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SPARK-1293 [SQL] Parquet support for nested types
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It should be possible to import and export data stored in Parquet's columnar format that contains nested types. For example:
message AddressBook {
   required binary owner;
   optional group ownerPhoneNumbers {
      repeated binary array;
   optional group contacts {
      repeated group array {
         required binary name;
         optional binary phoneNumber;
   optional group nameToApartmentNumber {
      repeated group map {
         required binary key;
         required int32 value;
The example could model a type (AddressBook) that contains records made of strings (owner), lists (ownerPhoneNumbers) and a table of contacts (e.g., a list of pairs or a map that can contain null values but keys must not be null). The list of tasks are as follows:

<h6>Implement support for converting nested Parquet types to Spark/Catalyst types:</h6>
- [x] Structs
- [x] Lists
- [x] Maps (note: currently keys need to be Strings)

<h6>Implement import (via ``parquetFile``) of nested Parquet types (first version in this PR)</h6>
- [x] Initial version

<h6>Implement export (via ``saveAsParquetFile``)</h6>
- [x] Initial version

<h6>Test support for AvroParquet, etc.</h6>
- [x] Initial testing of import of avro-generated Parquet data (simple + nested)

val data = TestSQLContext
sql("SELECT owner, contacts[1].name, nameToApartmentNumber['John'] FROM data").collect()

Author: Andre Schumacher <>
Author: Michael Armbrust <>

Closes #360 from AndreSchumacher/nested_parquet and squashes the following commits:

30708c8 [Andre Schumacher] Taking out AvroParquet test for now to remove Avro dependency
95c1367 [Andre Schumacher] Changes to ParquetRelation and its metadata
7eceb67 [Andre Schumacher] Review feedback
94eea3a [Andre Schumacher] Scalastyle
403061f [Andre Schumacher] Fixing some issues with tests and schema metadata
b8a8b9a [Andre Schumacher] More fixes to short and byte conversion
63d1b57 [Andre Schumacher] Cleaning up and Scalastyle
88e6bdb [Andre Schumacher] Attempting to fix loss of schema
37e0a0a [Andre Schumacher] Cleaning up
14c3fd8 [Andre Schumacher] Attempting to fix Spark-Parquet schema conversion
3e1456c [Michael Armbrust] WIP: Directly serialize catalyst attributes.
f7aeba3 [Michael Armbrust] [SPARK-1982] Support for ByteType and ShortType.
3104886 [Michael Armbrust] Nested Rows should be Rows, not Seqs.
3c6b25f [Andre Schumacher] Trying to reduce no-op changes wrt master
31465d6 [Andre Schumacher] Scalastyle: fixing commented out bottom
de02538 [Andre Schumacher] Cleaning up ParquetTestData
2f5a805 [Andre Schumacher] Removing stripMargin from test schemas
191bc0d [Andre Schumacher] Changing to Seq for ArrayType, refactoring SQLParser for nested field extension
cbb5793 [Andre Schumacher] Code review feedback
32229c7 [Andre Schumacher] Removing Row nested values and placing by generic types
0ae9376 [Andre Schumacher] Doc strings and simplifying ParquetConverter.scala
a6b4f05 [Andre Schumacher] Cleaning up ArrayConverter, moving classTag to NativeType, adding NativeRow
431f00f [Andre Schumacher] Fixing problems introduced during rebase
c52ff2c [Andre Schumacher] Adding native-array converter
619c397 [Andre Schumacher] Completing Map testcase
79d81d5 [Andre Schumacher] Replacing field names for array and map in WriteSupport
f466ff0 [Andre Schumacher] Added ParquetAvro tests and revised Array conversion
adc1258 [Andre Schumacher] Optimizing imports
e99cc51 [Andre Schumacher] Fixing nested WriteSupport and adding tests
1dc5ac9 [Andre Schumacher] First version of WriteSupport for nested types
d1911dc [Andre Schumacher] Simplifying ArrayType conversion
f777b4b [Andre Schumacher] Scalastyle
824500c [Andre Schumacher] Adding attribute resolution for MapType
b539fde [Andre Schumacher] First commit for MapType
a594aed [Andre Schumacher] Scalastyle
4e25fcb [Andre Schumacher] Adding resolution of complex ArrayTypes
f8f8911 [Andre Schumacher] For primitive rows fall back to more efficient converter, code reorg
6dbc9b7 [Andre Schumacher] Fixing some problems intruduced during rebase
b7fcc35 [Andre Schumacher] Documenting conversions, bugfix, wrappers of Rows
ee70125 [Andre Schumacher] fixing one problem with arrayconverter
98219cf [Andre Schumacher] added struct converter
5d80461 [Andre Schumacher] fixing one problem with nested structs and breaking up files
1b1b3d6 [Andre Schumacher] Fixing one problem with nested arrays
ddb40d2 [Andre Schumacher] Extending tests for nested Parquet data
745a42b [Andre Schumacher] Completing testcase for nested data (Addressbook(
6125c75 [Andre Schumacher] First working nested Parquet record input
4d4892a [Andre Schumacher] First commit nested Parquet read converters
aa688fe [Andre Schumacher] Adding conversion of nested Parquet schemas

(cherry picked from commit f479cf3)
Signed-off-by: Reynold Xin <>
  • Loading branch information
AndreSchumacher authored and rxin committed Jun 20, 2014
1 parent ff4d5a2 commit 357d16b
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Showing 14 changed files with 2,102 additions and 384 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -66,43 +66,7 @@ class SqlParser extends StandardTokenParsers with PackratParsers {
protected case class Keyword(str: String)

protected implicit def asParser(k: Keyword): Parser[String] =
allCaseVersions(k.str).map(x => x : Parser[String]).reduce(_ | _)

protected class SqlLexical extends StdLexical {
case class FloatLit(chars: String) extends Token {
override def toString = chars
override lazy val token: Parser[Token] = (
identChar ~ rep( identChar | digit ) ^^
{ case first ~ rest => processIdent(first :: rest mkString "") }
| rep1(digit) ~ opt('.' ~> rep(digit)) ^^ {
case i ~ None => NumericLit(i mkString "")
case i ~ Some(d) => FloatLit(i.mkString("") + "." + d.mkString(""))
| '\'' ~ rep( chrExcept('\'', '\n', EofCh) ) ~ '\'' ^^
{ case '\'' ~ chars ~ '\'' => StringLit(chars mkString "") }
| '\"' ~ rep( chrExcept('\"', '\n', EofCh) ) ~ '\"' ^^
{ case '\"' ~ chars ~ '\"' => StringLit(chars mkString "") }
| EofCh ^^^ EOF
| '\'' ~> failure("unclosed string literal")
| '\"' ~> failure("unclosed string literal")
| delim
| failure("illegal character")

override def identChar = letter | elem('.') | elem('_')

override def whitespace: Parser[Any] = rep(
| '/' ~ '*' ~ comment
| '/' ~ '/' ~ rep( chrExcept(EofCh, '\n') )
| '#' ~ rep( chrExcept(EofCh, '\n') )
| '-' ~ '-' ~ rep( chrExcept(EofCh, '\n') )
| '/' ~ '*' ~ failure("unclosed comment")

override val lexical = new SqlLexical
lexical.allCaseVersions(k.str).map(x => x : Parser[String]).reduce(_ | _)

protected val ALL = Keyword("ALL")
protected val AND = Keyword("AND")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -161,24 +125,9 @@ class SqlParser extends StandardTokenParsers with PackratParsers {
.filter(_.getReturnType == classOf[Keyword])

/** Generate all variations of upper and lower case of a given string */
private def allCaseVersions(s: String, prefix: String = ""): Stream[String] = {
if (s == "") {
} else {
allCaseVersions(s.tail, prefix + s.head.toLower) ++
allCaseVersions(s.tail, prefix + s.head.toUpper)

lexical.reserved ++= reservedWords.flatMap(w => allCaseVersions(w.str))

lexical.delimiters += (
"@", "*", "+", "-", "<", "=", "<>", "!=", "<=", ">=", ">", "/", "(", ")",
",", ";", "%", "{", "}", ":", "[", "]"
override val lexical = new SqlLexical(reservedWords)

protected def assignAliases(exprs: Seq[Expression]): Seq[NamedExpression] = { {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -383,7 +332,7 @@ class SqlParser extends StandardTokenParsers with PackratParsers {
elem("decimal", _.isInstanceOf[lexical.FloatLit]) ^^ (_.chars)

protected lazy val baseExpression: PackratParser[Expression] =
expression ~ "[" ~ expression <~ "]" ^^ {
expression ~ "[" ~ expression <~ "]" ^^ {
case base ~ _ ~ ordinal => GetItem(base, ordinal)
} |
TRUE ^^^ Literal(true, BooleanType) |
Expand All @@ -399,3 +348,55 @@ class SqlParser extends StandardTokenParsers with PackratParsers {
protected lazy val dataType: Parser[DataType] =
STRING ^^^ StringType

class SqlLexical(val keywords: Seq[String]) extends StdLexical {
case class FloatLit(chars: String) extends Token {
override def toString = chars

reserved ++= keywords.flatMap(w => allCaseVersions(w))

delimiters += (
"@", "*", "+", "-", "<", "=", "<>", "!=", "<=", ">=", ">", "/", "(", ")",
",", ";", "%", "{", "}", ":", "[", "]"

override lazy val token: Parser[Token] = (
identChar ~ rep( identChar | digit ) ^^
{ case first ~ rest => processIdent(first :: rest mkString "") }
| rep1(digit) ~ opt('.' ~> rep(digit)) ^^ {
case i ~ None => NumericLit(i mkString "")
case i ~ Some(d) => FloatLit(i.mkString("") + "." + d.mkString(""))
| '\'' ~ rep( chrExcept('\'', '\n', EofCh) ) ~ '\'' ^^
{ case '\'' ~ chars ~ '\'' => StringLit(chars mkString "") }
| '\"' ~ rep( chrExcept('\"', '\n', EofCh) ) ~ '\"' ^^
{ case '\"' ~ chars ~ '\"' => StringLit(chars mkString "") }
| EofCh ^^^ EOF
| '\'' ~> failure("unclosed string literal")
| '\"' ~> failure("unclosed string literal")
| delim
| failure("illegal character")

override def identChar = letter | elem('_') | elem('.')

override def whitespace: Parser[Any] = rep(
| '/' ~ '*' ~ comment
| '/' ~ '/' ~ rep( chrExcept(EofCh, '\n') )
| '#' ~ rep( chrExcept(EofCh, '\n') )
| '-' ~ '-' ~ rep( chrExcept(EofCh, '\n') )
| '/' ~ '*' ~ failure("unclosed comment")

/** Generate all variations of upper and lower case of a given string */
def allCaseVersions(s: String, prefix: String = ""): Stream[String] = {
if (s == "") {
} else {
allCaseVersions(s.tail, prefix + s.head.toLower) ++
allCaseVersions(s.tail, prefix + s.head.toUpper)
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -50,6 +50,8 @@ case class GetItem(child: Expression, ordinal: Expression) extends Expression {
} else {
if (child.dataType.isInstanceOf[ArrayType]) {
// TODO: consider using Array[_] for ArrayType child to avoid
// boxing of primitives
val baseValue = value.asInstanceOf[Seq[_]]
val o = key.asInstanceOf[Int]
if (o >= baseValue.size || o < 0) {
Expand Down
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Expand Up @@ -19,35 +19,108 @@ package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.types

import java.sql.Timestamp

import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.{typeTag, TypeTag}
import scala.util.parsing.combinator.RegexParsers

import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Expression
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.{typeTag, TypeTag, runtimeMirror}

import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Attribute, AttributeReference, Expression}
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

object DataType extends RegexParsers {
protected lazy val primitiveType: Parser[DataType] =
"StringType" ^^^ StringType |
"FloatType" ^^^ FloatType |
"IntegerType" ^^^ IntegerType |
"ByteType" ^^^ ByteType |
"ShortType" ^^^ ShortType |
"DoubleType" ^^^ DoubleType |
"LongType" ^^^ LongType |
"BinaryType" ^^^ BinaryType |
"BooleanType" ^^^ BooleanType |
"DecimalType" ^^^ DecimalType |
"TimestampType" ^^^ TimestampType

protected lazy val arrayType: Parser[DataType] =
"ArrayType" ~> "(" ~> dataType <~ ")" ^^ ArrayType

protected lazy val mapType: Parser[DataType] =
"MapType" ~> "(" ~> dataType ~ "," ~ dataType <~ ")" ^^ {
case t1 ~ _ ~ t2 => MapType(t1, t2)

protected lazy val structField: Parser[StructField] =
("StructField(" ~> "[a-zA-Z0-9_]*".r) ~ ("," ~> dataType) ~ ("," ~> boolVal <~ ")") ^^ {
case name ~ tpe ~ nullable =>
StructField(name, tpe, nullable = nullable)

protected lazy val boolVal: Parser[Boolean] =
"true" ^^^ true |
"false" ^^^ false

protected lazy val structType: Parser[DataType] =
"StructType\\([A-zA-z]*\\(".r ~> repsep(structField, ",") <~ "))" ^^ {
case fields => new StructType(fields)

protected lazy val dataType: Parser[DataType] =
arrayType |
mapType |
structType |

* Parses a string representation of a DataType.
* TODO: Generate parser as pickler...
def apply(asString: String): DataType = parseAll(dataType, asString) match {
case Success(result, _) => result
case failure: NoSuccess => sys.error(s"Unsupported dataType: $asString, $failure")

abstract class DataType {
/** Matches any expression that evaluates to this DataType */
def unapply(a: Expression): Boolean = a match {
case e: Expression if e.dataType == this => true
case _ => false

def isPrimitive: Boolean = false

case object NullType extends DataType

trait PrimitiveType extends DataType {
override def isPrimitive = true

abstract class NativeType extends DataType {
type JvmType
@transient val tag: TypeTag[JvmType]
val ordering: Ordering[JvmType]

@transient val classTag = {
val mirror = runtimeMirror(Utils.getSparkClassLoader)

case object StringType extends NativeType {
case object StringType extends NativeType with PrimitiveType {
type JvmType = String
@transient lazy val tag = typeTag[JvmType]
val ordering = implicitly[Ordering[JvmType]]
case object BinaryType extends DataType {
case object BinaryType extends DataType with PrimitiveType {
type JvmType = Array[Byte]
case object BooleanType extends NativeType {
case object BooleanType extends NativeType with PrimitiveType {
type JvmType = Boolean
@transient lazy val tag = typeTag[JvmType]
val ordering = implicitly[Ordering[JvmType]]
Expand All @@ -63,7 +136,7 @@ case object TimestampType extends NativeType {

abstract class NumericType extends NativeType {
abstract class NumericType extends NativeType with PrimitiveType {
// Unfortunately we can't get this implicitly as that breaks Spark Serialization. In order for
// implicitly[Numeric[JvmType]] to be valid, we have to change JvmType from a type variable to a
// type parameter and and add a numeric annotation (i.e., [JvmType : Numeric]). This gets
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -154,6 +227,17 @@ case object FloatType extends FractionalType {
case class ArrayType(elementType: DataType) extends DataType

case class StructField(name: String, dataType: DataType, nullable: Boolean)
case class StructType(fields: Seq[StructField]) extends DataType

object StructType {
def fromAttributes(attributes: Seq[Attribute]): StructType = {
StructType( => StructField(, a.dataType, a.nullable)))

// def apply(fields: Seq[StructField]) = new StructType(fields.toIndexedSeq)

case class StructType(fields: Seq[StructField]) extends DataType {
def toAttributes = => AttributeReference(, f.dataType, f.nullable)())

case class MapType(keyType: DataType, valueType: DataType) extends DataType
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ class SQLContext(@transient val sparkContext: SparkContext)
* @group userf
def parquetFile(path: String): SchemaRDD =
new SchemaRDD(this, parquet.ParquetRelation(path))
new SchemaRDD(this, parquet.ParquetRelation(path, Some(sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration)))

* Loads a JSON file (one object per line), returning the result as a [[SchemaRDD]].
Expand Down
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Expand Up @@ -99,7 +99,9 @@ class JavaSQLContext(val sqlContext: SQLContext) {
* Loads a parquet file, returning the result as a [[JavaSchemaRDD]].
def parquetFile(path: String): JavaSchemaRDD =
new JavaSchemaRDD(sqlContext, ParquetRelation(path))
new JavaSchemaRDD(
ParquetRelation(path, Some(sqlContext.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration)))

* Loads a JSON file (one object per line), returning the result as a [[JavaSchemaRDD]].
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Expand Up @@ -154,7 +154,8 @@ private[sql] abstract class SparkStrategies extends QueryPlanner[SparkPlan] {
case logical.WriteToFile(path, child) =>
val relation =
ParquetRelation.create(path, child, sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration)
InsertIntoParquetTable(relation, planLater(child), overwrite=true)(sparkContext) :: Nil
// Note: overwrite=false because otherwise the metadata we just created will be deleted
InsertIntoParquetTable(relation, planLater(child), overwrite=false)(sparkContext) :: Nil
case logical.InsertIntoTable(table: ParquetRelation, partition, child, overwrite) =>
InsertIntoParquetTable(table, planLater(child), overwrite)(sparkContext) :: Nil
case PhysicalOperation(projectList, filters: Seq[Expression], relation: ParquetRelation) =>
Expand Down

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