A Django-like PostgreSQL ORM for Node.
Designed to closely mimic the syntax and usage of Django's ORM.
Exclusively uses parameterized statement queries, which are not susceptible to SQL injection.
- filter
- update
- insert
- delete
- valuesList (select)
- distinct
- orderBy
- sub queries
- joins and reverse relations
- models
- fields
/* assumes 'People' model has been defined */
// filter for all people named 'Apple B' who are 21 years old
let people = People.orm.filter({name_first: 'Apple B', age: 21});
// get promise back from query request
people.req().then(result => {
// an array of objects
Distinct results:
// find only 1 Apple B for each age
let people = People.orm.filter({name_first: 'Apple B'});
// orm functions return new objects and can be chained
let appleB = people.distinct('name_first', 'age');
appleB.req().then(result => {
// returns an array of Apple's by distinct age
Select only specific fields:
let juniors = Students.orm.filter({age: 16, graduated: false});
// 'SELECT' only name_first and name_last fields
juniors = juniors.valuesList('name_first', 'name_last');
juniors.req().then(result => {
result = [
{ name_first: 'Kermit', name_last: 'Frog, the' },
{ name_first: 'Fozzie', name_last: 'Bear' },
{ name_first: 'Miss', name_last: 'Piggy' },
{ name_first: 'Animal', name_last: null }
Order results with orderBy:
// find all Apple B's and order by last name
let appleB = People.orm.filter({name_first: 'Apple B'}).orderBy('name_last');
appleB.req().then(result => {
console.log(result) // prints a list of objects ordered by last name
Arrays are converted to 'IN' queries:
// SQL equivalent: WHERE age IN (14, 15, 16, 17) AND graduated = TRUE
let grads = Students.orm.filter({age: [14, 15, 16, 17], graduated: true});
let promise = grads.req().then(result => {
// all students age 14, 15, 16, and 17 that have graduated
return sendCongratsEmail(results);
promise.then(x => {
// do something else async with the promise ....
Sub queries:
// queries can be combined to produce sub queries
let freshmen = Students.orm.filter({age: 14, graduated: false});
// order the freshmen by their last names
let freshmenIds = freshmen.valuesList('id').orderBy('name_last');
// get their report cards (student_id is a foreign key)
let reports = ReportCards.orm.filter({student_id: freshmenIds, semester: 1});
reports.req().then(result => {
// do something with the results
Django ORM-style joins
// use '__' for django-style LEFT JOIN
let reports = ReportCards.orm.filter({
student__age: 14,
student__graduated: false,
semester: 1
// use '.' for INNER JOIN
let reports = ReportCards.orm.filter({
'student.age': 14,
'student.graduated': false,
semester: 1
Like Django, you can describe your database schema using models and fields
const jypsy = require('jypsy-orm');
// get access to BaseModel
const models = jypsy.models;
// access to all database fields
const fields = jypsy.fields;
// describe Student table (returns constructor function)
const Student = models.BaseModel.extend('Student', {
id: fields.AutoSerial({primaryKey: true, nullable: false});
age: fields.BigInt({nullable: false}),
graduated: fields.Boolean({nullable: false}),
name_first: fields.Varchar({maxSize: 20, nullable: false}),
name_last: fields.Text({nullable: false}),
// create an instance of student (can omit new)
let student = new Student();
// construct query
Student.orm.filter({graduated: true, age: 16}).req().then(result => {
// do something with the results
To describe relations between models (tables), use a ForeignKey
field. Like Django, you have the option of specifying a 'reverse' name.
const jypsy = require('jypsy-orm');
// get access to BaseModel
const BaseModel = jypsy.models.BaseModel;
// access to all database fields
const fields = jypsy.fields;
// describe author table
const Author = BaseModel.extend('Author', {
id: fields.AutoSerial({primaryKey: true, nullable: false}),
first_name: fields.Text(),
last_name: fields.Text()
// describe Book table (returns constructor function)
const Book = BaseModel.extend('Book', {
id: fields.AutoSerial({primaryKey: true, nullable: false}),
title: fields.Text(),
published_year: fields.SmallInt(),
// foreignkey 'books' can be referenced from Author model
author: fields.ForeignKey({model: Author, reverse: 'books'}),
// query Books from authors by 'books' reverse field
let authors = Author.orm.filter({books__title: 'The Catcher in the Rye'});
// make database query request
authors.req().then(result => {
/* result: array of objects
results = [
{ id: '1', first_name: 'J.D.', last_name: 'Salinger' }
Or use reverse in valuesList to 'select' the joined fields.
let authors = Author.orm.filter({
first_name: 'F. Scott',
last_name: 'Fitzgerald'
// select the title of F. Scott Fitzgerald books and order by published year
authors = authors.valuesList('books__title', 'books__published_year');
authors = authors.orderBy('books__published_year');
authors.req().then(result => {
/* results: array of objects
results = [
{ title: 'This Side of Paradise', published_year: 1920 },
{ title: 'The Beautiful and Damned', published_year: 1922 },
{ title: 'The Great Gatsby', published_year: 1925 },