- Trial Process
- Useful Queries
- Security
- VM by Application
- VM by Network
- Traffic Analysis - L2 Network
- Traffic Analysis - Routing and Aggregation
- Traffic Analysis - Ports and Services
- VMs, Routed via Specific L3 Device
- VMs, Hairpinning and L3 Subnet Dependencies
- Flows, Aggegration Prefix - Traffic Stats
- Flows, VM-VM, Routed, on Same Host
- Flows, VM-VM, Routed, via any L3 Router
- Flows, VM-VM, Routed, via specific L3 Router
- Import/Export Applications
The first step is to register for the VRNI trial and download the appliance files.
You can then copy the OVAs onto a vSphere Datastore in your management environment ready to go, as this will greatly simplify the process.
Also - please read the pre-requisites below as they relate to product versions, vCenter permissions, and the Distributed Switch.
To get access to the 60-day vRNI Trial you can go here: https://www.vmware.com/go/vna-field
To download the appliances (and get the license key), you can sign in using your my.vmware.com credentials. If you do not have a my.vmware.com account - select "create an account" to register first.
You will then get access to download the latest vRNI OVAs:
- VMware-vRealize-Network-Insight-X.X.X.XXXXXXXXXX-platform.ova
- VMware-vRealize-Network-Insight-X.X.X.XXXXXXXXXX-proxy.ova
Main documentation page:
For the vRNI trial, there are 2x OVA images (mentioned above) to be imported into a vSphere environment.
These will be configured to begin collecting vCenter inventory and VDS flow information from the virtual environment.
Please take a look at the pre-requisites below.
To set up these VMs - you will require:
- 2x static IP addresses to be allocated from a MGMT environment (1 IP per VM)
- VMs to be imported into a MGMT environment (OVAs to be copied over to vCenter datastore first, but not yet deployed)
- These IP addresses require connectivity/access (L2 or L3) to the MGMT network of vCenter and ESX host mgmt VMK ports
- Environment must be using the Distributed Virtual Switch
- vCenter Server credentials with privileges:
- Distributed Switch: Modify
- dvPort group: Modify
More details on permissions here:
- Once installed - the vRNI Platform will modify and enable IPFIX flows on the VDS
- This will be a change (although non-impacting) - please ensure any change control items are covered
- Verify current ESX VDS IPFIX configuration before proceeding
From here we can:
- Create some high level VM 'Application' grouping constructs
- Typically gather data for 3-5 days (or more) and generate reports for app dependencies, routed, switched etc..
- Plan logical constructs for a transition to NSX
Here are the vRNI VM requirements (refer to Install documentation below):
vRealize Network Insight Platform OVA:
- 8 cores - Reservation 4096 Mhz
- 32 GB RAM - Reservation - 16GB
- 750 GB - HDD, Thin provisioned
vRealize Network Insight Proxy OVA:
- 4 cores - Reservation 2048 Mhz
- 10 GB RAM - Reservation - 5GB
- 150 GB - HDD, Thin provisioned
VMware vCenter Server (version 5.5+ and 6.0+):
- To configure and use IPFIX
VMware ESXi:
- 5.5 Update 2 (Build 2068190) and above
- 6.0 Update 1b (Build 3380124) and above
Full list of supported data sources:
VMware Tools ideally installed on all the virtual machines in the data center.
This helps in identifying the VM to VM traffic.
I would usually block out a morning or afternoon (around 2 hours) to complete this.
If you have already copied the VMs to vCenter this can be < 1 hour.
vRealize Network Insight Install Documentation:
This covers the install process - fairly straight forward.
High-level steps:
- Import Platform VM OVA and power up
- Connect HTTPS to Platform VM and run through wizard
- Enter License Key - this is for the 60-day trial
- Generate shared key from Platform VM
- Import Proxy VM and enter shared key
- Finalise Proxy install via setup CLI
- Login to Platform VM UI (HTTPS) and configure vCenter / VDS datasources (IPFIX)
vRNI can provide a dizzying array of outputs and data analysis.
The usefulness of these outputs is only as good as the questions asked of the system, as constructed via queries
Here is a collection of query information that I have personally found useful.
Basic Search Queries
Advanced Search Queries
firewall rules where Service Any = true
firewall rules where Service Any = true and action = ALLOW and destination ip = ''
firewall rules from VM 'App01-ACI' to VM 'DB02-ACI'
vms group by Application
vm group by network address
vm group by subnet
vms group by Default Gateway Router
vms group by Network Address, Default Gateway
L2 Network group by Default Gateway
L2 Network group by Default Gateway, Network Address
L2 Network where VM Count = 0
L2 Network where VM Count = 0 group by Network Address
L2 Network where VM Count > 0 group by Network Address, VM Count
Router Interface group by Device
Router Interface where device = 'w1c04-vrni-tmm-7050sx-1'
- Flows by Subnet
flows group by subnet order by sum(bytes)
- Flows by Destination VM
flows group by Destination VM order by sum(bytes)
- Show highest VM->VM pairs by Byte Rate (Routed)
sum(bytes) of flows where Flow Type = 'Routed' group by Source VM, Destination VM order by avg(Bytes Rate)
- Show highest VM->VM pairs by Byte Rate (Switched)
sum(bytes) of flows where Flow Type = 'Switched' group by Source VM, Destination VM order by avg(Bytes Rate)
- Show highest Subnet->Subnet pairs by Byte Rate (Routed)
sum(bytes) of flows where Flow Type = 'Routed' group by Source Subnet, Destination Subnet order by avg(Bytes Rate)
- Show highest Subnet->Subnet pairs by Byte Rate (Switched)
sum(bytes) of flows where Flow Type = 'Switched' group by Source Subnet, Destination Subnet order by avg(Bytes Rate)
- List VMs accepting UDP 53 (DNS) connections
list(Destination VM) of flows where Destination Port = 53
- List flows by port-range
flows where (port >= 100 AND port <= 200)
- Show RDP connections to VMs (List)
flows where Destination Port == 3389
- Show RDP connections to VMs from specific
Source Country
flows where Destination Port == 3389 and Source Country == 'China'
- Show RDP connections to VMs (List VM pairs)
flows where Destination Port == 3389 group by Destination VM, Source VM
- Show RDP connections to VMs (List IP-VM pairs)
flows where Destination Port == 3389 group by Destination VM, Source IP Address
- Show RDP connections to VMs (List Source Country)
flows where Destination Port == 3389 group by Destination VM, Source Country
- Show me all VMs that use L3 Router
vms where Default Gateway Router Interface in (Router Interface where (device = 'w1c04-vrni-tmm-7050sx-1'))
- Show me all VMs that use L3 Router
- group by VLAN
vms where Default Gateway Router Interface in (Router Interface where (device = 'w1c04-vrni-tmm-7050sx-1')) group by VLAN
- Show me all VMs that use L3 Router
- group by VLAN, SUBNET
vms where Default Gateway Router Interface in (Router Interface where (device = 'w1c04-vrni-tmm-7050sx-1')) group by VLAN, Network Address
- Show me all VMs that use any L3 Router - group by Router Interface, Network Address
vm group by Default Gateway Router Interface, Network Address
- Show me traffic between VMs grouped by L3 router device
vms group by Default Gateway Router, Default Gateway order by sum(Total Network Traffic)
- Show me VM->VM pairs of flows hairpinning via any L3 Router
sum(Bytes) of flows where (Flow Type = 'Routed' and Flow Type = 'Same Host') group by Source VM, Destination VM order by avg(Byte Rate)
- Show me aggregated Bytes and Byte rate of hairpinning traffic
sum(bytes), avg(Bytes Rate) of flows where (Flow Type = 'Routed' and Flow Type = 'Same Host')
- Show me physical Hosts from where I am hairpinning traffic
flows where (Flow Type = 'Routed' and Flow Type = 'Same Host') group by Host order by sum(Bytes)
- Show me VM->VM hairpinning from a specific host
flows where host = 'esx003-ovh-ns103551.vrni.cmbu.org' and (Flow Type = 'Routed' and Flow Type = 'Same Host') group by Source VM, Destination VM order by sum(bytes)
A useful query prefix for constructing aggregation traffic stats for Flows
Replace <flow.query>
with actual query filter syntax.
sum(Bytes), sum(Bytes Rate), sum(Retransmitted Packet Ratio), max(Average Tcp RTT) of flows where <flow.query>
- Show me aggregated Bytes and Byte Rate of hairpinning traffic via L3 Router (includes VM->Physical flows)
sum(Bytes), sum(Bytes Rate) of flows where (Flow Type = 'Routed' and Flow Type = 'Same Host')
- Show me hosts from where I am hairpinning traffic (includes VM->Physical flows) - group by
sum(Bytes), sum(Bytes Rate) of flows where (Flow Type = 'Routed' and Flow Type = 'Same Host') group by Host order by sum(Bytes)
- Show me VM->VM pairs hairpinning traffic via any L3 Router in same Host
sum(Bytes), sum(Bytes Rate) of flows where (Flow Type = 'Routed' and Flow Type = 'Same Host') group by Source VM, Destination VM order by sum(Bytes)
- Show me VM->VM hairpinning via any L3 Router from specific host
sum(Bytes), sum(Bytes Rate) of flows where host = 'esx003-ovh-ns103551.vrni.cmbu.org' and (Flow Type = 'Routed' and Flow Type = 'Same Host') group by Source VM, Destination VM order by sum(bytes)
- Show aggregate traffic stats of all VM->VM flows via any L3 Router
sum(Bytes) of flows where (Flow Type = 'Routed' and Flow Type = 'VM-VM')
- Show aggregate traffic stats of all
Same Host
VM->VM flows via any L3 Router
sum(bytes) of flows where (Flow Type = 'Routed' and Flow Type = 'VM-VM' and Flow Type = 'Same Host')
- Show aggregate traffic stats of all
Diff Host
VM->VM flows via any L3 Router
sum(bytes) of flows where (Flow Type = 'Routed' and Flow Type = 'VM-VM' and Flow Type = 'Diff Host')
- Show aggregate traffic stats of
Same Host
VM->VM flows that are hairpinning via any L3 Router
sum(Bytes), sum(Bytes Rate), sum(Retransmitted Packet Ratio), max(Average Tcp RTT) of flows where (Flow Type = 'Routed' and Flow Type = 'VM-VM' and Flow Type = 'Same Host')
- Show me VM->VM pairs and traffic stats of
Same Host
VM->VM flows that are hairpinning via any L3 Router
sum(Bytes), sum(Bytes Rate), sum(Retransmitted Packet Ratio), max(Average Tcp RTT) of flows where (Flow Type = 'Routed' and Flow Type = 'VM-VM') group by Source VM, Destination VM order by sum(Bytes)
- Show me all flows via L3 Router
flows where vm in (vms where Default Gateway Router Interface in (Router Interface where (device = 'w1c04-vrni-tmm-7050sx-1')))
- Show me aggregate packet stats of all flows via L3 Router
sum(Bytes), sum(Bytes Rate), sum(Retransmitted Packet Ratio), max(Average Tcp RTT) of flows where vm in (vms where Default Gateway Router Interface in (Router Interface where (device = 'w1c04-vrni-tmm-7050sx-1')))
- Show me all flows (East-West + North-South) via L3 Router
sum(bytes) of flows where vm in (vms where Default Gateway Router Interface in (Router Interface where (device = 'w1c04-vrni-tmm-7050sx-1'))) AND (Flow Type = 'Routed')
- Show me all North-South (VM->Internet) flows via L3 Router
sum(bytes) of flows where vm in (vms where Default Gateway Router Interface in (Router Interface where (device = 'w1c04-vrni-tmm-7050sx-1'))) AND (Flow Type = 'Routed' and Flow Type = 'Internet')
- Show me all East-West (VM->VM and VM->Physical) flows via L3 Router
sum(bytes) of flows where vm in (vms where Default Gateway Router Interface in (Router Interface where (device = 'w1c04-vrni-tmm-7050sx-1'))) AND (Flow Type = 'Routed' and Flow Type = 'East-West')
- Show me all VM->VM flows via L3 Router
sum(bytes) of flows where vm in (vms where Default Gateway Router Interface in (Router Interface where (device = 'w1c04-vrni-tmm-7050sx-1'))) AND (Flow Type = 'Routed' and Flow Type = 'VM-VM')
- Show me all VM->Physical flows via L3 Router
sum(bytes) of flows where vm in (vms where Default Gateway Router Interface in (Router Interface where (device = 'w1c04-vrni-tmm-7050sx-1'))) AND (Flow Type = 'Routed' and Flow Type = 'VM-Physical')
- Show me VM->VM pairs and traffic stats of all flows via L3 Router
sum(Bytes), sum(Bytes Rate), sum(Retransmitted Packet Ratio), max(Average Tcp RTT) of flows where vm in (vms where Default Gateway Router Interface in (Router Interface where (device = 'w1c04-vrni-tmm-7050sx-1'))) group by Source VM, Destination VM order by sum(Bytes)
- Show me SUBNET->SUBNET pairs and traffic stats of all flows via L3 Router
sum(Bytes), sum(Bytes Rate), sum(Retransmitted Packet Ratio), max(Average Tcp RTT) of flows where vm in (vms where Default Gateway Router Interface in (Router Interface where (device = 'w1c04-vrni-tmm-7050sx-1'))) group by Source Subnet, Destination Subnet order by sum(Bytes)
Step by step instructions for setting up and exporting vRNI Application definitions as per:
This workflow leverages the vRNI Python SDK.
Build a new minimal Centos VM to run the necessary scripts.
For this, you can use my unattended install procedure here:
Each command should be completed individually before proceeding to the next.
Commands assume you are logged in as root.
yum update
yum install epel-release
yum install python python-pip git
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install python-dateutil urllib3 requests pyyaml
git clone https://github.com/vmware/network-insight-sdk-python
cd network-insight-sdk-python/swagger_client-py2.7.egg
python setup.py install
cd ../examples
python application_backups.py --help
Example with LOCAL auth:
python application_backups.py \
--deployment_type 'onprem' \
--platform_ip '<vrni.fqdn.or.ip>' \
--domain_type 'LOCAL' \
--username '<username>' \
--password '<password>' \
--application_backup_yaml 'applications.yaml' \
--application_backup_action 'save'
Example with LDAP auth:
python application_backups.py \
--deployment_type 'onprem' \
--platform_ip '<vrni.fqdn.or.ip>' \
--domain_type 'LDAP' \
--domain_value '<domain>' \
--username '<username@domain>' \
--password '<password>' \
--application_backup_yaml 'applications.yaml' \
--application_backup_action 'save'
Example with LOCAL auth:
python application_backups.py \
--deployment_type 'onprem' \
--platform_ip '<vrni.fqdn.or.ip>' \
--domain_type 'LOCAL' \
--username '<username>' \
--password '<password>' \
--application_backup_yaml 'applications.yaml' \
--application_backup_action 'restore'
Example with LDAP auth:
python application_backups.py \
--deployment_type 'onprem' \
--platform_ip '<vrni.fqdn.or.ip>' \
--domain_type 'LDAP' \
--domain_value '<domain>' \
--username '<username@domain>' \
--password '<password>' \
--application_backup_yaml 'applications.yaml' \
--application_backup_action 'restore'
Depending on vRNI platform utilisation and deployed size, you may see a 429 Too Many Requests
This is the platfrom appliance rejecting API calls that exceed its current ability to process.
Solve this by modifying the application_backups.py
file to sleep longer (for 1 second) between API calls.
- 36 time.sleep(0.025)
+ 36 time.sleep(1)
- 58 time.sleep(0.025)
+ 58 time.sleep(1)