CLI tool for writing Avro serialized messages into Kafka
- TLS support
- Confluent Schema Registry support
You can download a prebuild x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
binary in the Releases section or build it from sources with cargo build --release
To build the binary you'll need:
- the GNU toolchain
- GNU make
- pthreads
- libssl-dev
Runtime dependencies:
- libssl
kafka-avro-cli produce [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --hosts <host:port[,host:port[...]]> --topic <TOPIC>
--help Prints help information
--ssl.disable.validate Do not validate broker's certificate
--ssl Use SSL To validate broker's hostname
-T, --text Message input is just a plain text. (JSON by default)
-V, --version Prints version information
-h, --hosts <host:port[,host:port[...]]> Kafka hosts
-p, --payload <JSON>
Message payload. JSON expected if '--text' flag is not present
--payload-file <PATH>
New-line delimited file. Each row is a message payload. (JSON or plain text in respect
with `text`)
--registry-url <http[s]://host:port> Schema-registry url
-s, --schema <SCHEMA JSON> Avro schema used to serialize payload
--schema-file <PATH>
File containing the Avro schema used to serialize payload <PATH>
File or directory path to CA certificate(s) for verifying the broker's key. (PEM)
--ssl.keystore.location <PATH> Path to client's keystore (PKCS#12)
--ssl.keystore.password <PATH> Client's keystore (PKCS#12) password
-t, --topic <TOPIC> Topic name
Produce simple text message:
kafka-avro-cli produce -h localhost:9092 -t my-topic -T -p "Hello Kafka!"
Produce json message with avro schema:
kafka-avro-cli produce -h localhost:9092 -t my-topic -p '{"msg": "Hello Kafka!"}' -s '{"name":"msg", "type": "record", "fields": [{"name": "msg", "type": "string"}]}'
Produce json message with avro schema and register the schema in schema-registry:
kafka-avro-cli produce -h localhost:9092 -t my-topic --registry-url http://localhost:8081 -p '{"msg": "Hello Kafka!"}' -s '{"name":"msg", "type": "record", "fields": [{"name": "msg", "type": "string"}]}'
Produce json message using already registered schema
kafka-avro-cli produce -h localhost:9092 -t my-topic --registry-url http://localhost:8081 -p '{"msg": "Hello Kafka!"}'