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Introduce new composition printer / implementation
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This forks from the newly updated schema printer. However, the goal
of this printer is to print the FINAL composition, rather than the
schema for a single federated service.

By peeking at the existing annotations in the `extensions` on the
composed `GraphQLSchema`, the composition printer can gather
important metadata like type and field ownership which is then
annotated in the final SDL.
  • Loading branch information
trevor-scheer committed Jul 24, 2020
1 parent c415707 commit 0e1c6d1
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@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
import { lexicographicSortSchema } from 'graphql';
import { fixtures } from 'apollo-federation-integration-testsuite';
import { composeAndValidate } from '../../composition';
import { printComposedSdl } from '../printComposedSdl';

describe('printComposedSdl', () => {
const { schema, errors } = composeAndValidate(fixtures);
const sorted = lexicographicSortSchema(schema);

it('composes without errors', () => {

it('prints a fully composed schema correctly', () => {
expect(printComposedSdl(sorted, fixtures)).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
@graph(name: \\"accounts\\", url: \\"undefined\\")
@graph(name: \\"books\\", url: \\"undefined\\")
@graph(name: \\"documents\\", url: \\"undefined\\")
@graph(name: \\"inventory\\", url: \\"undefined\\")
@graph(name: \\"product\\", url: \\"undefined\\")
@graph(name: \\"reviews\\", url: \\"undefined\\")
@composedGraph(version: 1)
query: Query
mutation: Mutation
directive @stream on FIELD
directive @transform(from: String!) on FIELD
type Query {
body: Body! @resolve(graph: \\"documents\\")
book(isbn: String!): Book @resolve(graph: \\"books\\")
books: [Book] @resolve(graph: \\"books\\")
library(id: ID!): Library @resolve(graph: \\"books\\")
me: User @resolve(graph: \\"accounts\\")
product(upc: String!): Product @resolve(graph: \\"product\\")
topCars(first: Int = 5): [Car] @resolve(graph: \\"product\\")
topProducts(first: Int = 5): [Product] @resolve(graph: \\"product\\")
topReviews(first: Int = 5): [Review] @resolve(graph: \\"reviews\\")
user(id: ID!): User @resolve(graph: \\"accounts\\")
vehicle(id: String!): Vehicle @resolve(graph: \\"product\\")
union Body = Image | Text
type Image {
attributes: ImageAttributes!
name: String!
type ImageAttributes {
url: String!
type Text {
attributes: TextAttributes!
name: String!
type TextAttributes {
bold: Boolean
text: String
type Book implements Product
@owner(graph: \\"books\\")
@key(fields: \\"isbn\\", graph: \\"books\\")
@key(fields: \\"isbn\\", graph: \\"inventory\\")
@key(fields: \\"isbn\\", graph: \\"product\\")
@key(fields: \\"isbn\\", graph: \\"reviews\\")
details: ProductDetailsBook @resolve(graph: \\"product\\")
inStock: Boolean @resolve(graph: \\"inventory\\")
isbn: String!
isCheckedOut: Boolean @resolve(graph: \\"inventory\\")
metadata: [MetadataOrError]
name(delimeter: String = \\" \\"): String @resolve(graph: \\"product\\") @requires(fields: \\"title year\\")
price: String @resolve(graph: \\"product\\")
relatedReviews: [Review!]! @resolve(graph: \\"reviews\\") @requires(fields: \\"similarBooks { isbn }\\")
reviews: [Review] @resolve(graph: \\"reviews\\")
similarBooks: [Book]!
sku: String! @resolve(graph: \\"product\\")
title: String
upc: String! @resolve(graph: \\"product\\")
year: Int
interface Product {
details: ProductDetails
inStock: Boolean
name: String
price: String
reviews: [Review]
sku: String!
upc: String!
interface ProductDetails {
country: String
type Review
@owner(graph: \\"reviews\\")
@key(fields: \\"id\\", graph: \\"reviews\\")
author: User @provides(fields: \\"username\\")
body(format: Boolean = false): String
id: ID!
metadata: [MetadataOrError]
product: Product
type User
@owner(graph: \\"accounts\\")
@key(fields: \\"id\\", graph: \\"accounts\\")
@key(fields: \\"id\\", graph: \\"inventory\\")
@key(fields: \\"id\\", graph: \\"product\\")
@key(fields: \\"id\\", graph: \\"reviews\\")
account: AccountType
birthDate(locale: String): String
goodAddress: Boolean @resolve(graph: \\"reviews\\") @requires(fields: \\"metadata { address }\\")
goodDescription: Boolean @resolve(graph: \\"inventory\\") @requires(fields: \\"metadata { description }\\")
id: ID!
metadata: [UserMetadata]
name: String
numberOfReviews: Int! @resolve(graph: \\"reviews\\")
reviews: [Review] @resolve(graph: \\"reviews\\")
thing: Thing @resolve(graph: \\"product\\")
username: String
vehicle: Vehicle @resolve(graph: \\"product\\")
union AccountType = PasswordAccount | SMSAccount
type PasswordAccount
@owner(graph: \\"accounts\\")
@key(fields: \\"email\\", graph: \\"accounts\\")
email: String!
type SMSAccount
@owner(graph: \\"accounts\\")
@key(fields: \\"number\\", graph: \\"accounts\\")
number: String
type UserMetadata {
address: String
description: String
name: String
union Thing = Car | Ikea
type Car implements Vehicle
@owner(graph: \\"product\\")
@key(fields: \\"id\\", graph: \\"product\\")
@key(fields: \\"id\\", graph: \\"reviews\\")
description: String
id: String!
price: String
retailPrice: String @resolve(graph: \\"reviews\\") @requires(fields: \\"price\\")
interface Vehicle {
description: String
id: String!
price: String
retailPrice: String
type Ikea {
asile: Int
union MetadataOrError = Error | KeyValue
type Error {
code: Int
message: String
type KeyValue {
key: String!
value: String!
type ProductDetailsBook implements ProductDetails {
country: String
pages: Int
type Library
@owner(graph: \\"books\\")
@key(fields: \\"id\\", graph: \\"books\\")
@key(fields: \\"id\\", graph: \\"accounts\\")
id: ID!
name: String
userAccount(id: ID! = 1): User @resolve(graph: \\"accounts\\") @requires(fields: \\"name\\")
type Mutation {
deleteReview(id: ID!): Boolean @resolve(graph: \\"reviews\\")
login(password: String!, username: String!): User @resolve(graph: \\"accounts\\")
reviewProduct(body: String!, upc: String!): Product @resolve(graph: \\"reviews\\")
updateReview(review: UpdateReviewInput!): Review @resolve(graph: \\"reviews\\")
input UpdateReviewInput {
body: String
id: ID!
type Amazon {
referrer: String
union Brand = Amazon | Ikea
type Furniture implements Product
@owner(graph: \\"product\\")
@key(fields: \\"upc\\", graph: \\"product\\")
@key(fields: \\"sku\\", graph: \\"product\\")
@key(fields: \\"sku\\", graph: \\"inventory\\")
@key(fields: \\"upc\\", graph: \\"reviews\\")
brand: Brand
details: ProductDetailsFurniture
inStock: Boolean @resolve(graph: \\"inventory\\")
isHeavy: Boolean @resolve(graph: \\"inventory\\")
metadata: [MetadataOrError]
name: String
price: String
reviews: [Review] @resolve(graph: \\"reviews\\")
sku: String!
upc: String!
type ProductDetailsFurniture implements ProductDetails {
color: String
country: String
type Van implements Vehicle
@owner(graph: \\"product\\")
@key(fields: \\"id\\", graph: \\"product\\")
@key(fields: \\"id\\", graph: \\"reviews\\")
description: String
id: String!
price: String
retailPrice: String @resolve(graph: \\"reviews\\") @requires(fields: \\"price\\")

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