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Despite the progress in natural language processing of spoken languages, deep learning research for sign languages is still in a very nascent stage. However, sign languages are similar to spoken languages in the nature of their compositionality and complexity despite a difference in their modality. With very limited availabilty of sign language transcriptions, it becomes important to explore unsupervised and weakly supervised techniques that are not reliant on annotated data. Zero-resource language research for segmentation and term discovery in speech has recently started gaining traction and we hope to employ similar methods and analyze their efficacy for sign languages. More importantly by treating sign languages no different from speech, we hope to establish ready transferability of research from spoken languages.
Most prior work in sign langauge translation has used techniques to convert video streams to spoken language transcriptions [1]. This task is hard considering that sign languages have their own syntax and grammar distinct from the spoken language transcriptions. The task of direct translation from a sign language to such a transcription would be akin to directly translating spoken Chinese to English without any intermediate representation. [Camgoz et. al.][1] improve on the perfomance on the RWTH Dataset by using glosses to represent sign language utterances before translating into German. An initial step involves aligning the sign language utterances to their glosses. However, transcribing such glosses is a laborious process requiring expert annotators. Considering that glosses or similar representations for sign languages are not readily available, translation then becomes a zero-resource task for most sign languages. It is important, as is with other zero resource languages, to first look at unsupervised techniques in segmentation and term discovery before we embark on significantly harder tasks such as translation of sign languages.
Since sign language utterances, like their spoken counterparts, are continuous in nature, we explore techniques in segmentation, term discovery and embedding in speech and measure how effective they are in the visual modality. MFCCs are almost universally used as feature descriptors of speech but sign languages lack an equivalent descriptor. For the purpose of this research we will limit ourselves to two approaches for representing sign langauge video frames, namely autoencoders and using an intermediate layer of a model pretrained on ImageNet.
We will be conducting our research on the RWTH Phoenix dataset [5] which contains over 8 hours of video where the signers are facing the camera. As this dataset already contains the glosses for the video segments this will allow us to measure the efficacy of our unsupervised techniques.
- Universal term discovery and segmentation:
We mainly aim to use Kamper's research [3] for unlabelled speech datasets to segment utterances and then cluster them using K-means method. We plan to use set the value of K to vocabulary of the glosses which implies some amount of supervision. However the value of K can also easily be approximated by using bilingual dictionaries of word segments available online.[5] - Sign2Vec:
Using the segments obtained from the previous step, we want to employ another unsupervised approach to generate embeddings in sign languages. Inspired by Chung et. al [4], we aim to define an end to end unsupervised pipeline from video streams to sign embeddings and use these embeddings for supervised tasks such as translation. Like Speech2Vec, we hope to capture greater semantic information in the Sign2Vec embeddings than the glosses.
Using the glosses from RWTH dataset, we will measure the similarity of the clusters formed from these glosses and the video streams. Averaging the members of the clusters, we generate embeddings which are used for downstream tasks such as translation. We aim to compare the performance of translation task using these embeddings as a starting point versus an end to end approach such as [1] without introducing too many changes in the architecture.
[1]: Cihan Camgoz, Necati, et al. "Neural sign language translation." Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2018.
[2]: W. C. Stokoe. Sign Language Structure.Annual Review ofAnthropology, 9(1), 1980.
[3]: Kamper, Herman, Karen Livescu, and Sharon Goldwater. "An embedded segmental k-means model for unsupervised segmentation and clustering of speech." 2017 IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop (ASRU). IEEE, 2017.
[4]: Chung, Yu-An, et al. "Unsupervised cross-modal alignment of speech and text embedding spaces." Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 2018.