This is a 30 days of programming challenge, conducted by Arsh Goyal
Goldman Sachs
- Print Anagrams Together
- Overlapping Rectangles
- Count the subarrays
- Run Length Encoding
- Nth Ugly Number
- Greatest Common Divisor of Strings
- Distributing M items in a circle
- Total Decoding Messages
- Number following a pattern
- Find max 10 numbers in a list having 10M entries
- Find Missing And Repeating
- Squares in N*N Chessboard
- Decode the string
- Minimum Size Subarray Sum
- Array Pair Sum Divisibility
- Calculating Maximum Profit
- Longest Mountain
- IPL 2021 - Match Day 2
- Brackets in Matrix Chain Multiplication
- Phone directory
- Maximum of all subarrays of size k
- First non-repeating character in a stream
- Count ways to N'th Stair
- Which among them forms a perfect Sudoku Pattern
- Nuts and Bolts Problem
- Tree Serialization and Deserialization
- Column name from a given column number
- Rotten Oranges
- Tree Burning
- Delete N nodes after M nodes of a linked list
- Minimum Sum Partition
- Prerequisite Tasks
- Rotate by 90 degree
- Traverse the matrix
- Stock span problem
- Possible Words From Phone Digits
- Unit Area of largest region
- Connect Nodes
- Count Number of SubTrees having given Sum
- Stickler Thief
- Print all binary numbers
- Unique quadruple
- Bridge edge in a graph
- Minimum number of steps
- Alien language
- Subarray with given sum
- Longest Arithmetic Progression
- Number of distinct Words with k maximum contiguous vowels
- Partition Equal Subset Sum
- Sum of power of natural number
- Well-formed(balanced) parentheses
- Pots of Gold Game
- Smallest palindromic number greater than N
- Elections
- String Amendment
- Leaders in Array
- Minimum operations to convert array A to B
- Smallest range in K lists
- Recent version
- Partition a set into two subsets
- Word search
- Find the missing no in string
- Largest number in K swaps
- Split Array Largest Sum
- Find in Mountain Array
- Capacity To Ship Packages Within D Days
- Number of Boomerangs
- Pacific Atlantic Water Flow
- Number of Provinces
- Construct Quad Tree
- Course Schedule
- Minimum Swaps to Arrange a Binary Grid
- As Far from Land as Possible
- Koko Eating Bananas
- Path with Maximum Probability
- Stone Game
- Remove colored pieces
- Number of unique paths
- Transform to sum tree
- Power of numbers
- Sorted subsequence of size
- Maximum height tree
- Guess number higher or lower
- Generate random point in a circle
- Maximum Performance of a Team
- Find array given subset sums
- Find the Kth Largest Integer in the Array
- Largest number in k swaps
- Divide two integers