You need to have nodejs/npm installed.
git clone --recursive
# once its done and you have cd-ed on the right directory:
git clone --recursive
# once its done and you have cd-ed on the right directory:
yarn install # install needed component like electron or serialport
yarn run sass # preprocess the sass
yarn start # launch the M-A-P. Have fun!
The arduino also require the DHT sensor library by adafruit to work
- for the actual platform:
yarn dist
- for a specific platform:
yarn dist
--mac, -m, -o, --macos # Build for macOS
--linux, -l #Build for Linux
--win, -w, --windows # Build for Windows
See electron-builder for a complete list of the targets availables.
All the themes are contained in
pip install -r requirements.txt
yarn run change-palette --palette=NameOfThePalette
# then restart the M-A-P!