling properties to/from
the selection (such as `id`, `created`, and `model`).

Thanks to @dylan-apollo for brainstorming the best syntax for achieving
this ergonomic improvement.
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1 participant