This course template contains the necessary files and configurations to start authoring a new course for the A+ e-learning system. This template can be freely modified and adapted to your needs.
This course templated has been tested in Ubuntu Linux environment. Nevertheless, this course should also work on any Unix / Linux / Mac environment. In order to run the course locally, you should install the following software.
All other software runs inside Docker containers.
There are two options for downloading the course template. Either way, the result is the same. Therefore, you can decide wich of the following two approaches to take.
You can download this template recursively (that means including the A-plus-rst-tools
git clone --recursive <name of your course>
You can download the main repository and initialise the A-plus-rst-tools submodule manually.
git clone <name of your course>
git submodule init && git submodule update
Open the terminal, go to the course directory and type the following command.
This command will compile the course, and store the compiled files inside the _build directory. The _build directory will contain all the HTML and YAML files that are generated from the RST source files. The _build directory will also include all the static files such as images, CSS, JS and downloadable files.
Open the terminal, go to the course director and type the next command.
If the
command run successfully, you should be able to access your course in any web browser in the following URL http://localhost:8000 -
Once in the http://localhost:8000 you can use the following users to login. Different users have different privileges.
User Password root root teacher teacher assistant assistant student student unenrolled unenrolled
In order to save your work and publish the course in A+ e-learning system, you need to store the course project in the university's GitLab server <>.
We STRONGLY recommend storing the course under the course group. If you do not have privileges to do so, you can send an email to (We will set up the repository for you). You may also do this in the new course instance request form:
If you do not want to store your course repository under the course group in <>, you can create a private repository. You need to add the service account "apluslms" with the Reporter role to the course project so that the A+ servers can clone the course. (In the project, open Settings -> Members from the left sidebar.)
A+ has a wide variety of tools and configurations. The information and instructions are scattered in many locations.
- A+ webpage
- A+ Manual
- A+ manual git repo
- A+ GitHub organization
- EDIT Wiki
- A-plus-rst-tools README - custom RST directives
- MOOC-Grader YAML configurations
Teacher support channels are listed in the EDIT wiki: