This is a dynamic Pulumi resource provider for AO processes. It allows you to deploy and manage AO processes and their Lua code using Pulumi.
This provider offers the following features:
This provider enables Pulumi to manage AO process, allowing you to integrate them with other cloud resources and services supported by Pulumi.
The provider can bundle Lua code with luabundle, just enter the path to your entry file and the provider will take care of the rest. The bundled code is then permanently uploaded to Arweave with ArDrive Turbo.
You can either provide the Lua code directly when defining a Process
to quickly write a simple process or use a ProcessCode
resource to share code
between multiple processes.
Update code or switch from direct code injection to code sharing without replacing the process.
Define a process with environment variables that are available to the Lua code
in a global Environment
table. Changing these variables will update the
process in-place.
- Turbo Credits for code uploads over 100KB.
curl -fsSL | sh
By default, Pulumi uses a cloud backend to store state. If you don't have a Pulumi account, you can use a local backend.
pulumi login file://./
This will create a .pulumi
directory in the current working directory.
If you want to use a cloud backend, you can use the following command.
pulumi login
You can also use S3 or an S3-compatible backend.
pulumi login 's3://<bucket-name>?region=us-east-1&awssdk=v2&profile=<profile-name>'
pulumi login 's3://<bucket-name>?endpoint=my.minio.local:8080&disableSSL=true&s3ForcePathStyle=true'
Run the following command and choose the TypeScript template.
pulumi new
npm i @ao-tools/pulumi-ao
The provider requires a wallet JWK file and an optional gateway URL and scheduler ID.
Note: Its's possible to pass these values directly to resources.
You need to have an Arweave wallet JWK file.
pulumi config set ao:walletPath /path/to/deployment_wallet.json
The gateway used to fetch code and tags from deployed processes.
pulumi config set ao:gatewayUrl
import * as ao from "@ao-tools/pulumi-ao"
new ao.Process("a", {
code: `
local json = require("json")
"Info", "Info",
Data = json.encode({Name = Name})
const code = new ao.ProcessCode("c", {
filePath: "./path/to/code.lua",
bundleLuaCode: true, // Optional, default is false
new ao.Process("a", { codeId: })
new ao.Process("b", { codeId: })
const processA = new ao.Process("a", {
customTags: {
TagName: "TagValue", // Changes require a replacement (i.e., new process ID)
code: `
local json = require("json")
"Info", "Info",
Data = json.encode({
Name = Name,
TagName = ao.env.Process.Tags.TagName
new ao.Process("b", {
environment: {
processAId:, // Changes are applied in-place (i.e., no new process ID)
// Environment variables are available in the Lua code as Environment table.
// They are directly accessible in the Handlers and in the Init() function,
// which will be called on create and update of the process code.
code: `
function Init()
Send({Targte = Environment.processAId, Action = "Info"})
const process = new ao.Process("a", {
schedulerId: "_GQ33BkPtZrqxA84vM8Zk-N2aO0toNNu_C-l-rawrBA", // testnet scheduler
moduleId: "Do_Uc2Sju_ffp6Ev0AnLVdPtot15rvMjP-a9VVaA5fM", // AOS 2.0.1
authorityId: "fcoN_xJeisVsPXA-trzVAuIiqO3ydLQxM-L4XbrQKzY", // testnet authority
gatewayUrl: "",
walletPath: "/path/to/process_5_wallet.json",
// Pulumi resource IDs are Arweave TX IDs and AO Process IDs.
export const processId =