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Showing 25 changed files with 75 additions and 75 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions Translations/bg.lproj/preferences.strings
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@

/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Default format:"; ObjectID = "159"; */
"159.title" = "Формат по подразбиране:";

@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Nest actions in a submenu"; ObjectID = "6bh-6N-5PP"; */
"6bh-6N-5PP.title" = "Nest actions in a submenu";

/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases.";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases.";

/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Fallback folder:"; ObjectID = "9dE-yV-N3K"; */
"9dE-yV-N3K.title" = "Fallback folder:";
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions Translations/ca.lproj/preferences.strings
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@

/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Default format:"; ObjectID = "159"; */
"159.title" = "Format per defecte:";

@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Nest actions in a submenu"; ObjectID = "6bh-6N-5PP"; */
"6bh-6N-5PP.title" = "Organitzar les accions en un submenú";

/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "Pots fer servir aquestes substitucions:\n\n%n se substituirà amb el nom d'arxiu\n%e se substituirà amb l'extensió de l'arxiu\n%p se substituirà amb el nom de la carpeta principal\n%c se substituirà amb el nombre d'arxius\n%d se substituirà amb la data actual\n%t se substituirà amb l'hora actual\n%s se substituirà amb el nom compartit\n%i% se substituirà amb el nom del primer arxiu\n%ia% se substituirà amb el primer nom per ordre alfabètic\n\nLes substitucions seran buides en alguns casos.";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "Pots fer servir aquestes substitucions:\n\n%n se substituirà amb el nom d'arxiu\n%e se substituirà amb l'extensió de l'arxiu\n%p se substituirà amb el nom de la carpeta principal\n%c se substituirà amb el nombre d'arxius\n%d se substituirà amb la data actual\n%t se substituirà amb l'hora actual\n%s se substituirà amb el nom compartit\n%i% se substituirà amb el nom del primer arxiu\n%ia% se substituirà amb el primer nom per ordre alfabètic\n%pb% se substituirà amb el text del porta-retalls\n\nLes substitucions seran buides en alguns casos.";

/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Fallback folder:"; ObjectID = "9dE-yV-N3K"; */
"9dE-yV-N3K.title" = "Carpeta de suport:";
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions Translations/cs.lproj/preferences.strings
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@

/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Default format:"; ObjectID = "159"; */
"159.title" = "Výchozí formát:";

@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Nest actions in a submenu"; ObjectID = "6bh-6N-5PP"; */
"6bh-6N-5PP.title" = "Vnořit akce do podnabídky";

/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "Můžete použít tyto zkratky:\n\n%n představuje název souboru\n%e představuje příponu\n%p představuje nadřazenou složku\n%c představuje množství souborů\n%d představuje dnešní datum\n%t představuje the aktuální čas\n%s představuje sdílený název\n%i% představuje název první položky\n%ia% představuje první název po seřazení\n\nTyto zkratky mohou být v některých případech prázdné.";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "Můžete použít tyto zkratky:\n\n%n představuje název souboru\n%e představuje příponu\n%p představuje nadřazenou složku\n%c představuje množství souborů\n%d představuje dnešní datum\n%t představuje the aktuální čas\n%s představuje sdílený název\n%i% představuje název první položky\n%ia% představuje první název po seřazení\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nTyto zkratky mohou být v některých případech prázdné.";

/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Fallback folder:"; ObjectID = "9dE-yV-N3K"; */
"9dE-yV-N3K.title" = "Nouzová složka:";
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions Translations/de.lproj/preferences.strings
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@

/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Default format:"; ObjectID = "159"; */
"159.title" = "Standardformat:";

@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Nest actions in a submenu"; ObjectID = "6bh-6N-5PP"; */
"6bh-6N-5PP.title" = "Nest actions in a submenu";

/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "Sie können diese Platzhalter verwenden:\n\n%n wird durch den Dateinamen ersetzt\n%e wird durch die Dateiendung ersetzt\n%p wird durch den übergeordneten Ordner ersetzt\n%c wird durch die Anzahl an Dateien ersetzt\n%d wird durch das aktuelle Datum ersetzt\n%t wird durch die aktuelle Uhrzeit ersetzt\n%s wird durch den gemeinsamen Namen ersetzt\n%i% wird durch den Namen der ersten Datei ersetzt\n%ia% wird durch den Namen der erst-sortieren Datei ersetzt\n\nDie Ersetzungen können in manchen Fällen leer sein..";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "Sie können diese Platzhalter verwenden:\n\n%n wird durch den Dateinamen ersetzt\n%e wird durch die Dateiendung ersetzt\n%p wird durch den übergeordneten Ordner ersetzt\n%c wird durch die Anzahl an Dateien ersetzt\n%d wird durch das aktuelle Datum ersetzt\n%t wird durch die aktuelle Uhrzeit ersetzt\n%s wird durch den gemeinsamen Namen ersetzt\n%i% wird durch den Namen der ersten Datei ersetzt\n%ia% wird durch den Namen der erst-sortieren Datei ersetzt\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nDie Ersetzungen können in manchen Fällen leer sein..";

/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Fallback folder:"; ObjectID = "9dE-yV-N3K"; */
"9dE-yV-N3K.title" = "Ausweichordner:";
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions Translations/el.lproj/preferences.strings
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@

/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Default format:"; ObjectID = "159"; */
"159.title" = "Προεπιλεγμένος τύπος:";

@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Nest actions in a submenu"; ObjectID = "6bh-6N-5PP"; */
"6bh-6N-5PP.title" = "Nest actions in a submenu";

/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases.";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases.";

/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Fallback folder:"; ObjectID = "9dE-yV-N3K"; */
"9dE-yV-N3K.title" = "Fallback folder:";
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions Translations/en-GB.lproj/preferences.strings
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@

/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Default format:"; ObjectID = "159"; */
"159.title" = "Default format:";

@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Nest actions in a submenu"; ObjectID = "6bh-6N-5PP"; */
"6bh-6N-5PP.title" = "Nest actions in a submenu";

/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases.";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases.";

/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Fallback folder:"; ObjectID = "9dE-yV-N3K"; */
"9dE-yV-N3K.title" = "Fallback folder:";
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions Translations/en.lproj/preferences.strings
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@

/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Default format:"; ObjectID = "159"; */
"159.title" = "Default format:";

@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Nest actions in a submenu"; ObjectID = "6bh-6N-5PP"; */
"6bh-6N-5PP.title" = "Nest actions in a submenu";

/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases.";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases.";

/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Fallback folder:"; ObjectID = "9dE-yV-N3K"; */
"9dE-yV-N3K.title" = "Fallback folder:";

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