This is a layer on top of scmtiles
that runs the ECMWF OpenIFS single-column
model over a rectangular region.
Download the scmtiles bootstrap script:
cd /path/to/my/storage
curl -o
Next run the bootstrap script, specifying a directory you'd like the scmtiles
environment to be installed into. This directory can be anything you like,
here I'm using scmtiles_expdir/
as an example:
bash scmtiles_expdir
Once scmtiles is installed you can enter the scmtiles directory and proceed to clone the openifs-scmtiles repository:
cd scmtiles_expdir/
git clone cascade
I've chosen to clone the repository into a directory named cg-cascade/
as the
experiment I'll be setting up is related to a project named cg-cascade.
I can now enter the cg-cascade/
directory and set up the run. I'll make a copy
of the template run configuration file and adjust it to my own needs:
cd cg-cascade/
cp run.cfg.template run.exp01.cfg
It is recommended to create one configuration file per experiment rather than overwriting a single configuration file.
You can use the
script provided by the scmtiles
bootstrap script
to discover the paths to Python and mpiexec
for your project:
echo "which python" | ./
echo "which mpiexec" | ./
These are helpful when writing job submission scripts.